======== Cost 259 ======== .. inheritance-diagram:: hermespy.channel.fading.cost259.Cost259 :parts: 1 The Cost 259 channel model is a generic model for the simulation of mobile radio channels. Refer to :footcite:t:`2006:MolischA` and :footcite:t:`2006:MolischB` for more information. Parametrizations can be found in the standard :footcite:t:`3GPP:TR125943`. The following minimal example outlines how to configure the channel model within the context of a :class:`Simulation`: .. literalinclude:: ../../../scripts/examples/channel_MultipathFadingCost259.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 11-36 .. autoclass:: hermespy.channel.fading.cost259.Cost259 .. autoclass:: hermespy.channel.fading.cost259.Cost259Type .. footbibliography::