Source code for hermespy.hardware_loop.hardware_loop

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Hardware Loop

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from threading import Event, Thread
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager, ExitStack
from os import path
from signal import signal, SIGINT
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Type
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from rich.console import Console
from rich.progress import Progress, SpinnerColumn, TimeElapsedColumn
from rich.prompt import Confirm
from ruamel.yaml import SafeConstructor, Node, SafeRepresenter, MappingNode

from hermespy.core import (
from hermespy.core.monte_carlo import GridDimension, SampleGrid, MonteCarloSample, VT
from import tile_figures
from .physical_device import PDT
from .physical_device_dummy import PhysicalScenarioDummy
from .scenario import PhysicalScenarioType

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

class IterationPriority(SerializableEnum):
    """Iteration priority of the hardware loop.

    Used by the :meth:`` method.

    DROPS = 0
    """Iterate over drops first before iterating over the parameter grid."""

    GRID = 1
    """Iterate over the parameter grid first before iterating over drops."""

class EvaluatorPlotMode(SerializableEnum):
    """Evalution plot mode during hardware loop runtime."""

    HIDE = 0
    """Do not plot evaluation results during hardware loop runtime."""

    """Plot the evaluation during hardware loop runtime."""

    """Plot the series of generated scalar artifacts during hardware loop runtime."""

class EvaluatorRegistration(Evaluator):
    """Evaluator registration for the hardware loop.

    Created by the :meth:`HardwareLoop.add_evaluator` method.

    __evaluator: Evaluator
    __plot_mode: EvaluatorPlotMode

    def __init__(self, evaluator: Evaluator, plot_mode: EvaluatorPlotMode) -> None:

            evaluator (Evaluator):
                Registered evaluator.

            plot_mode (EvaluatorPlotMode):
                Plot mode of the registered evaluator.

        # Initialize class attributes
        self.__evaluator = evaluator
        self.__plot_mode = plot_mode

    def evaluator(self) -> Evaluator:
        """Registered evaluator."""

        return self.__evaluator

    def plot_mode(self) -> EvaluatorPlotMode:
        """Plot mode of the registered evaluator."""

        return self.__plot_mode

    def evaluate(self) -> Evaluation:
        return self.__evaluator.evaluate()

    def abbreviation(self) -> str:
        return self.__evaluator.abbreviation

    def title(self) -> str:
        return self.__evaluator.title

    def confidence(self) -> float:
        return self.__evaluator.confidence

    def confidence(self, value: float) -> None:
        self.__evaluator.confidence = value

    def tolerance(self) -> float:
        return self.__evaluator.tolerance

    def tolerance(self, value: float) -> None:
        self.__evaluator.tolerance = value

    def generate_result(
        self, grid: Sequence[GridDimension], artifacts: np.ndarray
    ) -> EvaluationResult:
        return self.__evaluator.generate_result(grid, artifacts)

class HardwareLoopSample(object):
    """Sample of the hardware loop.

    Generated during :meth:``.

    __drop: Drop
    __evaluations: Sequence[Evaluation]
    __artifacts: Sequence[Artifact]

    def __init__(
        self, drop: Drop, evaluations: Sequence[Evaluation], artifacts: Sequence[Artifact]
    ) -> None:
        # Initialize class attributes
        self.__drop = drop
        self.__evaluations = evaluations
        self.__artifacts = artifacts

    def drop(self) -> Drop:
        """Drop of the hardware loop sample."""

        return self.__drop

    def evaluations(self) -> Sequence[Evaluation]:
        """Evaluations of the hardware loop sample."""

        return self.__evaluations

    def artifacts(self) -> Sequence[Artifact]:
        """Artifacts of the hardware loop sample."""

