Source code for hermespy.hardware_loop.visualizers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC
from typing import Literal, Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from hermespy.core import Evaluator, Signal, VAT
from hermespy.modem import ReceivingModem
from hermespy.radar import Radar
from .hardware_loop import HardwareLoopPlot, HardwareLoopSample
from .physical_device import PhysicalDevice

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs] class SignalPlot(HardwareLoopPlot, ABC): __space: Literal["time", "frequency"] def __init__(self, title: str = "", space: Literal["time", "frequency"] = "time") -> None: # Initialize base class HardwareLoopPlot.__init__(self, title) # Initialize class attributes self.__space = space def _plot_signal(self, signal: Signal) -> None: # Clear plot self.axes[0, 0].clear() # Plot transmitted signal signal.plot(axes=self.axes, space=self.__space) # Update plot self.figure.canvas.draw() self.figure.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] class HardwareLoopDevicePlot(HardwareLoopPlot, ABC): __device: PhysicalDevice def __init__(self, device: PhysicalDevice, title: str = "") -> None: # Initialize base class HardwareLoopPlot.__init__(self, title) # Initialize class attributes self.__device = device @property def device(self) -> PhysicalDevice: """Physical device of which information is to be plotted.""" return self.__device
[docs] class DeviceTransmissionPlot(HardwareLoopDevicePlot, SignalPlot): """Plot base-band signals transmitted by a device.""" def __init__( self, device: PhysicalDevice, title: str = "", space: Literal["time", "frequency"] = "time" ) -> None: # Initialize base classes HardwareLoopDevicePlot.__init__(self, device, title) SignalPlot.__init__(self, title, space) def _prepare_figure(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(self.device.antennas.num_transmit_antennas, squeeze=False) figure.suptitle(self.title if self.title != "" else "Transmitted Signal") return figure, axes def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: self._plot_signal( sample.drop.device_transmissions[ self.hardware_loop.device_index(self.device) ].mixed_signal )
[docs] class DeviceReceptionPlot(HardwareLoopDevicePlot, SignalPlot): """Plot base-band signals received by a device.""" def __init__( self, device: PhysicalDevice, title: str = "", space: Literal["time", "frequency"] = "time" ) -> None: # Initialize base classes HardwareLoopDevicePlot.__init__(self, device, title) SignalPlot.__init__(self, title, space) def _prepare_figure(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(self.device.antennas.num_transmit_antennas, 1, squeeze=False) figure.suptitle(self.title if self.title != "" else "Transmitted Signal") return figure, axes def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: self._plot_signal( sample.drop.device_receptions[ self.hardware_loop.device_index(self.device) ].impinging_signals[0] )
[docs] class EyePlot(HardwareLoopPlot): __modem: ReceivingModem def __init__(self, modem: ReceivingModem, title: str = "") -> None: # Initialize base class HardwareLoopPlot.__init__(self, title) # Initialize class attributes self.__modem = modem def _prepare_figure(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=False) figure.suptitle(self.title if self.title != "" else "Eye Diagram") return figure, axes def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: # Clear plot self.axes[0, 0].clear() # Plot eye diagram symbol_duration = self.__modem.symbol_duration if self.__modem.reception.num_frames > 0: self.__modem.reception.frames[0].signal.plot_eye( symbol_duration=symbol_duration, axes=self.axes ) # Plot an unsynchronized eye diagram if no frames are available else: self.__modem.reception.signal.plot_eye(symbol_duration=symbol_duration, axes=self.axes) # Update plot self.figure.canvas.draw() self.figure.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] class ReceivedConstellationPlot(HardwareLoopPlot): __modem: ReceivingModem def __init__(self, modem: ReceivingModem, title: str = "") -> None: # Initialize base class HardwareLoopPlot.__init__(self, title) # Initialize class attributes self.__modem = modem def _prepare_figure(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=False) figure.suptitle(self.title if self.title != "" else "Eye Diagram") return figure, axes def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: ax: plt.Axes = self.axes.flat[0] # Clear plot ax.clear() # Plot constellation diagram self.__modem.reception.equalized_symbols.plot_constellation(axes=ax) ax.set_xlim((-1, 1)) ax.set_ylim((-1, 1)) # Update plot self.figure.canvas.draw() self.figure.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] class RadarRangePlot(HardwareLoopPlot): __radar: Radar def __init__(self, radar: Radar, title: str = "") -> None: # Initialize base class HardwareLoopPlot.__init__(self, title) # Initialize class attributes self.__radar = radar def _prepare_figure(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=False) figure.suptitle(self.title if self.title != "" else "Eye Diagram") return figure, axes def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: ax: plt.Axes = self.axes.flat[0] # Clear plot ax.clear() # Plot constellation diagram cube = self.__radar.reception.cube cube.normalize_power() cube.plot_range(axes=ax) ax.set_ylim((0.0, 1.0)) # Update plot self.figure.canvas.draw() self.figure.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] class HardwareLoopEvaluatorPlot(HardwareLoopPlot, ABC): __evaluator: Evaluator def __init__(self, evaluator: Evaluator, title: str = "") -> None: # Initialize base class HardwareLoopPlot.__init__(self, title) # Initialize class attributes self.__evaluator = evaluator @property def evaluator(self) -> Evaluator: """Evaluator of which information is to be plotted.""" return self.__evaluator def _prepare_figure(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=False) figure.suptitle(self.title if self.title != "" else self.evaluator.title) return figure, axes
[docs] class EvaluationPlot(HardwareLoopEvaluatorPlot): def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: ax: plt.Axes = self.axes.flat[0] # Clear plot ax.clear() # Plot constellation diagram evaluator_index = self.hardware_loop.evaluator_index(self.evaluator) sample.evaluations[evaluator_index].plot(axes=self.axes) # Update plot self.figure.canvas.draw() self.figure.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] class ArtifactPlot(HardwareLoopEvaluatorPlot): __artifact_queue: np.ndarray def __init__(self, evaluator: Evaluator, title: str = "", queue_length: int = 20) -> None: # Initialize base class HardwareLoopEvaluatorPlot.__init__(self, evaluator, title) # Initialize class attributes self.__artifact_queue = np.nan * np.ones((queue_length, 1), dtype=float) def _prepare_figure(self) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, VAT]: figure, axes = HardwareLoopEvaluatorPlot._prepare_figure(self) ax: plt.Axes = axes.flat[0] ax.set_xlabel("Drop Index") ax.set_ylabel(self.evaluator.abbreviation) return figure, axes def _update_plot(self, sample: HardwareLoopSample) -> None: ax: plt.Axes = self.axes.flat[0] # Clear plot ax.clear() # Update artifact queue self.__artifact_queue = np.roll(self.__artifact_queue, 1) self.__artifact_queue[0] = sample.artifacts[ self.hardware_loop.evaluator_index(self.evaluator) ].to_scalar() # Update plot ax.plot(np.arange(len(self.__artifact_queue)), self.__artifact_queue) self.figure.canvas.draw() self.figure.canvas.flush_events()