Source code for hermespy.hardware_loop.physical_device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Physical Devices

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import Generic, Type, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from h5py import File, Group
from scipy.signal import butter, sosfilt

from hermespy.core import (

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

PDT = TypeVar("PDT", bound="PhysicalDevice")
"""Type variable for :class:`PhysicalDevice` and its subclasses."""

CT = TypeVar("CT", bound="Calibration")
"""Type variable for :class:`Calibration` and its subclasses."""

class PhysicalDeviceState(DeviceState):
    """State of a physical device."""

    ...  # pragma: no cover

PDST = TypeVar("PDST", bound=PhysicalDeviceState)
"""Type variable for :class:`PhysicalDeviceState` and its subclasses."""

[docs] class PhysicalDevice(Generic[PDST], Device[PDST]): """Base representing any device controlling real hardware.""" __max_receive_delay: float __adaptive_sampling: bool __lowpass_filter: bool __lowpass_bandwidth: float __recent_upload: Signal | None __noise_power: np.ndarray | None __leakage_calibration: LeakageCalibrationBase __delay_calibration: DelayCalibrationBase __antenna_calibration: AntennaCalibration def __init__( self, max_receive_delay: float = 0.0, noise_power: np.ndarray | None = None, leakage_calibration: LeakageCalibrationBase | None = None, delay_calibration: DelayCalibrationBase | None = None, antenna_calibration: AntennaCalibration | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Args: max_receive_delay (float, optional): Maximum expected delay during siganl reception in seconds. Zero by default. noise_power (numpy.ndarray, optional): Assumed power of the hardware noise at the device's receive chains. leakage_calibration (LeakageCalibrationBase, optional): The leakage calibration routine to apply to received signals. If not provided, defaults to the :class:`NoLeakageCalibration` stub routine. delay_calibration (DelayCalibrationBase, optional): The delay calibration routine to apply to received signals. If not provided, defaults to the :class:`NoDelayCalibration` stub routine. antenna_calibration (AntennaCalibration, optional): The antenna calibration routine to apply to transmitted and received signals. If not provided, defaults to the :class:`NoAntennaCalibration` stub routine. \*args: :class:`Device` base class initialization parameters. \*\*kwargs: :class:`Device` base class initialization parameters. """ # Initialize base class Device.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Initialize class attributes self.max_receive_delay = max_receive_delay self.__adaptive_sampling = False self.__lowpass_filter = False self.__lowpass_bandwidth = 0.0 self.__recent_upload = None self.__noise_power = noise_power self.__leakage_calibration = NoLeakageCalibration() self.__antenna_calibration = NoAntennaCalibration() self.__delay_calibration = NoDelayCalibration() LeakageCalibrationBase._configure_slot(self, leakage_calibration) DelayCalibrationBase._configure_slot(self, delay_calibration) AntennaCalibration._configure_slot(self, antenna_calibration)
[docs] @abstractmethod def trigger(self) -> None: """Trigger the device.""" ... # pragma no cover
@property def leakage_calibration(self) -> LeakageCalibrationBase: """Leakage calibration routine to apply to received signals. Returns: Handle to the calibration routine. """ return self.__leakage_calibration @leakage_calibration.setter def leakage_calibration(self, value: LeakageCalibrationBase) -> None: if self.__leakage_calibration is value: return self.__leakage_calibration = value if self.__leakage_calibration.device is not self: self.__leakage_calibration.device = self @property def delay_calibration(self) -> DelayCalibrationBase: """Delay calibration routine to apply to received signals. Returns: Handle to the delay calibration routine. """ return self.__delay_calibration @delay_calibration.setter def delay_calibration(self, value: DelayCalibrationBase) -> None: if self.__delay_calibration is value: return self.__delay_calibration = value self.__delay_calibration.device = self @property def antenna_calibration(self) -> AntennaCalibration: """Antenna calibration routine to apply to transmitted and received signals. Returns: Handle to the antenna calibration routine. """ return self.__antenna_calibration @antenna_calibration.setter def antenna_calibration(self, value: AntennaCalibration) -> None: if self.__antenna_calibration is value: return self.__antenna_calibration = value self.__antenna_calibration.device = self