        return self.__artifacts

[docs] class HardwareLoopPlot(ABC, Generic[VT]): """Base class for all plots visualized during hardware loop runtime.""" __hardware_loop: HardwareLoop | None __title: str __figure: plt.Figure | None __axes: VAT | None __visualization: VT | None def __init__(self, title: str | None = None) -> None: """ Args: title (str, optional): Title of the hardware loop plot. If not specified, resorts to the default title of the plot. """ # Initialize class attributes self.__hardware_loop = None self.__title = title self.__figure = None self.__axes = None self.__visualization = None @property def hardware_loop(self) -> HardwareLoop | None: """Hardware loop this plot is attached to.""" return self.__hardware_loop @hardware_loop.setter def hardware_loop(self, value: HardwareLoop) -> None: """Hardware loop this plot is attached to.""" if self.__hardware_loop is not None: raise RuntimeError("Plot already assigned to a hardware loop.") self.__hardware_loop = value @property @abstractmethod def _default_title(self) -> str: """Default title of the hardware loop plot.""" ... # pragma: no cover @property def title(self) -> str: """Title of the hardware loop plot.""" return self.__title if self.__title else self._default_title
[docs] def prepare_plot(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: """Prepare the figure for the hardware loop plot. Returns: The prepared figure and axes to be plotted into. """ self.__figure, self.__axes = self._prepare_plot() self.__figure.suptitle(self.title) return self.__figure, self.__axes
@abstractmethod def _prepare_plot(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: """Prepare the figure for the hardware loop plot. Returns: The prepared figure and axes to be plotted into. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: """Update the hardware loop plot. Internally calls the abstract :meth:`_update_plot` method. Args: sample (HardwareLoopSample): Hardware loop sample to be plotted. Raises: RuntimeError: If the hardware loop is not set. """ # Assert correct state if self.hardware_loop is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable plot if hardware loop is not set") # Prepare the plot if not done yet _axes: VAT if self.__axes is None or self.__figure is None: figure, _axes = self.prepare_plot() else: figure = self.__figure _axes = self.__axes # If the visualizable has not been plotted yet, prepare the plot if self.__visualization is None: self.__visualization = self._initial_plot(sample, _axes) # Otherwise, update the plot data else: self._update_plot(sample, self.__visualization) # Re-draw the plot figure.canvas.draw() figure.canvas.flush_events()
@abstractmethod def _initial_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample, axes: VAT) -> VT: """Initial plot of the hardware loop plot. Abstract subroutine of :meth:`HardwareLoopPlot.update_plot`. Args: sample (HardwareLoopSample): Hardware loop sample to be plotted. axes (VAT): The visualization to be plotted into. Returns: The plotted information including axes and lines. """ ... # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample, visualization: VT) -> None: """Update the hardware loop plot. Abstract subroutine of :meth:`HardwareLoopPlot.update_plot`. Args: sample (HardwareLoopSample): Hardware loop sample to be plotted. visualization (VT): The visualization to be updated. """ ... # pragma: no cover
class PlotThread(Thread): """Thread for parallel plotting during hardware loop runtime.""" __plot: HardwareLoopPlot __sample: HardwareLoopSample | None = None __update_plot: Event __alive: bool __rc_params: mpl.RcParams def __init__(self, rc_params: mpl.RcParams, plot: HardwareLoopPlot, **kwargs) -> None: """ Args: rc_params (mpl.RcParams): Matplotlib style parameters. plot (HardwareLoopPlot): Plot to be visualized by the thread. \**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the base class. """ # Initialize class attributes self.__plot = plot self.__sample = None self.__update_plot = Event() self.__alive = True self.__rc_params = rc_params # Initialize base class Thread.__init__(self, **kwargs) def run(self) -> None: with mpl.rc_context(self.__rc_params), plt.ion(): # Prepare the plot with catch_warnings(): simplefilter("ignore") figure, _ = self.