============= Simulation ============= .. inheritance-diagram:: hermespy.simulation.simulation.Simulation :parts: 1 The :class:`Simulation` class extends HermesPy's core distributed :class:`MonteCarlo` simulation framework to support parameterized physical layer simulations of wireless communication and sensing scenarios. It manages the configuration of the physical layer description represented by :class:`SimulationScenarios`. Once the user has configured the physical layer description, a call to :meth:`run` will launch a full Monte Carlo simulation iterating over the configured parameter grid. During simulation runtime, the follwing sequence of simulation stages is repeatedly executed: #. Generate digital base-band signal models to be transmitted by the simulated devices #. Simulate the hardware effects of devices during transmission #. Realize all channel models #. Propagate the device transmissions over the channel realizations #. Simulate the hardware effects of devices during reception #. Digitally process base-band signal models received by the simulated devices #. Evaluate the configured performance metrics .. autoclass:: hermespy.simulation.simulation.Simulation .. footbibliography::