Source code for hermespy.core.transformation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import cached_property
from typing import overload, Set, Type

import numpy as np
from numba import jit
from ruamel.yaml import SafeConstructor, SafeRepresenter, MappingNode, Node

from .factory import Serializable

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs] class Direction(np.ndarray): """A cartesian unit norm vector pointing towards a direction.""" @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def __from_spherical(angles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Generate a cartesian unit vector from spherical coordinates. Args: angles (numpy.ndarray): Azimuth and zenith in radians. Returns: The unit vector. """ cos = np.cos(angles) sin = np.sin(angles) unit_vector = np.array([sin[1] * cos[0], sin[1] * sin[0], cos[1]], dtype=np.float64) return unit_vector
[docs] @classmethod def From_Spherical(cls: Type[Direction], azimuth: float, zenith: float) -> Direction: """Initialize a direction from spherical parameters. Args: azimuth (float): Azimuth angle in radians. zenith (float): Zenith angle in radians. Returns: The initialized direction. """ direction = cls.__from_spherical(np.array([azimuth, zenith], dtype=float)).view(cls) return direction
@jit(nopython=True) def __to_spherical(unit_vector: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Transform a unit vector to spherical coordinates. Args: unit_vector (numpy.ndarray): Cartesian numpy vector. Returns: An array representing azimuth and zenith angles in radians. """ # Equation 7.1-8 of ETSI TR 138901 v17 azimuth = np.arctan2(unit_vector[1], unit_vector[0]) # azimuth = np.angle(unit_vector[0] + 1j * unit_vector[1]) # Equation 7.1-7 of ETSI TR 138901 v17 # Only valid if the direction has been normalized!!!! zenith = np.arccos(unit_vector[2]) return np.array([azimuth, zenith], dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def to_spherical(self) -> np.ndarray: """Represent the direction as spherical coordinates. Returns: An array representing azimuth and zenith angles in radians. """ return self.__to_spherical().view(np.ndarray)
[docs] @classmethod def From_Cartesian( cls: Type[Direction], vector: np.ndarray, normalize: bool = False ) -> Direction: """Initialize a direction from a cartesian vector. Raises: ValueError: If `vector` does not represent a valid cartesian vector. Returns: The initialized direction. """ vector = vector.flatten().astype(np.float64) ndmin = vector.size if ndmin > 3: raise ValueError("Vector is not a valid cartesian vector") if normalize: norm = np.linalg.norm(vector) if norm == 0: raise ValueError("Zero-vectors cannot be normalized") vector /= norm unit_vector = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) unit_vector[:ndmin] = vector return unit_vector.view(Direction)
[docs] class Transformation(np.ndarray, Serializable): """Coordinate system transformation.""" yaml_tag = "Transformation" @property def translation(self) -> np.ndarray: return self[:3, 3].view(np.ndarray) @translation.setter def translation(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: value = value.flatten() if len(value) != 3: raise ValueError("Translations must be three-dimensional cartesian vectors") self[:3, 3] = value @property def rotation_rpy(self) -> np.ndarray: """Orientation in Roll, Pitch and Yaw Angles. Returns: Roll, Pitch and Yaw in Radians. """ c = (self[0, 0] ** 2 + self[1, 0] ** 2) ** 0.5 if c != 0: rpy = np.arctan2( [self[2, 1] / c, -self[2, 0], self[1, 0] / c], [self[2, 2] / c, c, self[0, 0] / c] ) else: rpy = np.array([np.arctan2(self[0, 1], self[1, 1]), 0.5 * np.pi, 0], dtype=np.float64) return rpy.view(np.ndarray) @rotation_rpy.setter def rotation_rpy(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self[:3, :3] = self._rotation_from_rpy(value) @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def _rotation_from_quaternion(q: np.ndarray, normalize: bool) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculate a rotation matrix from a quaternion. Args: q (numpy.ndarray): Quaternion in w, x, y, z representation. normalize (bool): Normalize the quaternion before computing the rotation matrix. Returns: A :math:`3 \\times 3` numpy matrix representing the rotation. """ q = q / np.linalg.norm(q) if normalize else q return np.array( [ [ 1 - 2 * (q[2] ** 2 + q[3] ** 2), 2 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]), 2 * (q[0] * q[2] + q[1] * q[3]), ], [ 2 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]), 1 - 2 * (q[1] ** 2 + q[3] ** 2), 2 * (q[2] * q[3] - q[0] * q[1]), ], [ 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]), 2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]), 