__plot.prepare_plot() while self.__alive: if self.__update_plot.wait(0.1): self.__plot.update_plot(self.__sample) self.__update_plot.clear() # Close the plot # This is required as to not confuse the matplotlib backend which thread to use # in upcoming plots plt.close(figure) def update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: """Update the plot with a new sample. Args: sample (HardwareLoopSample): Sample to be plotted. """ self.__sample = sample self.__update_plot.set() def stop(self) -> None: self.__alive = False class ThreadContextManager(AbstractContextManager): """Context manager for managing threads. Entering the context manager starts the threads, exiting stops them. """ __threads: List[PlotThread] # Threads managed by this context manager def __init__(self, threads: List[PlotThread]) -> None: """ Args: threads (List[PlotThread]): Threads to be managed by this context manager. """ # Initialize base class super().__init__() # Initialize class attributes self.__threads = threads def __enter__(self) -> Any: for thread in self.__threads: if not thread.is_alive(): thread.start() super().__enter__() def __exit__( self, __exc_type: Type[BaseException] | None, __exc_value: BaseException | None, __traceback: TracebackType | None, ) -> bool | None: # Stop the threads for thread in self.__threads: thread.stop() # Wait for the threads to finish for thread in self.__threads: thread.join(timeout=1.0) return super().__exit__(__exc_type, __exc_value, __traceback)
[docs] class HardwareLoop( Serializable, Generic[PhysicalScenarioType, PDT], Pipeline[PhysicalScenarioType, PDT] ): """Hermespy hardware loop configuration.""" yaml_tag = "HardwareLoop" """YAML serialization tag""" property_blacklist = {"console"} serialized_attributes = {"scenario", "manual_triggering", "plot_information", "record_drops"} manual_triggering: bool """Require a user input to trigger each drop manually""" plot_information: bool """Plot information during loop runtime""" record_drops: bool """Record drops during loop runtime""" __dimensions: list[GridDimension] # Parameter dimension over which a run sweeps __evaluators: list[Evaluator] # Evaluators further processing drop information __plots: list[HardwareLoopPlot] __pre_drop_hooks: list[Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]] __post_drop_hooks: list[Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]] __iteration_priority: IterationPriority __interrupt_run: bool def __init__( self, scenario: PhysicalScenarioType, manual_triggering: bool = False, plot_information: bool = True, iteration_priority: IterationPriority = IterationPriority.DROPS, record_drops: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Args: scenario (PhysicalScenarioType): The physical scenario being controlled by the hardware loop. manual_triggering (bool, optional): Require a keyboard user input to trigger each drop manually. Disabled by default. plot_information (bool, optional): Plot information during loop runtime. Enabled by default. iteration_priority (IterationPriority, optional): Which dimension to iterate over first. Defaults to :attr:`IterationPriority.DROPS`. record_drops (bool, optional): Record drops during loop runtime. Enabled by default. """ # Initialize base classes Pipeline.__init__(self, scenario=scenario, **kwargs) # Initialize class attributes self.manual_triggering = manual_triggering self.plot_information = plot_information self.iteration_priority = iteration_priority self.record_drops = record_drops self.__dimensions = [] self.__evaluators = [] self.__plots = [] self.__pre_drop_hooks = [] self.__post_drop_hooks = [] self.__interrupt_run = False
[docs] def new_dimension( self, dimension: str, sample_points: List[Any], *args: Tuple[Any] ) -> GridDimension: """Add a dimension to the sweep grid. Must be a property of the :meth:`HardwareLoop.scenario`. Args: dimension (str): String representation of dimension location relative to the investigated object. sample_points (List[Any]): List points at which the dimension will be sampled into a grid. The type of points must be identical to the grid arguments / type. *args (Tuple[Any], optional): References to the object the imension belongs to. Resolved to the investigated object by default, but may be an attribute or sub-attribute of the investigated object. Returns: The newly created dimension object. """ considered_objects = (self.__scenario) if len(args) < 1 else args grid_dimension = GridDimension(considered_objects, dimension, sample_points) self.add_dimension(grid_dimension) return grid_dimension
