Source code for hermespy.beamforming.beamformer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Beamforming is split into the prototype classes :class:`.TransmitBeamformer` and :class:`.ReceiveBeamformer`
for beamforming operations during signal transmission and reception, respectively.
They are both derived from the base :class:`BeamformerBase`.
This is due to the fact that some beamforming algorithms may be exclusive to transmission or reception use-cases.
Should a beamformer be applicable during both transmission and reception both prototypes can be inherited.
An example for such an implementation is the :class:`Conventional <.conventional.ConventionalBeamformer>` beamformer.
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Generic, Literal, overload, Sequence, TypeVar
import numpy as np
from hermespy.core import (
from hermespy.precoding import Precoding, ReceiveStreamDecoder, TransmitStreamEncoder
__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.3.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"
FT = TypeVar("FT", bound="BeamFocus")
"""Type of beam focus."""
class BeamFocus(ABC, Serializable):
"""Single focus point of a beamformer."""
property_blacklist = {"beamformer", "spherical_angles"}
__beamformer: BeamformerBase | None # Beamformer this focus point is assigned to
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__beamformer = None
def spherical_angles(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Azimuth and zenith angles in radians, towards which the beam is focused in spherical coordinates."""
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def copy(self: FT) -> FT:
"""Create a copy of this focus point.
A copy of this focus point.
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def beamformer(self) -> BeamformerBase | None:
"""Beamformer this focus point is assigned to."""
return self.__beamformer
def beamformer(self, value: BeamformerBase | None) -> None:
self.__beamformer = value
def __str__(self) -> str:
angles = self.spherical_angles
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({angles[0]:.2f}, {angles[1]:.2f})"
class DeviceFocus(BeamFocus):
"""Focus point targeting a device."""
yaml_tag = "DeviceFocus"
__device: Device # Device focused by the beamformer
def __init__(self, device: Device) -> None:
device (Device): Device focused by the beamformer.
# Initialize base class
# Initialize class members
self.__device = device
def device(self) -> Device:
"""Device focused by the beamformer."""
return self.__device
def spherical_angles(self) -> np.ndarray:
if self.beamformer is None:
raise RuntimeError("Device focus requires the beamformer to be specified")
if self.beamformer.operator is None:
raise RuntimeError("Device focues requires the beaformer to be assigned to an operator")
base = self.beamformer.operator.device
if base is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Device focus requires the beamformer's operator to be assigned to a device"
direction = Direction.From_Cartesian(
self.__device.global_position - base.global_position, True
return direction.to_spherical()
class SphericalFocus(BeamFocus):
"""Focus point in spherical coordinates."""
yaml_tag = "SphericalFocus"
__angles: np.ndarray
def __init__(self, angles: np.ndarray) -> None:
angles (numpy.ndarray): Spherical angles in radians.
ValueError: On invalid argument types.
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def __init__(self, azimuth: float, zenith: float) -> None:
azimuth (float): Azimuth angle in radians.
zenith (float): Zenith angle in radians.
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def __init__( # type: ignore
self, angles: float | np.ndarray, zenith: float | None = None
) -> None:
if isinstance(angles, (float, int, np.float_, np.int_)):
self.__angles = np.array([angles, zenith], dtype=np.float_)
elif isinstance(angles, np.ndarray):
self.__angles = angles
raise ValueError("Invalid argument type")
# Initialize base class
def angles(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Spherical azimuth and zenith angles in radians."""
return self.__angles
def spherical_angles(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.__angles
class CoordinateFocus(BeamFocus):
"""Focus the beamformer towards a certain Cartesian coordinate."""
yaml_tag = "CoordinateFocus"
__direction: Direction
__reference: Literal["global", "local"]
def __init__(
self, coordinates: np.ndarray | Direction, reference: Literal["global", "local"] = "local"
) -> None:
coordinates (numpy.ndarray): Cartesian coordinates in m.
reference (str, optional): Reference frame of the coordinates.
# Initialize base class
# Initialize class members
self.__direction = (
if isinstance(coordinates, Direction)
else Direction.From_Cartesian(coordinates, True)
self.__reference = reference
def coordinates(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Cartesian coordinates in m."""
return self.__direction.view(np.ndarray)
def reference(self) -> Literal["global", "local"]:
"""Reference frame of the coordinates."""
return self.__reference
def copy(self) -> CoordinateFocus:
return CoordinateFocus(self.__direction.copy(), self.__reference)
def spherical_angles(self) -> np.ndarray:
if self.reference == "local":
return self.__direction.to_spherical()
elif self.reference == "global":
if self.beamformer is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Global coordinate focus requires the beamformer to be specified"
if self.beamformer.operator is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Global coordinate focus requires the beaformer to be assigned to an operator"
base = self.beamformer.operator.device
if base is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Global coordinate focus requires the beamformer's operator to be assigned to a device"
transformation = base.antennas.backwards_transformation
local_direction = transformation.transform_direction(self.__direction)
return local_direction.to_spherical()
OT = TypeVar("OT", bound=Operator)
"""Type of operator."""
class BeamformerBase(ABC, Generic[OT]):
"""Base class for all beam steering precodings."""
