# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from math import cos, sin, exp, sqrt
from typing import Generic, List, Literal, overload, Tuple, Type, TypeVar
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # type: ignore
from ruamel.yaml import Node, SafeRepresenter # type: ignore
from scipy.constants import pi, speed_of_light
from .executable import Executable
from .factory import Serializable, SerializableEnum
from .transformation import Direction, Transformable, Transformation
from .visualize import VAT
__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = "jan.adler@barkhauseninstitut.org"
__status__ = "Prototype"
class AntennaMode(SerializableEnum):
"""Mode of operation of the antenna."""
TX = 0
"""Transmit-only antenna"""
RX = 1
"""Receive-only antenna"""
"""Transmit-receive antenna"""
AAT = TypeVar("AAT", bound="AntennaArray")
"""Type of antenna array."""
APT = TypeVar("APT", bound="AntennaPort")
"""Type of antenna port."""
class Antenna(ABC, Generic[APT], Transformable):
"""Base class for the model of a single antenna element within an antenna array."""
property_blacklist = {"port"}.union(Transformable.property_blacklist)
__mode: AntennaMode # The mode this antenna is operating in, i.e. DUPLEX, TX or RX
__port: APT | None # Antenna port this antenna belongs to
def __init__(
self, mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX, pose: Transformation | None = None
) -> None:
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna's mode of operation.
By default, a full duplex antenna is assumed.
pose (Transformation, optional):
The antenna's position and orientation with respect to its array.
# Init base class
Transformable.__init__(self, pose=pose)
# Initialize attributes
self.__mode = mode
self.__port = None
def mode(self) -> AntennaMode:
"""Antenna's mode of operation."""
return self.__mode
def mode(self, value: AntennaMode) -> None:
# Do nothing if the mode does not change
if self.__mode == value:
# Update the antenna's mode
self.__mode = value
# Notify the port that the antenna's mode has changed
if self.port is not None:
def port(self) -> APT | None:
"""Antenna port this antenna is connected to."""
return self.__port
def port(self, value: APT | None) -> None:
# Do nothing if the port does not change
if self.__port == value:
# Update this antenna's port reference and make it its reference coordinate frame
self.__port = value
if value is None:
def copy(self: AT) -> AT:
"""Create a deep copy of the antenna.
A deep copy of the antenna.
... # pragma: no cover
def local_characteristics(self, azimuth: float, elevation) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate a single sample of the antenna's characteristics.
The polarization is characterized by the angle-dependant field vector
.. math::
\\mathbf{F}(\\phi, \\theta) =
F_{\\mathrm{H}}(\\phi, \\theta) \\\\
F_{\\mathrm{V}}(\\phi, \\theta) \\\\
denoting the horizontal and vertical field components.
The directional antenna gain can be computed from the polarization vector magnitude
.. math::
A(\\phi, \\theta) &= \\lVert \\mathbf{F}(\\phi, \\theta) \\rVert \\\\
&= \\sqrt{ F_{\\mathrm{H}}(\\phi, \\theta)^2 + F_{\\mathrm{V}}(\\phi, \\theta)^2 }
azimuth (float):
Considered horizontal wave angle in radians :math:`\\phi`.
elevation (float):
Considered vertical wave angle in radians :math:`\\theta`.
Two dimensional numpy array denoting the horizontal and vertical ploarization components
of the antenna response vector.
... # pragma: no cover
def global_characteristics(self, global_direction: Direction) -> np.ndarray:
"""Query the antenna's polarization characteristics towards a certain direction of interest.
global_direction (Direction):
Cartesian direction unit vector of interest.
Two-dimensional numpy vector representing the antenna's polarization components.
# Compute the local angle of interest for each antenna element
local_direction = self.backwards_transformation.transform_direction(
global_direction, normalize=False
# Query polarization vector for a-th antenna given local azimuth and zenith angles of interest
local_antenna_character = self.local_characteristics(*local_direction.to_spherical())
# Azimuth is denoted by phi in the standard
# Zenith is denoted by theta in the standard
azimuth_global, zenith_global = global_direction.to_spherical()
azimuth_local, zenith_local = local_direction.to_spherical()
# Phi unit vector implemention of equation (7.1-14) of ETSI TR 138901 version 17.0
azimuth_global_unit = np.array(
[-sin(azimuth_global), cos(azimuth_global), 0], dtype=np.float64
azimuth_local_unit = np.array([-sin(azimuth_local), cos(azimuth_local), 0], dtype=np.float64)
# Theta unit vector implemention of equation (7.1-13) of ETSI TR 138901 version 17.0
zenith_global_unit = np.array(
cos(zenith_global) * cos(azimuth_global),
cos(zenith_global) * sin(azimuth_global),
zenith_local_unit = np.array(
cos(zenith_local) * cos(azimuth_local),
cos(zenith_local) * sin(azimuth_local),
# Implemention of equation (7.1-12) of ETSI TR 138901 version 17.0
rotation = self.forwards_transformation[:3, :3]
local_zenith_transformed = rotation @ zenith_local_unit
local_azimuth_transformed = rotation @ azimuth_local_unit
polarization_transformation = np.array(
np.inner(zenith_global_unit, local_zenith_transformed),
np.inner(zenith_global_unit, local_azimuth_transformed),
np.inner(azimuth_global_unit, local_zenith_transformed),
np.inner(azimuth_global_unit, local_azimuth_transformed),
# Implemention of equation (7.1-11) of ETSI TR 138901 version 17.0
global_antenna_character = polarization_transformation @ local_antenna_character
# We're finally done
return global_antenna_character
def plot_polarization(self, angle_resolution: int = 180) -> plt.Figure:
"""Visualize the antenna polarization depending on the angles of interest.
angle_resolution (int, optional):
Resolution of the polarization visualization.