[docs] def add_dimension(self, dimension: GridDimension) -> None: """Add a new dimension to the simulation grid. Args: dimension (GridDimension): Dimension to be added. Raises: ValueError: If the `dimension` already exists within the grid. """ if dimension in self.__dimensions: raise ValueError("Dimension instance already registered within the grid") self.__dimensions.append(dimension)
[docs] def add_evaluator(self, evaluator: Evaluator) -> None: """Add new evaluator to the hardware loop. Args: evaluator (Evaluator): The evaluator to be added. """ self.__evaluators.append(evaluator)
[docs] def add_plot(self, plot: HardwareLoopPlot) -> None: """Add a new plot to be visualized by the hardware loop during runtime. Args: plot (HardwareLoopPlot): The plot to be added. """ plot.hardware_loop = self self.__plots.append(plot)
@property def evaluators(self) -> List[Evaluator]: """List of registered evaluators.""" return self.__evaluators @property def num_evaluators(self) -> int: """Number of registered evaluators. Returns: The number of evaluators. """ return len(self.__evaluators)
[docs] def evaluator_index(self, evaluator: Evaluator) -> int: """Index of the given evaluator. Args: evaluator (Evaluator): The evaluator to be searched for. Returns: The index of the evaluator. """ return self.__evaluators.index(evaluator)
@property def pre_drop_hooks(self) -> list[Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]]: """List of pre-drop hooks. Pre-drop hooks are called before each drop is generated and can be used to add additional actions not natively supported by the hardware loop. """ return self.__pre_drop_hooks
[docs] def add_pre_drop_hook(self, hook: Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]) -> None: """Add a pre-drop hook. Args: hook (Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]): The hook to be added. The hook must accept the scenario and console as arguments. Raises: ValueError: If the hook is already registered. """ if hook in self.pre_drop_hooks: raise ValueError("Hook already registered") self.__pre_drop_hooks.append(hook)
@property def post_drop_hooks(self) -> list[Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]]: """List of post-drop hooks. Post-drop hooks are called after each drop is generated and can be used to add additional actions not natively supported by the hardware loop. """ return self.__post_drop_hooks
[docs] def add_post_drop_hook(self, hook: Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]) -> None: """Add a post-drop hook. Args: hook (Callable[[PhysicalScenarioType, Console], None]): The hook to be added. The hook must accept the scenario and console as arguments. Raises: ValueError: If the hook is already registered. """ if hook in self.post_drop_hooks: raise ValueError("Hook already registered") self.__post_drop_hooks.append(hook)
@property def iteration_priority(self) -> IterationPriority: """Iteration priority of the hardware loop.""" return self.__iteration_priority @iteration_priority.setter def iteration_priority(self, value: IterationPriority) -> None: self.__iteration_priority = value
[docs] def run(self, overwrite=True, campaign: str = "default", serialize_state: bool = True) -> None: """Run the hardware loop configuration. Args: overwrite (bool, optional): Allow the replacement of an already existing savefile. campaing (str, optional): Name of the measurement campaign. serialize_state (bool, optional): Serialize the state of the scenario to the results file. Enabled by default. """ # Prepare the results file # Only required if the results directory is set and drops are recorded if self.results_dir: if self.record_drops: file_location = path.join(self.results_dir, "drops.h5") # Workaround for scenarios which might not be serializable: # Create a dummy scenario and patch the operators for recording if not