1 - 2 * (q[1] ** 2 + q[2] ** 2), ], ], dtype=np.float64, ) @property def rotation_quaternion(self) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Orientation in Quaternion representation. A numpy vector representing w, x, y, z. """ tr = np.trace(self[:3, :3]) if tr > 0: S = 2 * (tr + 1.0) ** 0.5 return np.array( [ 0.25 / S, (self[2, 1] - self[1, 2]) / S, (self[0, 2] - self[2, 0]) / S, (self[1, 0] - self[0, 1]) / S, ], dtype=np.float64, ) if self[0, 0] > self[1, 1] and self[0, 0] > self[2, 2]: S = 2 * (1 + self[0, 0] - self[1, 1] - self[2, 2]) ** 0.5 return np.array( [ (self[2, 1] - self[1, 2]) / S, 0.25 / S, (self[0, 1] + self[1, 0]) / S, (self[0, 2] + self[2, 0]) / S, ], dtype=np.float64, ) if self[1, 1] > self[2, 2]: S = 2 * (1 + self[1, 1] - self[0, 0] - self[2, 2]) ** 0.5 return np.array( [ (self[0, 2] - self[2, 0]) / S, (self[0, 1] + self[1, 0]) / S, 0.25 / S, (self[1, 2] + self[2, 1]) / S, ], dtype=np.float64, ) S = 2 * (1 + self[2, 2] - self[0, 0] - self[1, 1]) ** 0.5 return np.array( [ (self[1, 0] - self[0, 1]) / S, (self[0, 2] + self[2, 0]) / S, (self[1, 2] + self[2, 1]) / S, 0.25 / S, ], dtype=np.float64, ) @rotation_quaternion.setter def rotation_quaternion(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self[:3, :3] = self._rotation_from_quaternion(value, False)
[docs] @classmethod def No(cls: Type[Transformation]) -> Transformation: return np.eye(4, 4, dtype=float).view(cls)
@staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def _rotation_from_rpy(rpy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """Calculate a rotation matrix from roll pitch yaw angles. Args: rpy (numpy.ndarray): Numpy vector of length 3 representing roll pitch and yaw in radians. Returns: A :math:`3 \\times 3` numpy matrix representing the rotation. """ # Compute rotational transformation portion cos = np.cos(rpy) sin = np.sin(rpy) rotation = np.array( [ [ cos[2] * cos[1], cos[2] * sin[1] * sin[0] - sin[2] * cos[0], cos[2] * sin[1] * cos[0] + sin[2] * sin[0], ], [ sin[2] * cos[1], sin[2] * sin[1] * sin[0] + cos[2] * cos[0], sin[2] * sin[1] * cos[0] - cos[2] * sin[0], ], [-sin[1], cos[1] * sin[0], cos[1] * cos[0]], ], dtype=np.float64, ) return rotation
[docs] @classmethod def From_Quaternion( cls: Type[Transformation], quaternion: np.ndarray, pos: np.ndarray, normalize_quaternion: bool = True, ) -> Transformation: """Initialize a transformation from a quaternion. Args: quaternion (numpy.ndarray): Quaternion in w, x, y, z representation. pos (numpy.ndarray): Cartesian position in m. normalize (bool, optional): Normalize the quaternion before computing the rotation matrix. Enabled by default. Returns: The initialized transformation. """ # Generate empty transformation matrix transformation = np.empty((4, 4), dtype=float) # Compute rotational transformation portion transformation[:3, :3] = Transformation._rotation_from_quaternion( quaternion, normalize_quaternion ) # Copy translational transformation portion transformation[0:3, 3] = pos # Fill in the static portion transformation[3, :] = (0, 0, 0, 1) # Return by view return transformation.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def From_RPY(cls: Type[Transformation], rpy: np.ndarray, pos: np.ndarray) -> Transformation: """Initialize a transformation from roll pitch yaw angles. Args: rpy (numpy.ndarray): Roll, pitch and yaw angles in radians. pos (numpy.ndarray): Cartesian position in m. Returns: The initialized transformation. """ # Generate empty transformation matrix transformation = np.empty((4, 4), dtype=float) # Compute rotational transformation portion transformation[:3, :3] = cls._rotation_from_rpy(rpy) # Copy translational transformation portion transformation[0:3, 3] = pos # Fill in the static portion transformation[3, :] = (0, 0, 0, 1) # Return by view return transformation.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def From_Translation(cls: Type[Transformation], translation: np.ndarray) -> Transformation: translation = translation.flatten() ndim = len(translation) if ndim > 3: raise ValueError("Translation must be a valid three-dimensional cartesian vector") # Generate non-rotating transformation matrix transformation = np.eye(4, 4, dtype=float) # Copy translational transformation portion transformation[0:ndim, 3] = translation # Return by view return transformation.view(cls)
[docs] def transform_position(self, position: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform a cartesian position. Args: position (numpy.ndarray): Numpy array representing the cartesian position. Returns: The transformed position. Raises: ValueError: If `position` is invalid. """ position = position.flatten() ndmin = len(position) if ndmin > 3: raise ValueError("Position must be a valid cartesian numpy vector") factor = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=float) factor[:ndmin] = position transformed_position = self.view(np.ndarray) @ factor return transformed_position[:ndmin]
