======================= Oscillator Phase Noise ======================= .. inheritance-diagram:: hermespy.simulation.rf_chain.phase_noise.OscillatorPhaseNoise :parts: 1 Oscillator phase noise model according to :footcite:t:`2014:Khanzadi`, modeling the phase noise of an oscillator as a function of the distance to the carrier frequency :math:`\Delta f` in frequency domain. Phase noise is modeled as a superposition of three noise power spectral densities (PSDs) .. math:: S_{\phi}(\Delta f) = S_{\phi_0}(\Delta f) + S_{\phi_2}(\Delta f) + S_{\varphi_3}(\Delta f) where .. math:: S_{\phi_0}(\Delta f) = K_0 denotes the white noise floor PSD of power :math:`K_0`, .. math:: S_{\phi_2}(\Delta f) = \frac{K_2}{f^2} denotes the flicker noise PSD of power :math:`K_2` following a square law decay with distance to the carrier frequency :math:`\Delta f` and .. math:: S_{\phi_3}(\Delta f) = \frac{K_3}{f^3} denotes the flicker noise PSD of power :math:`K_3` following a cubic law decay with distance to the carrier frequency :math:`\Delta f`. A starting point for the parameter values is given by :footcite:t:`2014:Khanzadi` as .. math:: K_0 &= -110~\mathrm{dB} = 10^{-110/10} \\ K_2 &= 10 \\ K_3 &= 10^4 \quad \text{.} \\ .. autoclass:: hermespy.simulation.rf_chain.phase_noise.OscillatorPhaseNoise .. footbibliography::