The created matplotlib figure.
If `angle_resolution` is smaller than one.
with Executable.style_context():
axes: np.ndarray
figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"}) # type: ignore[assignment]
figure.suptitle("Antenna Polarization")
azimuth_angles = 2 * pi * np.arange(angle_resolution) / angle_resolution - pi
elevation_angles = (
pi * np.arange(int(0.5 * angle_resolution)) / int(0.5 * angle_resolution) - 0.5 * pi
azimuth_samples, elevation_samples = np.meshgrid(azimuth_angles, elevation_angles)
e_surface = np.empty((len(azimuth_angles) * len(elevation_angles), 3), dtype=float)
e_magnitudes = np.empty(len(azimuth_angles) * len(elevation_angles), dtype=float)
h_surface = np.empty((len(azimuth_angles) * len(elevation_angles), 3), dtype=float)
h_magnitudes = np.empty(len(azimuth_angles) * len(elevation_angles), dtype=float)
for i, (azimuth, elevation) in enumerate(
zip(azimuth_samples.flat, elevation_samples.flat)
e_magnitude, h_magnitude = self.local_characteristics(azimuth, elevation)
e_magnitudes[i] = e_magnitude
h_magnitudes[i] = h_magnitude
e_surface[i, :] = (
e_magnitude * cos(azimuth) * cos(elevation),
e_magnitude * sin(azimuth) * cos(elevation),
e_magnitude * sin(elevation),
h_surface[i, :] = (
h_magnitude * cos(azimuth) * cos(elevation),
h_magnitude * sin(azimuth) * cos(elevation),
h_magnitude * sin(elevation),
triangles = tri.Triangulation(azimuth_samples.flatten(), elevation_samples.flatten())
e_cmap = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(
norm=colors.Normalize(e_magnitudes.min(), e_magnitudes.max()), cmap="jet"
h_cmap = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(
norm=colors.Normalize(h_magnitudes.min(), h_magnitudes.max()), cmap="jet"
e_surface[:, 0],
e_surface[:, 1],
e_surface[:, 2],
h_surface[:, 0],
h_surface[:, 1],
h_surface[:, 2],
return figure
def plot_gain(self, angle_resolution: int = 180) -> plt.Figure:
"""Visualize the antenna gain depending on the angles of interest.
angle_resolution (int, optional):
Resolution of the polarization visualization.
The created matplotlib figure.
If `angle_resolution` is smaller than one.
with Executable.style_context():
axes: Axes3D
figure, axes = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"})
figure.suptitle("Antenna Gain")
azimuth_angles = 2 * pi * np.arange(angle_resolution) / angle_resolution - pi
elevation_angles = (
pi * np.arange(int(0.5 * angle_resolution)) / int(0.5 * angle_resolution) - 0.5 * pi
azimuth_samples, elevation_samples = np.meshgrid(azimuth_angles, elevation_angles)
surface = np.empty((len(azimuth_angles) * len(elevation_angles), 3), dtype=float)
magnitudes = np.empty(len(azimuth_angles) * len(elevation_angles), dtype=float)
for i, (azimuth, elevation) in enumerate(
zip(azimuth_samples.flat, elevation_samples.flat)
e_magnitude, h_magnitude = self.local_characteristics(azimuth, elevation)
magnitude = sqrt(e_magnitude**2 + h_magnitude**2)
magnitudes[i] = magnitude
surface[i, :] = (
magnitude * cos(azimuth) * cos(elevation),
magnitude * sin(azimuth) * cos(elevation),
magnitude * sin(elevation),
triangles = tri.Triangulation(azimuth_samples.flatten(), elevation_samples.flatten())
cmap = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(
norm=colors.Normalize(magnitudes.min(), magnitudes.max()), cmap="jet"
surface[:, 0],
surface[:, 1],
surface[:, 2],
return figure
AT = TypeVar("AT", bound=Antenna)
"""Type of antenna."""
class IdealAntenna(Generic[APT], Antenna[APT], Serializable):
"""Theoretic model of an ideal antenna.
.. figure:: /images/api_antenna_idealantenna_gain.png
:alt: Ideal Antenna Gain
:scale: 70%
:align: center
Ideal Antenna Characteristics
The assumed characteristic is
.. math::
\\mathbf{F}(\\phi, \\theta) =
\\sqrt{2} \\\\
\\sqrt{2} \\\\
resulting in unit gain in every direction.
yaml_tag = "IdealAntenna"
"""YAML serialization tag"""
def __init__(
self, mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX, pose: Transformation | None = None
) -> None:
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna's mode of operation.
