===================== Spatial Delay Channel ===================== .. inheritance-diagram:: hermespy.channel.delay.spatial.SpatialDelayChannel hermespy.channel.delay.spatial.SpatialDelayChannelRealization :parts: 1 The spatial delay channel requires both linked devices to specify their assumed positions. Its impulse response between two devices :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` featuring :math:`N^{(\alpha)}` and :math:`N^{(\beta)}` antennas, respectively, is given by .. math:: \mathbf{H}(t,\tau) = \frac{1}{4\pi f_\mathrm{c}^{(\alpha)}\overline{\tau}} \mathbf{A}^{(\alpha,\beta)} \delta(\tau - \overline{\tau})\ \text{.} The assumed propagation delay between the two devices is given by .. math:: \overline{\tau} = \frac{\|\mathbf{p}^{(\alpha)} - \mathbf{p}^{(\beta)}\|_2}{c_0} and depends on the distance between the two devices located at positions :math:`\mathbf{p}^{(\alpha)}` and :math:`\mathbf{p}^{(\beta)}`. The sensor array response :math:`\mathbf{A}^{(\alpha,\beta)}` depends on the device's relative orientation towards each other. The following minimal example outlines how to configure the channel model within the context of a :class:`Simulation`: .. literalinclude:: ../../../scripts/examples/channel_SpatialDelayChannel.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 11-38 .. autoclass:: hermespy.channel.delay.spatial.SpatialDelayChannel :private-members: _realize .. autoclass:: hermespy.channel.delay.spatial.SpatialDelayChannelRealization .. footbibliography::