======== Quadriga ======== The QUAsi Determinstic RadIo channel GenerAtor (QuaDRiGa) channel model is a Matlab based tool for generating radio channel impulse responses in multi-node networks of radio devices :footcite:`2014:jaeckel,2014:burkhardt`. It is integrated into Hermes as a channel model plugin, with the generation of new channel realizations triggering an execution of Quadriga's Matlab scripts via either the Matlab Python API or Octave. Please refer to the :doc:`/installation` hints for the required setup. .. mermaid:: :align: center classDiagram class QuadrigaChannel { +realize() +propagate() } class QuadrigaChannelRealization { +propagate() } class QuadrigaInterface { <> +get_impulse_response() } QuadrigaChannel o-- QuadrigaChannelRealization : realize() QuadrigaChannel *-- QuadrigaInterface click QuadrigaChannel href "channel.quadriga.QuadrigaChannel.html" click QuadrigaChannelRealization href "channel.quadriga.QuadrigaChannelRealization.html" click QuadrigaInterface href "channel.quadriga.QuadrigaInterface.html" .. toctree:: :glob: :hidden: channel.quadriga.* .. footbibliography::