By default, a full duplex antenna is assumed.
pose (Transformation, optional):
The antenna's position and orientation with respect to its array.
# Initialize base class
Antenna.__init__(self, mode, pose)
def copy(self) -> IdealAntenna:
return IdealAntenna(self.mode, self.pose.copy())
def local_characteristics(self, azimuth: float, elevation: float) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array([2**-0.5, 2**-0.5], dtype=float)
class LinearAntenna(Generic[APT], Antenna[APT], Serializable):
"""Model of a linearly polarized ideal antenna.
The assumed characteristic is
.. math::
\\mathbf{F}(\\theta, \\phi, \\zeta) =
\\cos (\\zeta) \\\\
\\sin (\\zeta) \\\\
with :math:`zeta = 0` resulting in vertical polarization and :math:`zeta = \\pi / 2` resulting in horizontal polarization.
yaml_tag = "LinearAntenna"
__slant: float
def __init__(
mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX,
slant: float = 0.0,
pose: Transformation | None = None,
"""Initialize a new linear antenna.
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna's mode of operation.
By default, a full duplex antenna is assumed.
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna's mode of operation.
By default, a full duplex antenna is assumed.
slant (float):
Slant of the antenna in radians.
pose (Transformation, optional):
Pose of the antenna.
# Initialize base class
Antenna.__init__(self, mode, pose)
Antenna.__init__(self, mode, pose)
# Initialize class attributes
self.__slant = slant
def slant(self) -> float:
"""Slant of the antenna in radians."""
return self.__slant
def slant(self, value: float):
self.__slant = value
def copy(self) -> LinearAntenna:
return LinearAntenna(self.mode, self.slant, self.pose.copy())
def local_characteristics(self, azimuth: float, zenith: float) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array([cos(self.slant), sin(self.slant)], dtype=np.float64)
class PatchAntenna(Generic[APT], Antenna[APT], Serializable):
"""Realistic model of a vertically polarized patch antenna.
.. figure:: /images/api_antenna_patchantenna_gain.png
:alt: Patch Antenna Gain
:scale: 70%
:align: center
Patch Antenna Characteristics
Refer to :footcite:t:`2012:jaeckel` for further information.
yaml_tag = "PatchAntenna"
"""YAML serialization tag"""
def __init__(
self, mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX, pose: Transformation | None = None
) -> None:
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna's mode of operation.
By default, a full duplex antenna is assumed.
pose (Transformation, optional):
The antenna's position and orientation with respect to its array.
# Initialize base class
Antenna.__init__(self, mode, pose)
def copy(self) -> PatchAntenna:
return PatchAntenna(self.mode, self.pose.copy())
def local_characteristics(self, azimuth: float, elevation: float) -> np.ndarray:
vertical_azimuth = 0.1 + 0.9 * exp(-1.315 * azimuth**2)
vertical_elevation = cos(elevation) ** 2
return np.array([max(0.1, vertical_azimuth * vertical_elevation), 0.0], dtype=float)
class Dipole(Generic[APT], Antenna[APT], Serializable):
"""Model of vertically polarized half-wavelength dipole antenna.
.. figure:: /images/api_antenna_dipole_gain.png
:alt: Dipole Antenna Gain
:scale: 70%
:align: center
Dipole Antenna Characteristics
The assumed characteristic is
.. math::
F_\\mathrm{V}(\\phi, \\theta) &= \\frac{ \\cos( \\frac{\\pi}{2} \\cos(\\theta)) }{ \\sin(\\theta) } \\\\
F_\\mathrm{H}(\\phi, \\theta) &= 0
yaml_tag = "DipoleAntenna"
"""YAML serialization tag"""
def __init__(
self, mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX, pose: Transformation | None = None
) -> None:
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna's mode of operation.
By default, a full duplex antenna is assumed.
pose (Transformation, optional):
The antenna's position and orientation with respect to its array.
# Initialize base class
Antenna.__init__(self, mode, pose)
def copy(self) -> Dipole:
return Dipole(self.mode, self.pose.copy())
def local_characteristics(self, azimuth: float, elevation: float) -> np.ndarray:
vertical_polarization = (
0.0 if elevation == 0.0 else cos(0.5 * pi * cos(elevation)) / sin(elevation)
return np.array([vertical_polarization, 0.0], dtype=float)
class AntennaPort(Generic[AT, AAT], Transformable, Serializable):
"""A single antenna port linking a set of antennas to an antenna array."""
yaml_tag = "AntennaPort"
__antennas: List[AT] # Antennas connected to this port
__transmit_antennas: List[AT] # Transmitting antennas connected to this port
__receive_antennas: List[AT] # Receiving antennas connected to this port
__array: AAT | None # Array this antenna port belongs to
def __init__(
antennas: Sequence[AT] | None = None,
pose: Transformation | None = None,
array: AAT | None = None,
) -> None:
antennas (Sequence[AT], optional):
Sequence of antennas to be connected to this port.
If not specified, no antennas are connected by default.
pose (Transformation, optional):
The antenna port's position and orientation with respect to its array.
array (AAT, optional):
Antenna array this port belongs to.
