================= Multipath Fading ================= This module provides several implementations for statistical time-variant channel models. A single multipath propagation path is modeled as a Rician fading distribution by a sum-of-sinusoids approach .. math:: h_{\ell}(t) = \sqrt{\frac{K_{\ell}}{1 + K_{\ell}}} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} t \omega_{\ell} \cos(\theta_{\ell,0}) + \mathrm{j} \phi_{\ell,0} } + \sqrt{\frac{1}{N(1 + K_{\ell})}} \sum_{n=1}^{N} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} t \omega_{\ell} \cos\left( \frac{2\pi n + \theta_{\ell,n}}{N} \right) + \mathrm{j} \phi_{\ell,n}} as proposed by :footcite:t:`2006:xiao`. Each propagation path is composed of a specular component and a diffuse component, with rice factor :math:`K_{\ell}` balancing the power distribution between the both components. The more sinusoids :math:`N` are summed to model the fading, the more accurate the model is, however, :footcite:t:`2006:xiao` indicate that :math:`N = 8` is a good starting point for balancing accuracy with computational complexity. The overall path has a doppler shift :math:`\omega_{\ell}` that is balanced by the angles :math:`\theta_{\ell,0}` and :math:`\theta_{\ell,n}` for line of sight and diffuse components, respectively, with a random phase :math:`\phi_{\ell,0}` and :math:`\phi_{\ell,n}`. Note that for :math:`K_{\ell} = 0`, i.e. a non line of sight fading consisting of diffuse components only, this approximates a Rayleigh distribution. This model can is extended by :math:`L` spatial delay taps, meaning there are multiple spatial propagation paths resulting in a delay spread of the transmitted signal at the receiver, so that the overall channel is the sum of all paths .. math:: \mathbf{H}(t,\tau) = \mathbf{A}^{(0)} \sum_{\ell=1}^{L} g_{\ell} h_{\ell}(t) \delta(\tau - \tau_{\ell}) \mathbf{A}^{(1)} \ \text{,} with :math:`g_{\ell}` being the gain factor of the :math:`\ell`-th path, :math:`\tau_{\ell}` the delay of the :math:`\ell`-th path, and :math:`\mathbf{A}^{(0)}` and :math:`\mathbf{A}^{(1)}` being the antenna correlation matrices of the transmitter and receiver, respectively. For MIMO configurations with :class:`Devices` featuring multiple transmit- or receive-antennas, custom antenna correlations :math:`A^{(0)}` and :math:`A^{(1)}` can be specified for both linked devices, respectively, as proposed by :footcite:t:`2002:yu`. However, these antenna correlations do not model antenna array responses from spatial wave impingements. Instead, they are purely statistical approximations. .. mermaid:: classDiagram class MultipathFadingChannel { +realize() +propagate() } class MultipathFadingRealization { +propagate() } class PathRealization { +propagate() } class MultipathFading5GTDL { +realize() +propagate() } class MultipathFadingCost259 { +realize() +propagate() } class MultipathFadingExponential { +realize() +propagate() } MultipathFadingChannel --o MultipathFadingRealization : realize() PathRealization --* MultipathFadingRealization MultipathFading5GTDL --|> MultipathFadingChannel MultipathFadingCost259 --|> MultipathFadingChannel MultipathFadingExponential --|> MultipathFadingChannel click MultipathFadingChannel href "channel.multipath_fading_channel.MultipathFadingChannel.html" click MultipathFadingRealization href "channel.multipath_fading_channel.MultipathFadingRealization.html" click PathRealization href "channel.multipath_fading_channel.PathRealization.html" click MultipathFading5GTDL href "channel.multipath_fading_templates.MultipathFading5GTDL.html" click MultipathFadingCost259 href "channel.multipath_fading_templates.MultipathFadingCost259.html" click MultipathFadingExponential href "channel.multipath_fading_templates.MultipathFadingExponential.html" The base equations are implemented in the :class:`hermespy.channel.fading.fading.MultipathFadingChannel` and its respective :class:`hermespy.channel.fading.fading.MultipathFadingRealizaiton` / :class:`hermespy.channel.fading.fading.MultipathFadingSample`. Users may directly use the :class:`hermespy.channel.fading.fading.MultipathFadingChannel` with their own parameter sets. More conveniently, several standard parameterizations such as :class:`hermespy.channel.fading.tdl.TDL` :class:`hermespy.channel.fading.cost259.Cost259` and :class:`hermespy.channel.fading.exponential.Exponential` are provided. .. toctree:: :glob: :hidden: cost259 exponential tdl fading.* .. footbibliography::