Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from math import ceil
from typing import Any, Generic, Mapping, Set, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from h5py import Group
from scipy.constants import pi, speed_of_light
from sparse import GCXS  # type: ignore

from hermespy.core import (
from import (

    from hermespy.simulation import DeviceState  # pragma: no cover

__author__ = "Andre Noll Barreto"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Andre Noll Barreto", "Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.3.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

RCST = TypeVar("RCST", bound="RadarChannelSample")
"""Type of radar channel sample."""

[docs] class RadarChannelSample(ChannelSample): """Realization of a radar channel. Generated by :meth:`RadarChannelBase.realize` and :meth:`RadarChannelBase.realize_interference`. """ __paths: Sequence[RadarPath] __gain: float def __init__(self, paths: Sequence[RadarPath], gain: float, state: LinkState) -> None: """ Args: paths (Sequence[RadarPath]): Sequence of realized radar propagation paths. gain (float): Channel gain in linear scale. state (ChannelState): State of the channel at the time of sampling. """ # Initialize base class ChannelSample.__init__(self, state) # Initialize class attributes self.__paths = paths self.__gain = gain @property def paths(self) -> Sequence[RadarPath]: """Sequence of realized radar propagation paths.""" return self.__paths @property def gain(self) -> float: """Channel gain in linear scale.""" return self.__gain @property def expected_energy_scale(self) -> float: return self.__gain # ToDo: Consider the energy scale of the paths def _propagate(self, signal: SignalBlock, interpolation: InterpolationMode) -> SignalBlock: delays = np.array( [ path.propagation_delay(self.transmitter_state, self.receiver_state) for path in self.paths ] ) velocities = np.array( [ path.relative_velocity(self.transmitter_state, self.receiver_state) for path in self.paths ] ) # Compute the expected sample overhead of the propagated sample resultin from propagtion delays if delays.size > 0: max_delay_in_samples = ceil( delays.max() * self.bandwidth + 2 * velocities.max() * signal.num_samples / (self.bandwidth * speed_of_light) ) else: max_delay_in_samples = 0 propagated_samples = np.zeros( (self.num_receive_antennas, signal.num_samples + max_delay_in_samples), dtype=np.complex_, ) # Compute the signal propagated along each respective path realization for path, delay, velocity in zip(self.paths, delays, velocities): path.add_propagation( self.transmitter_state, self.receiver_state, signal, self.bandwidth, self.carrier_frequency, propagated_samples, delay, velocity, ) # Apply the channel gain propagated_samples *= self.gain**0.5 return SignalBlock(propagated_samples, signal._offset)
[docs] def state( self, num_samples: int, max_num_taps: int, interpolation_mode: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NEAREST, ) -> ChannelStateInformation: raw_state = np.zeros( ( self.receiver_state.antennas.num_receive_antennas, self.transmitter_state.antennas.num_transmit_antennas, num_samples, max_num_taps, ), dtype=np.complex_, ) for path in self.paths: path.add_state( self.transmitter_state, self.receiver_state, self.bandwidth, self.carrier_frequency, 0.0, raw_state, ) # Apply the channel gain raw_state *= self.gain**0.5 return ChannelStateInformation( ChannelStateFormat.IMPULSE_RESPONSE, GCXS.from_numpy(raw_state) )
[docs] def null_hypothesis(self) -> RadarChannelSample: """Generate a null hypothesis channel sample rom a given channel sample. Null hypothesis sample will remove non-static propagation components from the channel model. This function is, for example, accessed to evaluate a radar link's receiver operating characteristics. Returns: The null hypothesis radar channel realization. """ # Remove non-static paths static_paths = [path for path in self.paths if path.static] return RadarChannelSample( static_paths, self.gain, LinkState( self.transmitter_state, self.receiver_state, self.carrier_frequency, self.bandwidth, 0.0, ), )
[docs] class RadarChannelRealization(ChannelRealization[RadarChannelSample]): """Realization of a radar channel.""" def __init__( self, sample_hooks: Set[ChannelSampleHook[RadarChannelSample]], gain: float ) -> None: """_summary_ Args: sample_hooks (Set[ChannelSampleHook[CST]], optional): Hooks to be called after the channel is sampled. gain (float): Linear power gain factor a signal experiences when being propagated over this realization. """ # Initialize base class ChannelRealization.__init__(self, sample_hooks, gain) @abstractmethod def _generate_paths(self, state: LinkState) -> Sequence[RadarPath]: """Generate the sequence of realized radar propagation paths. Subroutine of :meth:`RadarChannelRealization._sample`. Args: state (ChannelState): State of the channel at the time of sampling. Returns: Sequence of realized radar propagation paths. """ ... # pragma: no cover def _sample(self, state: LinkState) -> RadarChannelSample: return RadarChannelSample(self._generate_paths(state), self.gain, state) def _reciprocal_sample( self, sample: RadarChannelSample, state: LinkState ) -> RadarChannelSample: return RadarChannelSample(sample.paths, sample.gain, state)
RCRT = TypeVar("RCRT", bound=RadarChannelRealization) """Type of radar channel realization."""