# Initialize base class
Transformable.__init__(self, pose)
# Initialize class attributes
self.__antennas = []
self.__transmit_antennas = []
self.__receive_antennas = []
self.__array = None
self.array = array
_antennas = [] if antennas is None else antennas
for antenna in _antennas:
def antennas(self) -> Sequence[AT]:
"""Antennas connected to this port."""
return self.__antennas.copy()
def num_antennas(self) -> int:
"""Number of antenna elements connected to this port."""
return len(self.antennas)
def antennas_updated(self) -> None:
"""Callback that is called whenever the list of connected antennas is updated.
Should also be called after a connected antenna's mode has changed.
self.__transmit_antennas = []
self.__receive_antennas = []
for antenna in self.antennas:
if antenna.mode == AntennaMode.DUPLEX:
elif antenna.mode == AntennaMode.TX:
elif antenna.mode == AntennaMode.RX:
# This exception should never be raised
raise RuntimeError("Unknow antenna mode encountered")
def add_antenna(self, antenna: AT) -> None:
"""Add a new antenna to this port.
antenna (AT):
The antenna to be added.
ValueError: If the antenna is already connected to a different port.
if antenna.port is not None and antenna.port != self:
raise ValueError("Antenna is already connected to a different port")
if antenna not in self.antennas:
# Update the internal antenna lists
# Update the antenna's port reference
antenna.port = self
def remove_antenna(self, antenna: AT) -> None:
"""Remove an antenna from this port.
antenna (AT):
The antenna to be removed.
if antenna in self.antennas:
# Update the internal antenna lists
# Update the antenna's port reference
if antenna.port is not None:
antenna.port = None
def num_transmit_antennas(self) -> int:
"""Number of transmitting antenna elements connected to this port."""
return len(self.__transmit_antennas)
def num_receive_antennas(self) -> int:
"""Number of receiving antenna elements connected to this port."""
return len(self.__receive_antennas)
def transmitting(self) -> bool:
"""Is this port connected to a transmitting antenna?"""
return self.num_transmit_antennas > 0
def receiving(self) -> bool:
"""Is this port connected to a receiving antenna?"""
return self.num_receive_antennas > 0
def transmit_antennas(self) -> Sequence[AT]:
"""Transmitting antennas connected to this port."""
return self.__transmit_antennas.copy()
def receive_antennas(self) -> Sequence[AT]:
"""Receiving antennas connected to this port."""
return self.__receive_antennas.copy()
def array(self) -> AAT | None:
"""Antenna array this antenna port belongs to."""
return self.__array
def array(self, value: AAT | None) -> None:
# Do nothing if the state does not change
if self.__array == value:
self.__array = value
def copy(self) -> AntennaPort:
"""Create a deep copy of the antenna port.
The copy will not be connected to any array.
Returns: The copy.
return AntennaPort([antenna.copy() for antenna in self.antennas], deepcopy(self.pose), None)
class AntennaArrayBase(ABC, Generic[APT], Transformable):
"""Base class for all antenna array models."""
def ports(self) -> Sequence[APT]:
"""Sequence of all antenna ports within this array."""
... # pragma: no cover
def antennas(self) -> Sequence[Antenna]:
"""All individual antenna elements within this array."""
... # pragma: no cover
def transmit_antennas(self) -> Sequence[Antenna]:
"""All transmitting antenna elements within this array."""
... # pragma: no cover
def receive_antennas(self) -> Sequence[Antenna]:
"""All receiving antenna elements within this array."""
... # pragma: no cover
def num_ports(self) -> int:
"""Number of antenna ports within this array."""
return len(self.ports)
def transmit_ports(self) -> Sequence[APT]:
"""Sequence of all transmitting ports within this array."""
return [port for port in self.ports if port.transmitting]
def receive_ports(self) -> Sequence[APT]:
"""Sequence of all receiving ports within this array."""
return [port for port in self.ports if port.receiving]
def num_transmit_ports(self) -> int:
"""Number of transmitting antenna ports within this array."""
return len(self.transmit_ports)
def num_receive_ports(self) -> int:
"""Number of receiving antenna ports within this array."""
return len(self.receive_ports)
def num_antennas(self) -> int:
"""Number of antenna elements within this array."""
return len(self.antennas)
def num_transmit_antennas(self) -> int:
"""Number of transmitting antenna elements within this array."""
return len(self.transmit_antennas)
def num_receive_antennas(self) -> int:
"""Number of receiving antenna elements within this array."""
return len(self.receive_antennas)
def topology(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Sensor array topology.
Access the array topology as a :math:`M \\times 3` matrix indicating the cartesian locations
of each antenna element within the local coordinate system.
:math:`M \\times 3` topology matrix,
where :math:`M` is the number of antenna elements.
if self.num_antennas == 0:
return np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64)
global_toplogy = np.array(
[a.forwards_transformation[:4, 3] for a in self.antennas], dtype=np.float64
local_topology = global_toplogy @ self.backwards_transformation.T
return local_topology[:, :3].view(np.ndarray)
def transmit_topology(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Topology of transmitting antenna elements.