# Reference to the operator the beamformer is attached to
__operator: OT | None
def __init__(self, operator: OT | None = None) -> None:
operator (OT, optional):
The operator this beamformer is attached to.
By default, the beamformer is considered floating.
self.operator = operator
def operator(self) -> OT | None:
"""The operator this beamformer is assigned to.
Handle to the operator.
`None` if the beamformer is considered floating.
return self.__operator
def operator(self, value: OT | None) -> None:
self.__operator = value
def _assumed_array(self, array: AntennaArray | None) -> AntennaArray:
"""Infer the antenna array used for beamforming.
array (AntennaArray, optional):
The assumed antenna array.
If `None`, the operator's antenna array is used.
Returns: The array.
FloatingError: If the operator or operator device are not yet specified.
# Return the provided array
if array is not None:
return array
if self.operator is None:
raise FloatingError("Unable to steer a signal over a floating beamformer")
if self.operator.device is None:
raise FloatingError("Unable to steer a signal over a floating operator")
return self.operator.device.antennas
class TransmitBeamformer(BeamformerBase[Transmitter], TransmitStreamEncoder, ABC):
"""Base class for beam steering precodings during signal transmissions."""
__focus_points: Sequence[BeamFocus]
def __init__(self, operator: Transmitter | None = None) -> None:
operator (Transmitter, optional):
The operator this beamformer is attached to.
By default, the beamformer is considered floating.
self.__focus_points = [
SphericalFocus(0.0, 0.0) for _ in range(self.num_transmit_focus_points)
BeamformerBase.__init__(self, operator=operator)
def num_transmit_input_streams(self) -> int:
"""Number of input streams required by this beamformer.
Number of input streams.
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def num_transmit_output_streams(self) -> int:
"""Number of output streams generated by this beamformer.
Number of output streams.
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def num_transmit_focus_points(self) -> int:
"""Number of required transmit focus points.
If this is :math:`1`,
the beamformer is considered to be a single focus point beamformer and
:attr:`.transmit_focus` will return a single focus point.
Otherwise, the beamformer is considered a multi focus point beamformer and
:attr:`.transmit_focus` will return a :py:obj:`Sequence` of focus points.
Returns: Number of focus points.
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def encode_streams(self, streams: Signal) -> Signal:
if streams.num_streams != self.num_transmit_input_streams:
raise ValueError(
"Stream encoding configuration invalid, number of provided streams don't match the beamformer requirements"
return self.transmit(streams)
@TransmitStreamEncoder.precoding.setter # type: ignore
def precoding(self, precoding: Precoding) -> None:
self.operator = precoding.modem # type: ignore
TransmitStreamEncoder.precoding.fset(self, precoding) # type: ignore
def _encode(
samples: np.ndarray,
carrier_frequency: float,
focus_angles: np.ndarray,
array: AntennaArray,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Encode signal streams for transmit beamforming.
samples (np.ndarray):
Signal samples, first dimension being the number of transmit antennas, second the number of samples.
carrier_frequency (float):
The assumed carrier central frequency of the samples.
focus_angles (np.ndarray):
Focused angles of departure in radians.
Two-dimensional numpy array with the first dimension representing the number of focus points
and the second dimension of magnitude two being the azimuth and elevation angles, respectively.
array (AntennaArray):
The assumed antenna array.
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def transmit_focus(self) -> BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus]:
"""Focus points of the beamformer during transmission.
Depending on :attr:`.num_transmit_focus_points`
this is either a single focus point or a :py:obj:`Sequence` of points.
ValueError: If the provided number of focus points does not match the number of required focus points.
return self.__focus_points
def transmit_focus(self, value: BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus]) -> None:
# Force value to be a sequence internally
_value = [value] if isinstance(value, BeamFocus) else [v for v in value]
# Make sure the expected number of focus points is provided
if len(_value) != self.num_transmit_focus_points:
raise ValueError(
f"The provided focus contains {len(_value)} points, but the beamformer requires {self.num_transmit_focus_points} focus points"
# Set the focus points' beamformer reference
for focus in _value:
focus.beamformer = self
# Save results
self.__focus_points = _value
def transmit(
signal: Signal,
focus: BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus] | None = None,
array: AntennaArray | None = None,
) -> Signal:
"""Focus a signal model towards a certain target.
signal (Signal):
The signal to be steered.
focus (BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus], optional):
Focus points of the steered signal power.