[docs] def rotate_direction(self, direction: np.ndarray) -> Direction: """Rotate a cartesian direction. Args: direction (numpy.ndarray): A directional vector. Returns: The transformed direction. Raises: ValueError: If `direction` is invalid. """ direction = direction.flatten() ndim = len(direction) if ndim > 3: raise ValueError("Direction must be a valid cartesian numpy vector") rotated_direction = np.tensordot(self[:ndim, :ndim], direction, axes=(1, 0)) return Direction.From_Cartesian(rotated_direction)
[docs] def transform_direction(self, direction: np.ndarray, normalize: bool = False) -> Direction: """Transform a direction. Args: direction (numpy.ndarray): Direction to be transformed. normalize (bool, optional): Normalize the resulting transformed direction to a unit norm vector. Disabled by default. Returns: The transformed direction. """ return Direction.From_Cartesian(self.rotate_direction(direction), normalize=normalize)
[docs] def invert(self) -> Transformation: """Invert the transformation. Returns: The inverted transformation. """ return np.linalg.inv(self).view(Transformation)
[docs] def lookat( self, target: np.ndarray = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], float), up: np.ndarray = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], float), ) -> Transformation: """Rotate and loook at the given coordinates. Modifies `orientation` property. Args: target (numpy.ndarray): Cartesean coordinates to look at. Defaults to np.array([0., 0., 0.], float) up (numpy.ndarray): Global catesean sky vector. Defines the upward direction of the local viewport. Defaults to np.array([0., 1., 0.], float) Returns: self (Transformation): This modified Transformation. """ # Validate arguments target_ = np.asarray(target) if target_.shape != (3,): raise ValueError( f"Got target of an unexpected shape (expected (3,), got {target_.shape})" ) up_ = np.asarray(up) if up_.shape != (3,): raise ValueError(f"Got up of an unexpected shape (expected (3,), got {up_.shape})") up_ /= np.linalg.norm(up_) # Calculate new orientation # forward vector pos = self.translation f = target_ - pos f_norm = np.linalg.norm(f) f = f / f_norm if f_norm != 0.0 else pos # normalize # side/right vector s = np.cross(up_, f) s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s) s = s / s_norm if s_norm != 0.0 else up_ # normalize # up vector u = np.cross(f, s) # Calcualte the new transformation matrix self[:3, 0] = s self[:3, 1] = u self[:3, 2] = f self[3, :] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] return self
@classmethod def to_yaml( cls: Type[Transformation], representer: SafeRepresenter, node: Transformation ) -> MappingNode: state = {"translation": node.translation, "rotation": node.rotation_rpy} return representer.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, state) @classmethod def from_yaml( cls: Type[Transformation], constructor: SafeConstructor, node: Node ) -> Transformation: state = constructor.construct_mapping(node, deep=False) return cls.From_RPY(state.get("rotation", None), state.get("translation", None))
[docs] class TransformableBase(TransformableLink): """Base of kinematic chains.""" @property # @cached_property def forwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: return Transformation.No() def _kinematics_updated(self) -> None: raise RuntimeError("Called base updated routine of a base, this should not be possibel")
[docs] def set_base(self, base: TransformableLink | None) -> None: if base is not None: raise RuntimeError("A base link may not be assigned another link as base")
[docs] class Transformable(Serializable, TransformableLink): """Representation of a Coordinate Frame within a Kinematic Chain.""" property_blacklist = {"pose"} __base: TransformableLink | None __pose: Transformation def __init__(self, pose: Transformation | None = None) -> None: """ Args: pose (Transformation, optional): Transformation of the transformable with respect to its reference frame. By default, no transformation is considered, i.e. :meth:`Transformation.No` """ # Init base class TransformableLink.__init__(self) self.__base = None self.pose = Transformation.No() if pose is None else pose @property def position(self) -> np.ndarray: """Position of the Transformable. Cartesian offset to the reference coordinate frame. Returns: Cartesian position x, y, z in m. Raises: ValueError: If `position` is not a valid three-dimensional vector. """ return self.