isinstance(self.scenario, Serializable): state = PhysicalScenarioDummy() for device in self.scenario.devices: state.new_device( carrier_frequency=device.carrier_frequency, sampling_rate=device.sampling_rate, ) for transmitter in device.transmitters: device.transmitters.add(transmitter) for receiver in device.receivers: device.receivers.add(receiver) self.scenario.record( file_location, overwrite=overwrite, campaign=campaign, state=state, serialize_state=serialize_state, ) else: self.scenario.record( file_location, overwrite=overwrite, campaign=campaign, serialize_state=serialize_state, ) else: if ( self.console_mode is not ConsoleMode.SILENT and self.verbosity.value >= Verbosity.INFO.value ): self.console.print("Skipping drop recording", style="bright_yellow") # Run internally self.__run() # Save results and close file streams self.scenario.stop()
[docs] def replay(self, file_location: str) -> None: """Replay a stored pipeline run. Args: file_location (str): File system location of the replay. """ # Start the scenario replay self.scenario.replay(file_location) # Run internally self.__run() # Stop the scenario replay self.scenario.stop()
def __generate_sample( self, section_indices: Tuple[int, ...], sample_index: int ) -> HardwareLoopSample: """Generate a sample from the grid. Args: section_indices (Tuple[int, ...]): The indices of the section within the sample grid. sample_index (int): Index of the sample within the section. Returns: The generated sample. """ # Configure the parameters according to the grid indces for dim, p in zip(self.__dimensions, section_indices): dim.configure_point(p) # Generate a new drop (triggers the hardware) drop = self.scenario.drop() # Generate evaluations and artifacts evaluations = [e.evaluate() for e in self.__evaluators] artifacts = [e.artifact() for e in evaluations] # Return sample return HardwareLoopSample(drop, evaluations, artifacts) def __sigint_handler(self, signum: int, frame: Any) -> None: """Signal handler for SIGINT.""" # Print a message if self.console_mode is not ConsoleMode.SILENT: self.console.log("Received SIGINT, stopping hardware loop", style="bright_red") self.__interrupt_run = True def __run(self) -> None: """Internal run method executing drops""" # Reset variables self.__interrupt_run = False # Register sigint handler to this instance signal(SIGINT, self.__sigint_handler) # Initialize the sample grid sample_grid = SampleGrid(self.__dimensions, self.__evaluators) # Print indicator that the simulation is starting if ( self.console_mode is not ConsoleMode.SILENT and self.verbosity.value >= Verbosity.INFO.value ): # pragma: no cover self.console.print() # Just an empty line self.console.rule("Hardware Loop") self.console.print() # Just an empty line # Prepare the console progress = Progress( SpinnerColumn(), *Progress.get_default_columns(), TimeElapsedColumn(), transient=True, console=self.console, ) confirm = Confirm(console=self.console) num_total_drops = self.num_drops grid_tasks = [] for grid_dimension in self.__dimensions: grid_tasks.append( progress.add_task( "[cyan]" + grid_dimension.title, total=grid_dimension.num_sample_points ) ) num_total_drops *= grid_dimension.num_sample_points loop_drop_progress = progress.add_task("[green]Drops", total=self.num_drops) total_progress = progress.add_task("[red]Progress", total=num_total_drops) with ExitStack() as stack: # Initialize plots plot_threads: List[PlotThread] = [] if self.plot_information: with self.style_context(): rc_params = mpl.rcParams.copy() plot_threads = [ PlotThread(rc_params, plot, name=f"HardwareLoop-Plot-{p}") for p, plot in enumerate(self.__plots) ] # Tile the generated figures tile_figures(2, 4) # Add all threads to the context stack stack.enter_context(ThreadContextManager(plot_threads)) # Add the progress bar to the context stack if self.console_mode == ConsoleMode.INTERACTIVE: stack.enter_context(progress) # Start counting the total number of completed drops total = 0 # Generate the number of required drops index_grid: Tuple[int, ...] = tuple() if self.iteration_priority is IterationPriority.GRID: index_grid = (self.num_drops, *[d.num_sample_points for d in self.__dimensions]) grid_selector = slice(1, 1 + len(self.