[docs] def save_calibration(self, path: str) -> None: """Save the calibration file to the hard drive. Args: path (str): Path under which the file should be stored. """ file = File(path, "w") # Write leakage calibration to file file.attrs[LeakageCalibrationBase.hdf_group_name] = self.leakage_calibration.yaml_tag self.leakage_calibration.to_HDF(file.create_group(LeakageCalibrationBase.hdf_group_name)) # Write delay calibration to file file.attrs[DelayCalibrationBase.hdf_group_name] = self.delay_calibration.yaml_tag self.delay_calibration.to_HDF(file.create_group(DelayCalibrationBase.hdf_group_name)) # Write antenna calibration to file file.attrs[AntennaCalibration.hdf_group_name] = self.antenna_calibration.yaml_tag self.antenna_calibration.to_HDF(file.create_group(AntennaCalibration.hdf_group_name)) # Close file handle file.close()
@staticmethod def __calibration_from_hdf(file: File, factory: Factory, calibration: Type[CT]) -> CT | None: """Load a calibration object from an HDF file. Subroutine of :meth:`PhysicalDevice.load_calibration`. Args: file (File): File handle of the HDF file. factory (Factory): Factory object to create the calibration object. calibration (Type[CT]): Type of the calibration object to load. Returns: The loaded calibration object. `None` if the calibration object is not present in the HDF file. """ group_name = calibration.hdf_group_name # If the tag isn't specified in the attribute list, the calibration object is not present in the file if group_name not in file.attrs: return None calibration_class: Type[CT] = factory.tag_registry[file.attrs.get(group_name)] # type: ignore return calibration_class.from_HDF(file[group_name])
[docs] def load_calibration(self, path: str) -> None: """Load the calibration file from the hard drive. Args: path (str): Path from which to load the calibration file. """ file = File(path, "r") factory = Factory() # Load leakage calibration if available in save file leakage_calibration = self.__calibration_from_hdf(file, factory, LeakageCalibrationBase) # type: ignore if leakage_calibration is not None: self.leakage_calibration = leakage_calibration # Load delay calibration if available in save file delay_calibration = self.__calibration_from_hdf(file, factory, DelayCalibrationBase) # type: ignore if delay_calibration is not None: self.delay_calibration = delay_calibration # Load antenna calibration if available in save file antenna_calibration = self.__calibration_from_hdf(file, factory, AntennaCalibration) # type: ignore if antenna_calibration is not None: self.antenna_calibration = antenna_calibration file.close()
@property def adaptive_sampling(self) -> bool: """Allow adaptive sampling during transmission. Returns: Enabled flag. """ return self.__adaptive_sampling @adaptive_sampling.setter def adaptive_sampling(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__adaptive_sampling = bool(value) @property def lowpass_filter(self) -> bool: """Apply a digital lowpass filter to the received base-band samples. Returns: Enabled flag. """ return self.__lowpass_filter @lowpass_filter.setter def lowpass_filter(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__lowpass_filter = bool(value) @property def lowpass_bandwidth(self) -> float: """Digital lowpass filter bandwidth Returns: Filter bandwidth in Hz. Zero if the device should determine the bandwidth automatically. Raises: ValueError: For negative bandwidths. """ return self.__lowpass_bandwidth @lowpass_bandwidth.setter def lowpass_bandwidth(self, value: float) -> None: if value < 0.0: raise ValueError("Lowpass filter bandwidth should be greater or equal to zero") self.__lowpass_bandwidth = float(value) @property def max_receive_delay(self) -> float: """Maximum expected delay during signal reception. The expected delay will be appended as additional samples to the expected frame length during reception. Returns: The expected receive delay in seconds. Raises: ValueError: If the delay is smaller than zero. """ return self.__max_receive_delay @max_receive_delay.setter def max_receive_delay(self, value: float) -> None: if value < 0.0: raise ValueError("The maximum receive delay must be greater or equal to zero") self.__max_receive_delay = value @property @abstractmethod def max_sampling_rate(self) -> float: """Maximal device sampling rate. Returns: The samplin rate in Hz. """ ... # pragma no cover @property def velocity(self) -> np.ndarray: # In the future, physical devices may estimate their velocity. # For now, we assume that the device is stationary. return np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) @property def noise_power(self) -> np.ndarray | None: """Assumed hardware noise power at the device's receive chains. Returns: Numpy array indicating the noise power at each receive chain. `None` if unknown or not specified. Raises: ValueError: If any power is negative. """ return self.__noise_power @noise_power.setter def noise_power(self, value: np.ndarray | None) -> None: if value is None: self.__noise_power = None return if np.any(value < 0.0): raise ValueError("Assumed hardware noise powers must be non-negative") self.__noise_power = value