If `None`, the beamformer's default :attr:`.transmit_focus` is used.
array (AntennaArray, optional):
Antenna array assumed used for steering.
If `None`, the operator's antenna array is used.
Samples of the focused signal.
RuntimeError: If the operator or operator device are not yet specified.
RuntimeError: If the number of signal streams does not match the number of required input streams.
ValueError: If the number of focus points does not match the number of required focus points.
# Infer the required focus points
_focus: Sequence[BeamFocus]
if focus is None:
_focus = (
if isinstance(self.transmit_focus, BeamFocus)
else self.transmit_focus
elif isinstance(focus, BeamFocus):
_focus = [focus]
_focus = focus
# Infer the assumed antenna array
_array = self._assumed_array(array)
if signal.num_streams != self.num_transmit_input_streams:
raise RuntimeError(
f"The provided signal contains {signal.num_streams}, but the beamformer requires {self.num_transmit_input_streams} streams"
if len(_focus) != self.num_transmit_focus_points:
raise ValueError(
f"The provided focus contains {len(_focus)} points, but the beamformer requires {self.num_transmit_focus_points} focus points"
carrier_frequency = signal.carrier_frequency
samples = signal[:, :]
focus_angles = np.array([focus.spherical_angles for focus in _focus], dtype=np.float_)
steered_samples = self._encode(samples, carrier_frequency, focus_angles, _array)
return signal.from_ndarray(steered_samples)
class ReceiveBeamformer(BeamformerBase[Receiver], ReceiveStreamDecoder, ABC):
"""Base class for beam steering precodings during signal receptions.
The beamformer is characterised by its required number of input streams :math:`N`,
the resulting number of output streams :math:`M` and the supported number of focus points :math:`F`.
Considering a beamformer is provided with a matrix of :math:`T` baseband samples
:math:`\\mathbf{X} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{N \\times T}`, the beamforming process
.. math::
\\mathbf{Y} = \\mathcal{B}\\lbrace \\mathbf{X} \\rbrace \\quad \\text{with} \\quad \\mathbf{Y} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{M \\times T}
can generally be described as a function compressing the number of streams while focusing the power towards
the angles of interest :math:`F`.
__focus_points: Sequence[BeamFocus]
def __init__(self, operator: Receiver | None = None) -> None:
operator (Receiver, optional):
The operator this beamformer is attached to.
By default, the beamformer is considered floating.
self.receive_focus = [
SphericalFocus(0.0, 0.0) for _ in range(self.num_receive_focus_points)
self.probe_focus_points = np.zeros((1, self.num_receive_focus_points, 2), dtype=float)
BeamformerBase.__init__(self, operator=operator)
def num_receive_input_streams(self) -> int:
"""Number of input streams required by this beamformer.
Dimension :math:`N` of the input sample matrix
:math:`\\mathbf{X} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{N \\times T}`.
Number of input streams :math:`N`.
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def num_receive_output_streams(self) -> int:
"""Number of output streams generated by this beamformer.
Dimension :math:`M` of the output sample matrix
:math:`\\mathbf{Y} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{M \\times T}`.
Number of output streams :math:`M`.
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def num_receive_focus_points(self) -> int:
"""Number of required receive focus points.
If this is :math:`1`,
the beamformer is considered to be a single focus point beamformer and
:attr:`.receive_focus` will return a single focus point.
Otherwise, the beamformer is considered a multi focus point beamformer and
:attr:`.receive_focus` will return a :py:obj:`Sequence` of focus points.
Returns: Number of focus points.
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def decode_streams(self, streams: Signal) -> Signal:
if streams.num_streams != self.num_receive_input_streams:
raise ValueError(
"Stream decoding configuration invalid, number of provided streams don't match the beamformer requirements"
return self.receive(streams)
@ReceiveStreamDecoder.precoding.setter # type: ignore
def precoding(self, precoding: Precoding) -> None:
self.operator = precoding.modem # type: ignore
ReceiveStreamDecoder.precoding.fset(self, precoding) # type: ignore
def _decode(
self, samples: np.ndarray, carrier_frequency: float, angles: np.ndarray, array: AntennaArray
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Decode signal streams for receive beamforming.
This method is called as a subroutine during :meth:`receive` and :meth:`probe`.
samples (np.ndarray):
Signal samples, first dimension being the number of signal streams :math:`N`, second the number of samples :math:`T`.
carrier_frequency (float):
The assumed carrier central frequency of the samples :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}`.
angles (numpy.ndarray):
Spherical coordinate system angles of arrival in radians.
