Single Target

Inheritance diagram of,

Model of a radar channel featuring a single reflecting target.

The following minimal example outlines how to configure the channel model within the context of a Simulation:

class SingleTargetRadarChannel(target_range, radar_cross_section, target_azimuth=0.0, target_zenith=0.0, target_exists=True, velocity=0, attenuate=True, decorrelation_distance=inf, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: RadarChannelBase[SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization], Serializable

Model of a radar channel featuring a single reflecting target.

  • target_range (float | Tuple[float, float]) – Absolute distance of target and radar sensor in meters. Either a specific distance or a range of minimal and maximal target distance.

  • radar_cross_section (float) – Radar cross section (RCS) of the assumed single-point reflector in m**2

  • target_azimuth (float | Tuple[float, float]), optional) – Target location azimuth angle in radians, considering spherical coordinates. Zero by default.

  • target_zenith (float | Tuple[float, float]), optional) – Target location zenith angle in radians, considering spherical coordinates. Zero by default.

  • target_exists (bool, optional) – True if a target exists, False if there is only noise/clutter (default 0 True)

  • velocity (float | Tuple[float, float] | np.ndarray , optional) – Velocity as a 3D vector (or as a float), in m/s (default = 0)

  • attenuate (bool, optional) – If True, then signal will be attenuated depending on the range, RCS and losses. If False, then received power is equal to transmit power.


ValueError – If radar_cross_section < 0. If carrier_frequency <= 0. If more than one antenna is considered.


Generate a new channel realzation.

Abstract subroutine of realize. Each Channel is required to implement their own _realize() method.

Returns: A new channel realization.

Return type:



Recall a realization of this channel type from its HDF serialization.


group (h5py.Group) – HDF group to which the channel realization was serialized.

Return type:


Returns: The recalled realization instance.

property decorrelation_distance: float

Decorrelation distance of the channel.


ValueError – If the decorrelation distance is smaller than zero.

property radar_cross_section: float

Access configured radar cross section.


radar cross section [m**2]

Return type:


property target_azimuth: float | Tuple[float, float]

Target position azimuth in spherical coordiantes.


Azimuth angle in radians.

property target_exists: bool

Does an illuminated target exist?

property target_range: float | Tuple[float, float]

Absolute distance of target and radar sensor.

Returns: Target range in meters.


ValueError – If the range is smaller than zero.

property target_velocity: float | Tuple[float, float] | ndarray

Perceived target velocity.

Returns: Velocity in m/s.

property target_zenith: float | Tuple[float, float]

Target position zenith in spherical coordiantes.


Zenith angle in radians.

class SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization(consistent_realization, target_range_variable, target_azimuth_variable, target_zenith_variable, target_velocity_variable, target_phase_variable, target_range, target_azimuth, target_zenith, target_cross_section, target_velocity, attenuate, sample_hooks, gain)[source]

Bases: RadarChannelRealization

Realization of a single target radar channel.

Generated by the realize method of SingleTargetRadarChannel.


gain (float) – Linear power gain factor a signal experiences when being propagated over this realization.

static From_HDF(group, target_range_variable, target_azimuth_variable, target_zenith_variable, target_velocity_variable, target_phase_variable, sample_hooks)[source]
Return type:



Serialize the channel realization to HDF5.


group (Group) – HDF5 group to serialize the channel realization to.

Return type:
