===================== Saleh Power Amplifier ===================== .. inheritance-diagram:: hermespy.simulation.rf_chain.power_amplifier.SalehPowerAmplifier :parts: 1 Model of a power amplifier according to :footcite:t:`1981:saleh`. Implements a saturation characteristic according to .. math:: s'(t) = s(t) \cdot A\lbrace s(t) \rbrace e^{\mathrm{j} \Phi\lbrace s(t) \rbrace} where .. math:: A\lbrace s \rbrace = \frac{ \alpha_\mathrm{a} \frac{|s|}{s_\mathrm{sat}} } { 1 + \beta_\mathrm{a} \frac{|s|^2}{s_\mathrm{sat}^2} } describes the amplitude model depending on two parameters :math:`\alpha_\mathrm{a}, \beta_\mathrm{a} \in \mathbb{R}_{+}` and .. math:: \Phi\lbrace s \rbrace = \frac{ \alpha_\Phi \frac{|s|}{s_\mathrm{sat}} } { 1 + \beta_\Phi \frac{|s|^2}{s_\mathrm{sat}^2} } describes the phase model depending on :math:`\alpha_\Phi, \beta_\Phi \in \mathbb{R}`, respectively. .. autoclass:: hermespy.simulation.rf_chain.power_amplifier.SalehPowerAmplifier .. footbibliography::