Access the array topology as a :math:`M_{\\mathrm{Tx}} \\times 3` matrix indicating the cartesian locations
of each transmitting antenna element within the local coordinate system.
:math:`M_{\\mathrm{Tx}} \\times 3`
topology matrix, where :math:`M_{\\mathrm{Tx}}` is the number of antenna elements.
if self.num_transmit_antennas == 0:
return np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64)
global_toplogy = np.array(
[a.forwards_transformation[:4, 3] for a in self.transmit_antennas], dtype=np.float64
local_topology = global_toplogy @ self.backwards_transformation.T
return local_topology[:, :3].view(np.ndarray)
def receive_topology(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Topology of receiving antenna elements.
Access the array topology as a :math:`M_{\\mathrm{Rx}} \\times 3` matrix indicating the cartesian locations
of each receiving antenna element within the local coordinate system.
:math:`M_{\\mathrm{Rx}} \\times 3` topology matrix,
where :math:`M_{\\mathrm{Rx}}` is the number of antenna elements.
if self.num_receive_antennas == 0:
return np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64)
global_toplogy = np.array(
[a.forwards_transformation[:4, 3] for a in self.receive_antennas], dtype=np.float64
local_topology = global_toplogy @ self.backwards_transformation.T
return local_topology[:, :3].view(np.ndarray)
def _topology(self, mode: AntennaMode) -> np.ndarray:
"""Topology of antenna elements of a certain mode.
mode (AntennaMode):
Antenna mode of interest.
:math:`M \\times 3` topology matrix,
where :math:`M` is the number of antenna elements.
ValueError: If an unknown antenna mode is encountered.
if mode == AntennaMode.DUPLEX:
return self.topology
elif mode == AntennaMode.TX:
return self.transmit_topology
elif mode == AntennaMode.RX:
return self.receive_topology
raise ValueError("Unknown antenna mode encountered")
def characteristics(
self, location: np.ndarray, mode: AntennaMode, frame: Literal["global", "local"] = "local"
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Sensor array characteristics towards a certain angle.
location (numpy.ndarray):
Cartesian position of the target of interest.
mode (AntennaMode):
Antenna mode of interest.
frame(Literal['local', 'global']):
Coordinate system reference frame.
`local` assumes `location` to be in the antenna array's native coordiante system.
`global` assumes `location` and `azimuth` to be in the antenna array's root coordinate system.
:math:`M \\times 2` topology matrix,
where :math:`M` is the number of antenna elements.
... # pragma: no cover
def characteristics(
self, direction: Direction, mode: AntennaMode, frame: Literal["global", "local"] = "local"
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Sensor array polarizations towards a certain angle.
direction (Direction):
Direction of the angles of interest.
mode (AntennaMode):
Antenna mode of interest.
frame(Literal['local', 'global']):
Coordinate system reference frame.
`local` assumes `direction` to be in the antenna array's native coordiante system.
`global` assumes `direction` to be in the antenna array's root coordinate system.
:math:`M \\times 2` topology matrix,
where :math:`M` is the number of antenna elements.
... # pragma: no cover
def characteristics(self, arg_0: np.ndarray | Direction, mode: AntennaMode, frame: Literal["global", "local"] = "local") -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore
# Direction of interest with respect to the array's local coordinate system
global_direction: Direction
# Handle spherical parameters of function overload
if not isinstance(arg_0, Direction):
global_direction = Direction.From_Cartesian(
arg_0 - self.global_position if frame == "global" else arg_0, True
# Handle cartesian vector parameters of function overload
global_direction = (
if frame == "global"
else self.forwards_transformation.transform_direction(arg_0)
antennas: Sequence[Antenna]
if mode == AntennaMode.DUPLEX:
antenna_characteristics = np.empty((self.num_antennas, 2), dtype=float)
antennas = self.antennas
elif mode == AntennaMode.TX:
antenna_characteristics = np.empty((self.num_transmit_antennas, 2), dtype=float)
antennas = self.transmit_antennas
elif mode == AntennaMode.RX:
antenna_characteristics = np.empty((self.num_receive_antennas, 2), dtype=float)
antennas = self.receive_antennas
raise ValueError("Unknown antenna mode encountered")
# Query the antenna characteristics for each antenna element
for a, antenna in enumerate(antennas):
antenna_characteristics[a] = antenna.global_characteristics(global_direction)
return antenna_characteristics
def plot_topology(self, mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]:
"""Plot a scatter representation of the array topology.
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna mode of interest.
`DUPLEX` by default, meaning that all antenna elements are considered.
The created figure.
with Executable.style_context():
figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=False, subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"})
figure.suptitle("Antenna Array Topology")
ax: Axes3D = axes.flat[0]
if mode == AntennaMode.TX or mode == AntennaMode.DUPLEX:
topology = self._topology(AntennaMode.TX)
topology[:, 0],
topology[:, 1],
topology[:, 2],
if mode == AntennaMode.RX or mode == AntennaMode.DUPLEX:
topology = self._topology(AntennaMode.RX)
topology[:, 0],
topology[:, 1],
topology[:, 2],
ax.set_xlabel("X [m]")
ax.set_ylabel("Y [m]")
ax.set_zlabel("Z [m]")
return figure, axes
def cartesian_phase_response(
carrier_frequency: float,
position: np.ndarray,
frame: Literal["local", "global"] = "local",
mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Phase response of the sensor array towards an impinging point source within its far-field.
