============== Antenna Arrays ============== .. inheritance-diagram:: hermespy.simulation.antennas.SimulatedAntennaArray :top-classes: hermespy.core.antennas.AntennaArray :parts: 1 Simulated antenna arrays are the simulation module's extension of the core :class:`AnteannaArray` decsription by :class:`RfChain` models and polarimetric antenna descriptions. They are used to configure the frontend description of :class:`SimulatedDevices`. The current implementation supports two types of antenna arrays: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Array Model - Description * - :doc:`Custom` - Custom antenna array with aribtray antenna types, positions and orientations * - :doc:`Uniform` - Uniformly antenna array with equidistantly spaced antennas of the same type They can be configured by assigning them to the :attr:`antennas` attribute of a :class:`SimulatedDevice`: .. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/simulation_antennas_SimulatedAntennaArray.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 12-14 The *SimulatedAntennaArray* in this example snippet has to be replaced by one of the available implementations. During simulation runtime, the aforementioned :attr:`antennas` property can be exploited to compare the performance of different antenna array models: .. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/simulation_antennas_SimulatedAntennaArray.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 17-25 In this case, every configured performance evaluator wille be executed for both antenna array models, collecting evaluation samples for each of them. .. autoclass:: hermespy.simulation.antennas.SimulatedAntennaArray .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 simulation.antennas.SimulatedCustomArray simulation.antennas.SimulatedUniformArray .. footbibliography::