[docs] class RadarPath(HDFSerializable): """Realization of a radar propagation path between transmitter and receiver""" __attenuate: bool __static: bool def __init__(self, attenuate: bool = True, static: bool = False) -> None: """ Args: attenuate (bool, optional): Should the propagated signal be attenuated during propagation modeling? Enabled by default. static (bool, optional): Is the path considered static? Static paths will remain during null hypothesis testing. Disabled by default. """ # Initialize class attributes self.__attenuate = attenuate self.__static = static @property def attenuate(self) -> bool: """Should a propagated signal be attenuated during propagation modeling?""" return self.__attenuate @attenuate.setter def attenuate(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__attenuate = value @property def static(self) -> bool: """Is the path considered static?""" return self.__static @static.setter def static(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__static = value @property @abstractmethod def ground_truth(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None: """Consolidate the true target information represented by this path. Either a tuple of the target's position and velocity or `None` if the path represents only interference / clutter. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def propagation_delay(self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState) -> float: """Propagation delay of the wave from transmitter over target to receiver. Denoted by :math:`\\tau_{\\ast}` within the respective equations. Args: transmitter (DeviceState): Transmitting device. receiver (Device): Receiving device. Returns: Propagation delay in seconds. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def relative_velocity(self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState) -> float: """Relative velocity between transmitter and receiver. Denoted by :math:`v_{\\ast}` within the respective equations. Args: transmitter (DeviceState): Transmitting device. receiver (DeviceState): Receiving device. Returns: Relative velocity in m/s. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def propagation_response( self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: """Multipath sensor array response matrix from transmitter to receiver. Includes polarization losses. Args: transmitter (DeviceState): Transmitting device. receiver (DeviceState): Receiving device. carrier_frequency (float): Carrier frequency of the propagated signal in Hz. Denoted by :math:`f_{\\mathrm{c}}^{(\\alpha)}` within the respective equations. Returns: Numpy matrix of antenna response weights. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def add_propagation( self, transmitter_state: DeviceState, receiver_state: DeviceState, signal: np.ndarray, bandwidth: float, carrier_frequency: float, propagated_samples: np.ndarray, propagation_delay: float | None = None, relative_velocity: float | None = None, ) -> None: """Add propagation of a signal over this path realization to a given sample buffer. Args: transmitter (DeviceState): Transmitting device. receiver (DeviceState): Receiving device. signal (np.ndarray): Signal samples to be propagated. bandwidth (float): Sampling rate of the the propagated signal model in Hz. carrier_frequency (float): Central carrier frequency of the propagated signal in Hz. propagated_samples (np.ndarray): Sample buffer to be written to. propagation_delay (float, optional): Propagation delay of the wave from transmitter over target to receiver. If not specified, the delay will be queried from :meth:`propagation_delay`. relative_velocity (float, optional): Relative velocity between transmitter and receiver. If not specified, the velocity will be queried from :meth:`relative_velocity`. """ # Query the required parameters propagation_delay = ( self.propagation_delay(transmitter_state, receiver_state) if propagation_delay is None else propagation_delay ) relative_velocity = ( self.relative_velocity(transmitter_state, receiver_state) if relative_velocity is None else relative_velocity ) propagation_response = self.propagation_response( transmitter_state, receiver_state, carrier_frequency ) delay_sample_offset = int(propagation_delay * bandwidth) doppler_shift = relative_velocity * carrier_frequency / speed_of_light # ToDo: Exact time of flight resampling # echo_timestamps = propagation_delay + 2 * relative_velocity * signal.timestamps / speed_of_light # echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift * echo_timestamps)) echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift / bandwidth * np.arange(signal.shape[1]))) propagated_samples[ :, delay_sample_offset : delay_sample_offset + signal.shape[1] ] += np.einsum("ij,jk,k->ik", propagation_response, signal, echo_weights)