Assuming a point source at position :math:`\\mathbf{t} \\in \\mathbb{R}^{3}` within the sensor array's
far field, so that :math:`\\lVert \\mathbf{t} \\rVert_2 \\gg 0`,
the :math:`m`-th array element at position :math:`\\mathbf{q}_m \\in \\mathbb{R}^{3}` responds with a factor
.. math::
a_{m} = e^{ \\mathrm{j} \\frac{2 \\pi f_\\mathrm{c}}{\\mathrm{c}}
\\lVert \\mathbf{t} - \\mathbf{q}_{m} \\rVert_2 }
to an electromagnetic waveform emitted with center frequency :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}`.
The full array response vector is the,refore
.. math::
\\mathbf{a} = \\left[ a_1, a_2, \\dots, a_{M} \\right]^{\\intercal} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{M} \\mathrm{.}
carrier_frequency (float):
Center frequency :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}` of the assumed transmitted signal in Hz.
position (numpy.ndarray):
Cartesian location :math:`\\mathbf{t}` of the impinging target.
frame (Literal['local', 'global']):
Coordinate system reference frame.
`local` by default.
`local` assumes `position` to be in the antenna array's native coordiante system.
`global` assumes `position` to be in the antenna array's root coordinate system.
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna mode of interest.
`DUPLEX` by default, meaning that all antenna elements are considered.
The sensor array response vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}`.
A one-dimensional, complex-valued numpy array modeling the phase responses of each antenna element.
ValueError: If `position` is not a cartesian vector.
position = position.flatten()
if len(position) != 3:
raise ValueError("Target position must be a cartesian (three-dimensional) vector")
# Transform from global to local coordinates if required
if frame == "global":
position = self.backwards_transformation.transform_position(position)
# Expand the position by a new dimension
position = position[:, np.newaxis]
# Compute the distance between antenna elements and the point source
distances = np.linalg.norm(self._topology(mode).T - position, axis=0, keepdims=False)
# Transform the distances to complex phases, i.e. the array response
phase_response = np.exp(-2j * pi * carrier_frequency * distances / speed_of_light)
# That's it
return phase_response
def cartesian_array_response(
carrier_frequency: float,
position: np.ndarray,
frame: Literal["local", "global"] = "local",
mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Sensor array characteristics towards an impinging point source within its far-field.
carrier_frequency (float):
Center frequency :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}` of the assumed transmitted signal in Hz.
position (numpy.ndarray):
Cartesian location :math:`\\mathbf{t}` of the impinging target.
frame(Literal['local', 'global']):
Coordinate system reference frame.
`global` by default.
`local` assumes `position` to be in the antenna array's native coordiante system.
`global` assumes `position` to be in the antenna array's root coordinate system.
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna mode of interest.
`DUPLEX` by default, meaning that all antenna elements are considered.
The sensor array response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{A} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{M \\times 2}`.
A one-dimensional, complex-valued numpy matrix modeling the far-field charactersitics of each antenna element.
ValueError: If `position` is not a cartesian vector.
position = position.flatten()
if len(position) != 3:
raise ValueError("Target position must be a cartesian (three-dimensional) vector")
# Query far-field phase response and antenna element polarizations
phase_response = self.cartesian_phase_response(carrier_frequency, position, frame, mode)
polarization = self.characteristics(position, mode, frame)
# The full array response is an element-wise multiplication of phase response and polarizations
# Towards the assumed far-field source's position
array_response = phase_response[:, None] * polarization
return array_response
def horizontal_phase_response(
carrier_frequency: float,
azimuth: float,
elevation: float,
mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Response of the sensor array towards an impinging point source within its far-field.
Assuming a far-field point source impinges onto the sensor array from horizontal angles of arrival
azimuth :math:`\\phi \\in [0, 2\\pi)` and elevation :math:`\\theta \\in [-\\pi, \\pi]`,
the wave vector
.. math::
\\mathbf{k}(\\phi, \\theta) = \\frac{2 \\pi f_\\mathrm{c}}{\\mathrm{c}}
\\cos( \\phi ) \\cos( \\theta ) \\\\
\\sin( \\phi) \\cos( \\theta ) \\\\
\\sin( \\theta )
defines the phase of a planar wave in horizontal coordinates.
The :math:`m`-th array element at position :math:`\\mathbf{q}_m \\in \\mathbb{R}^{3}` responds with a factor
.. math::
a_{m}(\\phi, \\theta) = e^{\\mathrm{j} \\mathbf{k}^\\intercal(\\phi, \\theta)\\mathbf{q}_{m} }
to an electromagnetic waveform emitted with center frequency :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}`.
The full array response vector is therefore
.. math::
\\mathbf{a}(\\phi, \\theta) = \\left[ a_1(\\phi, \\theta) , a_2(\\phi, \\theta) , \\dots, a_{M}(\\phi, \\theta) \\right]^{\\intercal} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{M} \\mathrm{.}
carrier_frequency (float):
Center frequency :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}` of the assumed transmitted signal in Hz.
azimuth (float):
Azimuth angle :math:`\\phi` in radians.
elevation (float):
Elevation angle :math:`\\theta` in radians.