__dimensions)) drop_selector = 0 elif self.iteration_priority is IterationPriority.DROPS: index_grid = (*[d.num_sample_points for d in self.__dimensions], self.num_drops) grid_selector = slice(0, len(self.__dimensions)) drop_selector = len(self.__dimensions) else: # This should never happen raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid iteration priority: {self.iteration_priority}") for indices in np.ndindex(index_grid): # Abort if sigint is received if self.__interrupt_run: break sample_index = indices[drop_selector] section_indices = indices[grid_selector] # Ask for a trigger input if manual mode is enabled # Abort execution if user denies if self.manual_triggering: # pragma: no cover if not confirm.ask(f"Trigger next drop ({total+1})?"): break # Generate the next drop try: # Execute pre-drop hooks for hook in self.__pre_drop_hooks: hook(self.scenario, self.console) # Generate a new samples loop_sample = self.__generate_sample(section_indices, sample_index) grid_sample = MonteCarloSample( section_indices, sample_index, loop_sample.artifacts ) # Save sample sample_grid[section_indices].add_samples(grid_sample, self.__evaluators) # Print results if ( self.console_mode is not ConsoleMode.SILENT and self.verbosity.value <= Verbosity.INFO.value ): result_str = f"# {total:<5}" for dimesion, i in zip(self.__dimensions, indices[grid_selector]): result_str += f" {dimesion.title} = {dimesion.sample_points[i].title}" for evaluator, artifact in zip(self.__evaluators, loop_sample.artifacts): result_str += f" {evaluator.abbreviation}: {str(artifact):5}" if self.console_mode == ConsoleMode.INTERACTIVE: progress.log(result_str) elif self.console_mode != ConsoleMode.SILENT: self.console.log(result_str) if self.plot_information: for thread in plot_threads: thread.update_plot(loop_sample) # Execute post-drop hooks for hook in self.__post_drop_hooks: hook(self.scenario, self.console) except Exception as e: self._handle_exception(e, confirm=False) # Update progress total += 1 for task, completed in zip(grid_tasks, indices[grid_selector]): progress.update(task, completed=completed) progress.update(loop_drop_progress, completed=indices[drop_selector]) progress.update(total_progress, completed=total) # Compute the evaluation results result: MonteCarloResult = MonteCarloResult( self.__dimensions, self.__evaluators, sample_grid, 0.0 ) # Generate result plots visualizations = result.plot() # Save results if a directory was provided if self.results_dir: result.save_to_matlab(path.join(self.results_dir, "results.mat")) for idx, (visualization, evaluator) in enumerate( zip(visualizations, self.__evaluators) ): if visualization.figure is not None: visualization.figure.savefig( path.join(self.results_dir, f"result_{idx}_{evaluator.abbreviation}.png"), format="png", ) if self.plot_information: @classmethod def to_yaml( cls: Type[HardwareLoop], representer: SafeRepresenter, node: HardwareLoop ) -> MappingNode: # Prepare dimensions dimension_fields: List[Mapping[str, Any]] = [] for dimension in node.__dimensions: dimension_fields.append( { "objects": dimension.considered_objects, "property": dimension.dimension, "points": [p.value for p in dimension.sample_points], "title": dimension.title, } ) additional_fields = {"Evaluators": node.__evaluators, "Dimensions": dimension_fields} return node._mapping_serialization_wrapper(representer, additional_fields=additional_fields) @classmethod def from_yaml( cls: Type[HardwareLoop], constructor: SafeConstructor, node: Node ) -> HardwareLoop: state = constructor.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) state.pop("Operators", []) evaluators: List[Evaluator] = state.pop("Evaluators", []) dimensions: List[Mapping[str, Any]] = state.pop("Dimensions", []) # Initialize the hardware loop hardware_loop: HardwareLoop = cls.InitializationWrapper(state) # Register evaluators for evaluator in evaluators: hardware_loop.add_evaluator(evaluator) # Add sweeping dimensions for dimension in dimensions: new_dim = hardware_loop.new_dimension( dimension["property"], dimension["points"], *dimension["objects"] ) title = dimension.get("title", None) if title is not None: new_dim.title = title # Return fully configured hardware loop return hardware_loop