[docs] def add_state( self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState, bandwidth: float, carrier_frequency: float, delay: float, state: np.ndarray, ) -> None: """Add propagation of a signal over this path realization to a given channel state information sample buffer. Args: transmitter (DeviceState): Transmitting device. receiver (DeviceState): Receiving device. bandwidth (float): Sampling rate of the the propagated signal model in Hz. carrier_frequency (float): Central carrier frequency of the propagated signal in Hz. delay (float): Delay of the channel state information in seconds. state (np.ndarray): Sample buffer to be written to. """ # Query the required parameters propagation_delay = self.propagation_delay(transmitter, receiver) relative_velocity = self.relative_velocity(transmitter, receiver) propagation_response = self.propagation_response(transmitter, receiver, carrier_frequency) delay_sample_offset = int(propagation_delay * bandwidth - delay) if delay_sample_offset < 0 or delay_sample_offset >= state.shape[3]: return doppler_shift = relative_velocity * carrier_frequency / speed_of_light # echo_timestamps = delay + 2 * relative_velocity * np.arange(state.shape[2]) / speed_of_light # echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift * echo_timestamps)) echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift / bandwidth * np.arange(state.shape[2]))) state[:, :, :, delay_sample_offset] += np.einsum( "ij,k->ijk", propagation_response, echo_weights )
def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize the class attributes group.attrs["attenuate"] = self.attenuate group.attrs["static"] = self.static @classmethod def _parameters_from_HDF(cls: Type[RadarPath], group: Group) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Deserialize the object's parameters from HDF5. Intended to be used as a subroutine of :meth:`From_HDF`. Returns: The object's parmeters as a keyword argument dictionary. """ return {"attenuate": group.attrs["attenuate"], "static": group.attrs["static"]}
[docs] class RadarTargetPath(RadarPath): """Realization of a radar propagation path resulting from a target scattering""" def __init__( self, position: np.ndarray, velocity: np.ndarray, cross_section: float, reflection_phase: float, attenuate: bool = True, static: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: position (np.ndarray): Global position of the path's target. velocity (np.ndarray): Global velocity of the path's target. cross_section (float): Radar cross section of the path's target in :math:`\\mathrm{m}^2`. reflection_phase (float): Reflection phase of the path's target in radians. attenuate (bool, optional): Should the propagated signal be attenuated during propagation modeling? Enabled by default. static (bool, optional): Is the path considered static? Static paths will remain during null hypothesis testing. Disabled by default. """ # Initialize the base class RadarPath.__init__(self, attenuate, static) # Initialize class attributes self.__global_position = position self.__global_velocity = velocity self.__cross_section = cross_section self.__reflection_phase = reflection_phase @property def position(self) -> np.ndarray: """Global position of the path's target. Denoted by :math:`\\mathbf{p}^{(\\ell)}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__global_position @property def velocity(self) -> np.ndarray: """Global velocity of the path's target in m/s as a cartesian vector. Denoted by :math:`\\mathbf{v}^{(\\ell)}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__global_velocity @property def cross_section(self) -> float: """Radar cross section of the path's target in :math:`\\mathrm{m}^2`. Denoted by :math:`\\sigma_{\\ell}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__cross_section @property def reflection_phase(self) -> float: """Reflection phase of the path's target in radians. Represented by :math:`\\phi_{\\mathrm{Target}}^{(\\ell)}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__reflection_phase @property def ground_truth(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: return self.position, self.velocity
[docs] def propagation_delay(self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState) -> float: emerging_vector = self.position - transmitter.position impinging_vector = receiver.position - self.position delay = ( np.linalg.norm(emerging_vector) + np.linalg.norm(impinging_vector) ) / speed_of_light return delay