[docs] def estimate_noise_power(self, num_samples: int = 1000, cache: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate the power of the noise floor within the hardware. Receives `num_samples` without any transmissions and estimates the power over them. Note that any interference in this case will be interpreted as noise. Args: num_samples (int, optional): Number of received samples. 1000 by default. cache (bool, optional): If enabled, the :meth:`PhysicalDevice.noise_power` property will be updated. Returns: np.ndarray: Estimated noise power at each respective receive channel, i.e. the variance of the unbiased received samples. """ silent_signal = Signal.Create( np.zeros((self.antennas.num_transmit_ports, num_samples)), self.sampling_rate, self.carrier_frequency, ) noise_signal = self.trigger_direct(silent_signal) noise_power = noise_signal.power if cache: self.noise_power = noise_power return noise_power
def _upload(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: """Upload samples to be transmitted to the represented hardware. Args: signal (Signal): The samples to be uploaded. Returns: The actually uploaded samples, including quantization scaling. """ # The default routine is a stub return signal
[docs] def transmit(self, state: PDST | None = None, notify: bool = True) -> DeviceTransmission: _state = self.state() if state is None else state # If adaptive sampling is disabled, resort to the default transmission routine if not self.adaptive_sampling or self.transmitters.num_operators < 1: device_transmission = Device.transmit(self, _state, notify) else: operator_transmissions = self.transmit_operators(_state, notify) try: output = self.generate_output(operator_transmissions, _state, False) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError("Resampling is required for adaptive sampling but not allowed") # Adaptive sampling rate will simply assume the device's sampling rate mixed_signal = output.mixed_signal mixed_signal.carrier_frequency = self.carrier_frequency mixed_signal.sampling_rate = self.sampling_rate # Generate the device transmission device_transmission = DeviceTransmission(operator_transmissions, mixed_signal) # Upload the samples self.__recent_upload = self._upload(device_transmission.mixed_signal) # Return transmission return device_transmission
def _download(self) -> Signal: """Download received samples from the represented hardware. Returns: A signal model of the downloaded samples. If the actual physical device applied an internal delay correction, the signal's delay will represent the delay by which the received signal was alrady corrected. """ # This method is a stub by default raise NotImplementedError("The default physical device does not support downloads")
[docs] def trigger_direct(self, signal: Signal, calibrate: bool = True) -> Signal: """Trigger a direct transmission and reception. Bypasses the operator abstraction layer and directly transmits the given signal. Args: signal (Signal): The signal to be transmitted. calibrate (bool, optional): If enabled, the signal will be calibrated using the device's leakage calibration. Enabled by default. Returns: The received signal. Raises: ValueError: If the signal's carrier frequency or sampling rate does not match the device's. """ if signal.carrier_frequency != self.carrier_frequency: raise ValueError( f"Carrier frequency of the transmitted signal does not match the device's carrier frequency ({signal.carrier_frequency} != {self.carrier_frequency})" ) if signal.sampling_rate != self.sampling_rate: raise ValueError( f"Sampling rate of the transmitted signal does not match the device's sampling rate ({signal.sampling_rate} != {self.sampling_rate})" ) if calibrate: signal = signal.copy() for block in signal._blocks: block = self.antenna_calibration.correct_transmission(block) # Upload signal to the device's memory uploaded_samples = self._upload(signal) # Trigger transmission / reception self.trigger() # Download signal from device's memory received_signal = self._download() # Apply calibration correction corrected_signal = ( received_signal if not calibrate or self.leakage_calibration is None else self.leakage_calibration.remove_leakage(uploaded_samples, received_signal) ) return corrected_signal