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna mode of interest.
`DUPLEX` by default, meaning that all antenna elements are considered.
The sensor array response vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}`.
A one-dimensional, complex-valued numpy array modeling the phase responses of each antenna element.
# Compute the wave vector
k = np.array(
[cos(azimuth) * cos(elevation), sin(azimuth) * cos(elevation), sin(elevation)],
# Transform the distances to complex phases, i.e. the array response
response = np.exp(
2j * pi * carrier_frequency * np.inner(k, self._topology(mode)) / speed_of_light
# That's it
return response
def spherical_phase_response(
carrier_frequency: float,
azimuth: float,
zenith: float,
mode: AntennaMode = AntennaMode.DUPLEX,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Response of the sensor array towards an impinging point source within its far-field.
Assuming a far-field point source impinges onto the sensor array from spherical angles of arrival
azimuth :math:`\\phi \\in [0, 2\\pi)` and zenith :math:`\\theta \\in [0, \\pi]`,
the wave vector
.. math::
\\mathbf{k}(\\phi, \\theta) = \\frac{2 \\pi f_\\mathrm{c}}{\\mathrm{c}}
\\cos( \\phi ) \\sin( \\theta ) \\\\
\\sin( \\phi) \\sin( \\theta ) \\\\
\\cos( \\theta )
defines the phase of a planar wave in horizontal coordinates.
The :math:`m`-th array element at position :math:`\\mathbf{q}_m \\in \\mathbb{R}^{3}` responds with a factor
.. math::
a_{m}(\\phi, \\theta) = e^{\\mathrm{j} \\mathbf{k}^\\intercal(\\phi, \\theta)\\mathbf{q}_{m} }
to an electromagnetic waveform emitted with center frequency :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}`.
The full array response vector is therefore
.. math::
\\mathbf{a}(\\phi, \\theta) = \\left[ a_1(\\phi, \\theta) , a_2(\\phi, \\theta) , \\dots, a_{M}(\\phi, \\theta) \\right]^{\\intercal} \\in \\mathbb{C}^{M} \\mathrm{.}
carrier_frequency (float):
Center frequency :math:`f_\\mathrm{c}` of the assumed transmitted signal in Hz.
azimuth (float):
Azimuth angle :math:`\\phi` in radians.
zenith (float):
Zenith angle :math:`\\theta` in radians.
mode (AntennaMode, optional):
Antenna mode of interest.
`DUPLEX` by default, meaning that all antenna elements are considered.
The sensor array response vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}`.
A one-dimensional, complex-valued numpy array modeling the phase responses of each antenna element.
# Compute the wave vector
k = np.array(
[cos(azimuth) * sin(zenith), sin(azimuth) * sin(zenith), cos(zenith)], dtype=float
# Transform the distances to complex phases, i.e. the array response
response = np.exp(
2j * pi * carrier_frequency * np.inner(k, self._topology(mode)) / speed_of_light
# That's it
return response
class AntennaArrayState(Sequence, AntennaArrayBase):
"""Immutable state of an antenna array.
Returned by the :meth:`state<AntennaArray.state>` of an antenna array.
__ports: Sequence[AntennaPort]
__elements: list[Antenna]
def __init__(self, ports: Sequence[AntennaPort], global_pose: Transformation) -> None:
ports (Sequence[AntennaPort]):
Physical ports of the represented antenna array.
global_pose (Transformation):
Global pose of the represented antenna array.
# Initialize base class
AntennaArrayBase.__init__(self, global_pose)
# Initialize class attributes
self.__ports = ports
self.__elements = []
for port in self.__ports:
def ports(self) -> Sequence[AntennaPort]:
"""All physical ports of the represented antenna array."""
return self.__ports
def antennas(self) -> Sequence[Antenna]:
"""All individual antenna elements within this array."""
return self.__elements
def transmit_antennas(self) -> Sequence[Antenna]:
"""All transmitting antenna elements within this array."""
return [antenna for antenna in self.antennas if antenna.mode != AntennaMode.RX]
def receive_antennas(self) -> Sequence[Antenna]:
"""All receiving antenna elements within this array."""
return [antenna for antenna in self.antennas if antenna.mode != AntennaMode.TX]
def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice | Sequence[int]) -> AntennaArrayState:
"""Return a subset of the antenna array state.
index (int | slice):
Index or slice of the antenna ports to be considered.
Returns: The subset of the antenna array state.
# Select a subset of antenna ports
ports: list[AntennaPort]
if isinstance(index, int):
ports = [self.__ports[index]]
elif isinstance(index, slice):
ports = list(self.__ports[index])
ports = [self.__ports[i] for i in index]
# Collect all antenna elements within the selected ports
elements: list[Antenna] = []
for port in ports:
# Create a new state object
state = AntennaArrayState([], self.pose)
state.__elements = elements
state.__ports = ports
return state
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Number of antenna elements within this array."""
return len(self.__elements)
class AntennaArray(AntennaArrayBase[APT], Generic[APT, AT]):
"""Base class of a model of a set of antennas."""
def __init__(self, pose: Transformation | None = None) -> None:
pose (Transformation, optional):
The antenna array's position and orientation with respect to its device.