[docs] def relative_velocity(self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState) -> float: target_position = self.position emerging_vector = target_position - transmitter.position impinging_vector = receiver.position - target_position # Model the doppler-shift from transmitter to receiver target_velocity = self.velocity relative_transmitter_velocity = Direction.From_Cartesian(emerging_vector, normalize=True), target_velocity - transmitter.velocity, ) relative_receiver_velocity = Direction.From_Cartesian(impinging_vector, normalize=True), receiver.velocity - target_velocity, ) return relative_transmitter_velocity + relative_receiver_velocity
[docs] def propagation_response( self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: # Query the sensor array responses rx_response = receiver.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, self.position, "global" ) tx_response = transmitter.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, self.position, "global" ).conj() if self.attenuate: # Compute propagation distances tx_distance = np.linalg.norm(self.position - transmitter.position) rx_distance = np.linalg.norm(receiver.position - self.position) wavelength = speed_of_light / carrier_frequency amplitude_factor = ( wavelength * self.cross_section**0.5 / ((4 * pi) ** 1.5 * tx_distance * rx_distance) ) else: amplitude_factor = 1.0 # Compute the MIMO response return ( amplitude_factor * np.exp(1j * self.reflection_phase) * np.inner(rx_response, tx_response) )
def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize base class RadarPath.to_HDF(self, group) # Serialize class attributes self._write_dataset(group, "position", self.position) self._write_dataset(group, "velocity", self.velocity) group.attrs["cross_section"] = self.cross_section group.attrs["reflection_phase"] = self.reflection_phase @classmethod def from_HDF(cls: Type[RadarTargetPath], group: Group) -> RadarTargetPath: # Deserialize base class parameters = RadarPath._parameters_from_HDF(group) # Deserialize class attributes position = np.array(group["position"], dtype=np.float_) velocity = np.array(group["velocity"], dtype=np.float_) cross_section = group.attrs["cross_section"] reflection_phase = group.attrs["reflection_phase"] return RadarTargetPath(position, velocity, cross_section, reflection_phase, **parameters)
[docs] class RadarInterferencePath(RadarPath): """Realization of a line of sight interference propgation path between a radar transmitter and receiver""" @property def ground_truth(self) -> None: # Always None because the LOS interference does not represent a real target return None # pragma: no cover
[docs] def propagation_delay(self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState) -> float: delay = np.linalg.norm(receiver.position - transmitter.position) / speed_of_light return delay
[docs] def relative_velocity(self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState) -> float: connection = Direction.From_Cartesian( receiver.position - transmitter.position, normalize=True ).view(np.ndarray) return - receiver.velocity, connection)
[docs] def propagation_response( self, transmitter: DeviceState, receiver: DeviceState, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: # Model the sensor arrays' spatial responses rx_response = receiver.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, transmitter.position, "global" ).conj() tx_response = transmitter.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, receiver.position, "global" ) if self.attenuate: # Compute propagation distance distance = np.linalg.norm(receiver.position - transmitter.position) wavelength = speed_of_light / carrier_frequency amplitude_factor = wavelength / (4 * pi * distance) else: amplitude_factor = 1.0 # Compute the MIMO response return amplitude_factor * np.inner(rx_response, tx_response)
@classmethod def from_HDF(cls: Type[RadarInterferencePath], group: Group) -> RadarInterferencePath: # Deserialize base class parameters = RadarPath._parameters_from_HDF(group) return RadarInterferencePath(**parameters)
[docs] class RadarChannelBase(Generic[RCRT], Channel[RCRT, RadarChannelSample]): """Base class of all radar channel implementations.""" __attenuate: bool # Should signals be attenuated during propagation modeling? def __init__(self, attenuate: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Args: attenuate (bool, optional): Radar channel attenuation flag, see also :meth:`RadarChannelBase.attenuate`. Enabled by default. """ # Initialize base class Channel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Initialize class attributes self.__attenuate = attenuate @property def attenuate(self) -> bool: """Radar channel attenuation flag. If enabled, losses such as free-space propagation and radar cross sections will be considered. """ return self.__attenuate @attenuate.setter def attenuate(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__attenuate = value