[docs] def process_input( self, impinging_signals: DeviceInput | Signal | Sequence[Signal] | None = None, state: PDST | None = None, ) -> ProcessedDeviceInput: # Physical devices are able to download imiging signals directly from the represented hardware buffers if impinging_signals is None: # Download signal samples filtered_signal = self._download().copy() # Apply a lowpass filter if the respective physical device flag is enabled if self.lowpass_filter: if self.lowpass_bandwidth <= 0.0: filter_cutoff = 0.25 * self.sampling_rate else: filter_cutoff = 0.5 * self.lowpass_bandwidth filter = butter(5, filter_cutoff, output="sos", fs=self.sampling_rate) filtered_signal.set_samples(sosfilt(filter, filtered_signal.getitem(), axis=1)) _impinging_signals = filtered_signal elif isinstance(impinging_signals, DeviceInput): _impinging_signals = impinging_signals.impinging_signals[0] elif isinstance(impinging_signals, Sequence): _impinging_signals = impinging_signals[0] else: _impinging_signals = impinging_signals if _impinging_signals.num_streams != self.num_receive_antenna_ports: raise ValueError( "Number of received signal streams does not match number of configured antennas" ) if _impinging_signals.sampling_rate != self.sampling_rate: raise ValueError( f"Received signal sampling rate ({_impinging_signals.sampling_rate}) does not match device sampling rate({self.sampling_rate})" ) # Apply calibration correction transmitted_signal = ( self.__recent_upload if self.__recent_upload is not None else Signal.Empty( _impinging_signals.sampling_rate, _impinging_signals.num_streams, carrier_frequency=_impinging_signals.carrier_frequency, ) ) corrected_signal = self.leakage_calibration.remove_leakage( transmitted_signal, _impinging_signals ) # Defer to the default device input processing routine return Device.process_input(self, corrected_signal, state)
[docs] def receive( self, impinging_signals: DeviceInput | Signal | Sequence[Signal] | None = None, state: PDST | None = None, notify: bool = True, ) -> DeviceReception: """Receive over this physical device. Internally calls :meth:`PhysicalDevice.process_input` and :meth:`Device.receive_operators`. Args: impinging_signals (DeviceInput | Signal | Sequence[Signal], optional): The samples to be processed by the device. If not specified, the device will download the samples directly from the represented hardware. state (PDST, optional): Device state to be used for the processing. If not provided, query the current device state by calling :meth:`state`. notify (bool, optional): Notify all registered callbacks within the involved DSP algorithms. Enabled by default. Returns: The received device information. """ _impinging_signals = self._download() if impinging_signals is None else impinging_signals return Device.receive(self, _impinging_signals, state, notify)
class Calibration(ABC, HDFSerializable, Serializable): """Abstract basse class of all calibration classes.""" hdf_group_name = "calibration" """Group name of the calibration in the HDF save file.""" __device: PhysicalDevice | None def __init__(self, device: PhysicalDevice | None = None) -> None: # Initialize class attributes self.__device = None self.device = device @classmethod @abstractmethod def _configure_slot( cls: Type[CT], device: PhysicalDevice, value: CT | None ) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover @property def device(self) -> PhysicalDevice | None: return self.__device @device.setter def device(self, value: PhysicalDevice | None) -> None: # Do nothing if the calibrateable is already set to the new value if self.__device is value: return # Reset old configured device to default if self.__device is not None: self._configure_slot(self.__device, None) # Save new device and configure it to this calibration self.__device = value if self.__device is not None: self._configure_slot(self.__device, self) def save(self, path: str) -> None: """Save the calibration file to the hard drive. Args: path (str): Path under which the file should be stored. Raises: """ file = File(path, "a") # Create dataset for the calibrateable dataset = file.create_group(self.hdf_group_name) # Save state to dataset self.to_HDF(dataset) # Close file handle file.close() @classmethod def Load(cls: Type[CT], source: str | Group) -> CT: if isinstance(source, str): file = File(source, "r") # Load dataset for the calibrateable group = file[cls.hdf_group_name] else: group = source # Recall and return the calibration from the HDF dataset calibration = cls.from_HDF(group) # Close file handle if isinstance(source, str): file.close() return calibration class DelayCalibrationBase(Calibration, ABC): """Abstract base class for all delay calibration classes.""" hdf_group_name = "delay_calibration" """Group name of the delay calibration in the HDF save file.""" @classmethod def _configure_slot( cls: Type[DelayCalibrationBase], device: PhysicalDevice, value: DelayCalibrationBase | None ) -> None: device.delay_calibration = NoDelayCalibration() if value is None else value @property @abstractmethod def delay(self) -> float: """Expected transmit-receive delay in seconds.""" ... # pragma: no cover def correct_transmit_delay(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: """Apply the delay calibration to a transmitted signal. Args: signal (Signal): The signal to be corrected. Returns: The corrected signal. """ # Do nothing for positive delays if self.delay >= 0: return signal # Prepend zeros to the signal to account for negative delays delay_in_samples = round(-self.delay * signal.sampling_rate) signal.set_samples( np.concatenate( ( np.zeros((signal.num_streams, delay_in_samples), dtype=np.complex128), signal.getitem(), ), axis=1, ) ) return signal def correct_receive_delay(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: """Apply the delay calibration to a received signal. Args: signal (Signal): The signal to be corrected. Returns: The corrected signal. """ # Do nothing for zero delays if self.delay <= 0: return signal # Remove samples from the signal to account for positive delays delay_in_samples = round(self.delay * signal.sampling_rate) signal.set_samples(signal.getitem((slice(None, None), slice(delay_in_samples, None)))) return signal class NoDelayCalibration(DelayCalibrationBase, Serializable): """No delay calibration.""" yaml_tag = "NoDelayCalibration" @property def delay(self) -> float: return 0.0 def correct_transmit_delay(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: return signal def correct_receive_delay(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: return signal def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: return @classmethod def from_HDF(cls: Type[NoDelayCalibration], group: Group) -> NoDelayCalibration: return cls() class LeakageCalibrationBase(Calibration): """Abstract base class for all leakage calibration classes.""" hdf_group_name = "leakage_calibration" """Group name of the leakage calibration in the HDF save file.""" @classmethod def _configure_slot( cls: Type[LeakageCalibrationBase], device: PhysicalDevice, value: LeakageCalibrationBase | None, ) -> None: device.leakage_calibration = NoLeakageCalibration() if value is None else value @abstractmethod def predict_leakage(self, transmitted_signal: Signal) -> Signal: """Predict the leakage of a transmitted signal. Args: transmitted_signal (Signal): The transmitted signal. Returns: The predicted leakage. """ ... # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def remove_leakage(self, transmitted_signal: Signal, received_signal: Signal) -> Signal: """Remove leakage from a received signal. Args: transmitted_signal (Signal): The transmitted signal. recveived_signal (Signal): The received signal from which to remove the leakage. Returns: The signal with removed leakage. """ ... # pragma: no cover class NoLeakageCalibration(LeakageCalibrationBase, Serializable): """No leakage calibration.""" yaml_tag = "NoLeakageCalibration" def predict_leakage(self, transmitted_signal: Signal) -> Signal: return Signal.Empty( transmitted_signal.sampling_rate, self.device.num_digital_receive_ports, 0 ) def remove_leakage(self, transmitted_signal: Signal, received_signal: Signal) -> Signal: return received_signal def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: return @classmethod def from_HDF(cls: Type[NoLeakageCalibration], group: Group) -> NoLeakageCalibration: return cls() class AntennaCalibration(Calibration): """Base class for antenna array calibrations.""" hdf_group_name = "antenna_calibration" @classmethod def _configure_slot( cls: Type[AntennaCalibration], device: PhysicalDevice, value: AntennaCalibration | None ) -> None: device.antenna_calibration = NoAntennaCalibration() if value is None else value @abstractmethod def correct_transmission(self, transmission: SignalBlock) -> None: """Correct a transmitted signal block in-place. Args: transmission: The signal block to be corrected. """ ... # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def correct_reception(self, reception: SignalBlock) -> None: """Correct a received signal block in-place. Args: reception: The signal block to be corrected. """ ... # pragma: no cover class NoAntennaCalibration(AntennaCalibration): """No calibration for antenna arrays.""" yaml_tag = "NoAntennaCalibration" yaml_tag = "NoAntennaCalibration" def correct_transmission(self, transmission: SignalBlock): pass # Do nothing, since this is a stub def correct_reception(self, reception: SignalBlock): pass # Do nothing, since this is a stub def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: return @classmethod def from_HDF(cls: Type[NoAntennaCalibration], group: Group) -> NoAntennaCalibration: return cls()