If not specified, the same orientation and position as the device is assumed.
# Initialize base class
AntennaArrayBase.__init__(self, pose)
def _new_port(self) -> APT:
"""Create a new antenna port.
Returns: The newly connected port.
... # pragma: no cover
def transmit_ports(self) -> Sequence[APT]:
return [port for port in self.ports if port.transmitting]
def receive_ports(self) -> Sequence[APT]:
return [port for port in self.ports if port.receiving]
def num_transmit_antennas(self) -> int:
num_antennas = sum(port.num_transmit_antennas for port in self.transmit_ports)
return num_antennas
def num_receive_antennas(self) -> int:
num_antennas = sum(port.num_receive_antennas for port in self.receive_ports)
return num_antennas
def count_antennas(self, ports: Sequence[int]) -> int:
"""Count the number of antenna elements within a subset of ports.
ports (Sequence[int]):
Indices of the ports to be considered.
Returns: Number of antenna elements within the specified ports.
IndexError: If an invalid port index is encountered.
num_antennas = 0
for port_index in ports:
num_antennas += self.ports[port_index].num_antennas
return num_antennas
def count_transmit_antennas(self, ports: Sequence[int]) -> int:
"""Count the number of transmitting antenna elements within a subset of ports.
ports (Sequence[int]):
Indices of the ports to be considered.
Returns: Number of transmitting antenna elements within the specified ports.
IndexError: If an invalid port index is encountered.
num_antennas = 0
for port_index in ports:
num_antennas += self.transmit_ports[port_index].num_transmit_antennas
return num_antennas
def count_receive_antennas(self, ports: Sequence[int]) -> int:
"""Count the number of receiving antenna elements within a subset of ports.
ports (Sequence[int]):
Indices of the ports to be considered.
Returns: Number of receiving antenna elements within the specified ports.
IndexError: If an invalid port index is encountered.
num_antennas = 0
for port_index in ports:
num_antennas += self.receive_ports[port_index].num_receive_antennas
return num_antennas
def antennas(self) -> List[AT]:
"""All individual antenna elements within this array."""
antennas: List[AT] = []
for port in self.ports:
return antennas
def transmit_antennas(self) -> Sequence[AT]:
"""Transmitting antennas within this array."""
antennas: List[AT] = []
for port in self.transmit_ports:
return antennas
def receive_antennas(self) -> Sequence[AT]:
"""Receiving antennas within this array."""
antennas: List[AT] = []
for port in self.receive_ports:
return antennas
def state(self, base_pose: Transformation) -> AntennaArrayState:
"""Return the current state of the antenna array.
base_pose (Transformation):
Assumed pose of the antenna array's base coordinate frame.
Returns: The current immutable state of the antenna array.
# Create a copy of the antenna elements
port_copies = [port.copy() for port in self.ports]
return AntennaArrayState(port_copies, base_pose)
class CustomAntennaArray(Generic[APT, AT], AntennaArray[APT, AT], Serializable):
"""Model of a set of arbitrary antennas."""
yaml_tag = "CustomAntennaArray"
__ports: List[APT] # List of antenna ports within this array
def __init__(
self, ports: Sequence[APT | AT] = None, pose: Transformation | None = None
) -> None:
ports (Sequence[APT | AT], optional):
Sequence of antenna ports available within this array.
If antennas are passed instead of ports, the ports are automatically created.
If not specified, an empty array is assumed.
pose (Transformation, optional):
The anntena array's transformation with respect to its device.
ValueError: If the argument lists contain an unequal amount of objects.
# Initialize base class
AntennaArray.__init__(self, pose=pose)
self.__ports = []
_ports = [] if ports is None else ports
for port in _ports:
if isinstance(port, AntennaPort):
self.add_port(port) # type: ignore
def _new_port(self) -> APT:
return AntennaPort() # type: ignore
def ports(self) -> Sequence[APT]:
return self.__ports.copy()
def add_port(self, port: APT) -> None:
"""Add a new port to this array.
port (APT):
The antenna port to be added.
# Do nothing if the antenna is already registered within this array
if port.array is self and port in self.ports:
# Add information to the internal lists
port.array = self
def remove_port(self, port: APT) -> None:
"""Remove a port from this array.
port (APT):
The antenna port to be removed.
ValueError: If the port is not connected to this array.
# Do nothing if the antenna is not within this array
if port not in self.__ports:
raise ValueError("Port is not connected to this array")
port.array = None
def add_antenna(self, antenna: AT) -> APT:
"""Add a new antenna element to this array.
Convenience wrapper around :meth:`.add_port`,
meaning a new port is automatically created and the antenna is added to it.
antenna (AT):
The antenna element to be added.
ValueError: If the antenna is already attached to another array or port.
Returns: The newly created port.
# Raise an error if the antenna is already attached to another array or port
if antenna.port is not None:
raise ValueError("Antenna is already attached to another port")
port = self._new_port()
return port