__pose.translation @position.setter def position(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: if value.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Position must be a vector") if len(value) > 3: raise ValueError("Position may have at most three dimensions") # Make vector 3D if less dimensions have been supplied if len(value) < 3: value = np.append(value, np.zeros(3 - len(value), dtype=float)) self.__pose.translation = value self._kinematics_updated() @property def orientation(self) -> np.ndarray: """Orientation of the Transformable. Returns: The transformation in radians for roll, pitch and yaw. Raises: ValueError: If `orientation` is not a three-dimensional numpy vector. """ return self.__pose.rotation_rpy @orientation.setter def orientation(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: if value.ndim != 1 or len(value) != 3: raise ValueError("Orientation must be a three-dimensional vector") self.__pose.rotation_rpy = value self._kinematics_updated()
[docs] def set_base(self, base: TransformableLink | None) -> None: if self.__base == base: return if self.__base is not None: self.__base.remove_link(self, force_removal=False) self.__base = base self._kinematics_updated() if self.__base is not None: self.__base.add_link(self)
@property def global_position(self) -> np.ndarray: """Position of the represented object within the global coordinate system. Returns: Three-dimensional numpy vector representing the cartesian object coordinates. """ return self.forwards_transformation.translation @property def global_orientation(self) -> np.ndarray: """Orientation of the represented object within the global coordinate system. Returns: Three-dimensional numpy vector representing roll, pitch and yaw in radians. """ return self.forwards_transformation.rotation_rpy @property def is_base(self) -> bool: """Is this transformable acting as a base frame? Returns: Boolean indicator. """ return self.__base is None @property def pose(self) -> Transformation: """Pose of the Transformable with respect to its reference link. Returns: The pose's transformation. """ return self.__pose @pose.setter def pose(self, value: Transformation) -> None: self.__pose = value.copy() self._kinematics_updated() @cached_property def forwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: if self.is_base: return self.pose transformation = self.__base.forwards_transformation @ self.pose return transformation.view(Transformation) @cached_property def backwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: """Transformation to convert global coordinates to local coordinates. Updated every time the kinematic chain's parameters change. Returns: The transformation. """ return self.forwards_transformation.invert() @overload def to_local_coordinates( self, global_object: Transformable ) -> Transformation: ... # pragma no cover @overload def to_local_coordinates( self, global_object: Transformation ) -> Transformation: ... # pragma no cover @overload def to_local_coordinates( self, position: np.ndarray, orientation: np.ndarray | None = None ) -> Transformation: ... # pragma no cover
[docs] def to_local_coordinates(self, arg_0: Transformable | Transformation | np.ndarray, arg_1: np.ndarray | None = None) -> Transformation: # type: ignore if isinstance(arg_0, Transformable): arg_0 = arg_0.forwards_transformation elif isinstance(arg_0, Transformation): ... # pragma no cover elif isinstance(arg_0, np.ndarray): arg_1 = np.zeros(3, dtype=float) if arg_1 is None else arg_1 arg_0 = Transformation.From_RPY(arg_1, arg_0) else: raise ValueError("Unknown type of first argument") local_transformation = self.backwards_transformation @ arg_0 return local_transformation.view(Transformation)
[docs] def lookat( self, target: np.ndarray = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], float), up: np.ndarray = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], float), ) -> None: """Rotate and loook at the given coordinates. Modifies `orientation` property. Args: target (numpy.ndarray): Cartesean coordinates to look at. Defaults to np.ndarray([0., 0., 0.], float). up (array of 3 numbers): Global catesean sky vector. Defines the upward direction of the local viewport. Defaults to np.ndarray([0., 1., 0.], float). """ self.pose.lookat(target, up)
def _kinematics_updated(self) -> None: # Clear the cached forwards transformation if the base has been updated if "forwards_transformation" in self.__dict__: del self.forwards_transformation if "backwards_transformation" in self.__dict__: del self.backwards_transformation for frame in self.linked_frames: frame._kinematics_updated()