=========================== Discrete Fourier Transform =========================== .. inheritance-diagram:: hermespy.modem.precoding.dft.DFT :parts: 1 :top-classes: hermespy.modem.precoding.symbol_precoding.SymbolPrecoder Discrete Fourier precodings apply a Fourier transform to the input symbols in between the mapping and modulation stage during transmission. Inversely, the precoding is applied after demodulation and before the demapping stage during reception. They can be configured by adding an instance to the :class:`SymbolPrecoding` of a :class:`Modem` exposed by the :attr:`precoding` attribute: .. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/modem_precoding_dft.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 18-42 .. autoclass:: hermespy.modem.precoding.dft.DFT .. footbibliography::