========= Tutorials ========= This section provides step-by-step instructions to working with, and expanding, the HermesPy API. The examples listed here display the output of executed `Jupyter`_ notebooks. In order to run them yourself, you may download their most recent version from the official HermesPy `repository`_ or directly access them via Google `Colabs`_ and run them online. **A link to directly execute the examples online will is provided at the beginning of each file.** .. toctree:: notebooks/channel.ipynb notebooks/fec_coding.ipynb notebooks/beamforming_usage.ipynb notebooks/beamforming_implementation.ipynb notebooks/waveform.ipynb notebooks/precoding.ipynb notebooks/roc.ipynb notebooks/datasets.ipynb notebooks/audio.ipynb notebooks/evaluator.ipynb .. _Jupyter: https://docs.jupyter.org/en/latest/ .. _repository: https://github.com/Barkhausen-Institut/hermespy/tree/main/docssource/notebooks/ .. _Colabs: https://colab.research.google.com/