A three-dimensional numpy array with the first dimension representing the number of angles,
the second dimension of magnitude number of focus points :math:`F`,
and the third dimension containing the azimuth and zenith angle in radians, respectively.
array (AntennaArray):
The assumed antenna array.
Stream samples of the focused signal towards all focus points.
A three-dimensional numpy array with the first dimension representing the number of focus points,
the second dimension the number of returned streams and the third dimension the amount of samples.
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def receive_focus(self) -> BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus]:
"""Focus points of the beamformer during reception.
Depending on :attr:`.num_receive_focus_points`
this is either a single focus point or a :py:obj:`Sequence` of points.
ValueError: If the provided number of focus points does not match the number of required focus points.
return self.__focus_points
def receive_focus(self, value: BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus]) -> None:
# Force value to be a sequence internally
_value = [value] if isinstance(value, BeamFocus) else [v for v in value]
# Make sure the expected number of focus points is provided
if len(_value) != self.num_receive_focus_points:
raise ValueError(
f"The provided focus contains {len(_value)} points, but the beamformer requires {self.num_receive_focus_points} focus points"
# Set the focus points' beamformer reference
for focus in _value:
focus.beamformer = self
# Save results
self.__focus_points = _value
def receive(
signal: Signal,
focus: BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus] | None = None,
array: AntennaArray | None = None,
) -> Signal:
"""Focus a signal model towards a certain target.
signal (Signal):
The signal to be steered.
focus (BeamFocus | Sequence[BeamFocus], optional):
Focus of the steered signal power.
If not provided, the beamformer's default :attr:`.receive_focus` is used.
array (AntennaArray, optional):
Antenna array assumed used for steering.
If not specified, the operator's antenna array is used.
Signal focused towards the requested focus points.
FloatingError: If the operator or operator device are not yet specified.
RuntimeError: If the number of signal streams does not match the number of required input streams.
ValueError: If the number of focus points does not match the number of required focus points.
# Infer the required focus points
_focus: Sequence[BeamFocus]
if focus is None:
_focus = (
if isinstance(self.receive_focus, BeamFocus)
else self.receive_focus
elif isinstance(focus, BeamFocus):
_focus = [focus]
_focus = focus
# Infer the assumed antenna array
_array = self._assumed_array(array)
if array is None and signal.num_streams != self.num_receive_input_streams:
raise RuntimeError(
f"The provided signal contains {signal.num_streams}, but the beamformer requires {self.num_receive_input_streams} streams"
if len(_focus) != self.num_receive_focus_points:
raise ValueError(
f"The provided focus contains {len(_focus)} points, but the beamformer requires {self.num_receive_focus_points} focus points"
carrier_frequency = signal.carrier_frequency
samples = signal[:, :]
focus_angles = np.array([[focus.spherical_angles for focus in _focus]], dtype=np.float_)
beamformed_samples = self._decode(samples, carrier_frequency, focus_angles, _array)
return signal.from_ndarray(beamformed_samples[0, ::])
def probe_focus_points(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Default beamformer focus points during probing.
The focus points as a three-dimensional numpy array, with the first dimension
representing the probe index, the second dimension the point and the third dimension of magnitude
two the point azimuth and zenith, respectively.
ValueError: On invalid arguments.
return self.__probe_focus_points
def probe_focus_points(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None:
# Expand points by new dimension if only a single focus tuple was requested
if value.ndim == 2:
value = value[np.newaxis, ::]
if value.ndim != 3:
raise ValueError("Probing focus points must be a three-dimensional array")
if value.shape[1] != self.num_receive_focus_points:
raise ValueError(
f"Focus requires {self.num_receive_focus_points} points, but {value.shape[1]} were provided"
self.__probe_focus_points = value
def probe(self, signal: Signal, focus_points: np.ndarray | None = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Focus a signal model towards certain directions of interest.
signal (Signal):
The signal to be steered.
focus_points (np.ndarray, optional):
Focus point of the steered signal power.
Two-dimensional numpy array with the first dimension representing the number of points
and the second dimension representing the point values.
Stream samples of the focused signal towards all focus points.
A three-dimensional numpy array with the first dimension representing the number of focus points,
the second dimension the number of returned streams and the third dimension the amount of samples.
focus_points = self.probe_focus_points if focus_points is None else focus_points
if self.operator is None:
raise FloatingError("Unable to steer a signal over a floating beamformer")
if self.operator.device is None:
raise FloatingError("Unable to steer a signal over a floating operator")
if signal.num_streams != self.num_receive_input_streams:
raise RuntimeError(
f"The provided signal contains {signal.num_streams}, but the beamformer requires {self.num_receive_input_streams} streams"
carrier_frequency = signal.carrier_frequency
samples = signal[:, :]
return self._decode(samples, carrier_frequency, focus_points, self.operator.device.antennas)