# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Radar Evaluation
This module introduces several evaluators for performance indicators in radar detection.
Refer to the :doc:`PyMonte</api/core.monte_carlo>` documentation for a detailed introduction to the concept of
.. autoclasstree:: hermespy.modem.evaluators
:alt: Communication Evaluator Class Tree
:namespace: hermespy
The implemented :class:`RadarEvaluator<.RadarEvaluator>` all inherit from the identically named common
base which gets initialized by selecting one :class:`Modem<hermespy.modem.modem.Modem>`, whose performance will be
evaluated and one :class:`RadarChannel<hermespy.channel.radar_channel.RadarChannel>` instance, containing the ground
The currently considered performance indicators are
========================================= ================================ ============================================================
Evaluator Artifact Performance Indicator
========================================= ================================ ============================================================
:class:`.DetectionProbEvaluator` :class:`.DetectionProbArtifact` Probability of detecting the target at the right bin
:class:`.ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic` :class:`.RocArtifact` Probability of detection versus probability of false alarm
:class`.RootMeanSquareError` :class:`.RootMeanSquareArtifact` Root mean square error of point detections
========================================= ================================ ============================================================
Configuring :class:`RadarEvaluators<.RadarEvaluator>` to evaluate the radar detection of
:class:`Modem<hermespy.modem.modem.Modem>` instances is rather straightforward:
.. code-block:: python
# Create two separate modem instances
modem = Modem()
channel = RadarChannel()
# Create a radar evaluation as an evaluation example
radar_evaluator = DetectionProbEvaluator(modem, channel)
# Extract evaluation
radar_evaluation = radar_evaluator.evaluate()
# Visualize evaluation
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC
from collections.abc import Sequence
from itertools import product
from typing import Type, Union
from unittest.mock import Mock
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from h5py import File
from scipy.stats import uniform
from hermespy.core import (
from hermespy.core.monte_carlo import (
from hermespy.radar import Radar, RadarReception
from hermespy.channel.radar.radar import RadarChannelBase, RadarChannelSample
from hermespy.radar.cube import RadarCube
from hermespy.radar.detection import RadarPointCloud
from hermespy.simulation import SimulatedDevice
__author__ = "André Noll Barreto"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler", "André Noll Barreto"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.3.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = "jan.adler@barkhauseninstitut.org"
__status__ = "Prototype"
class RadarEvaluator(Evaluator, ABC):
"""Bastract base class for evaluating sensing performance.
Inherits from the abstract :class:`Evaluator<hermespy.core.monte_carlo.Evaluator>` base class.
Expects the abstract method :meth:`evaluate` as well as the abstract properties
:meth:`abbreviation<abbreviation>` and :meth:`title<title>` to be implemented.
There are currently three different :class:`RadarEvaluators<.RadarEvaluator>` implemented:
.. toctree::
__receiving_radar: Radar # Handle to the radar receiver
__radar_channel: RadarChannelBase # Handle to the radar channel
__receiving_device: SimulatedDevice
__transmitting_device: SimulatedDevice
_channel_sample: RadarChannelSample | None
def __init__(
self, transmitting_radar: Radar, receiving_radar: Radar, radar_channel: RadarChannelBase
) -> None:
receiving_radar (Radar): Radar under test.
radar_channel (RadarChannelBase): Radar channel modeling a desired target.
ValueError: If the receiving radar is not an operator of the radar_channel receiver.
if transmitting_radar.device is None:
raise ValueError(
"Transmitting radar must be assigned a device within a simulation scenario"
if receiving_radar.device is None:
raise ValueError(
"Transmitting radar must be assigned a device within a simulation scenario"
self.__transmitting_device = transmitting_radar.device # type: ignore
self.__receiving_device = receiving_radar.device # type: ignore
self.__receiving_radar = receiving_radar
self.__radar_channel = radar_channel
# Initialize base class
# Register sample callback
self._channel_sample = None
self.__sample_callback, self.__transmitting_device, self.__receiving_device
def __sample_callback(self, sample: RadarChannelSample) -> None:
"""Callback for sampling radar channel realizations.
sample (RadarChannelSample):
Sampled radar channel realization.
self._channel_sample = sample
def receiving_device(self) -> SimulatedDevice:
"""Device receiving from the evaluated channel."""
return self.__receiving_device
def transmitting_device(self) -> SimulatedDevice:
"""Device transmitting into the evaluated channel."""
return self.__transmitting_device
def receiving_radar(self) -> Radar:
"""Radar detector, the output of which is to be evaluated."""
return self.__receiving_radar
def radar_channel(self) -> RadarChannelBase:
"""The considered radar channel."""
return self.__radar_channel
def generate_result(
self, grid: Sequence[GridDimension], artifacts: np.ndarray
) -> EvaluationResult:
return ScalarEvaluationResult(grid, artifacts, self)
class DetectionProbArtifact(ArtifactTemplate[bool]):
"""Artifacto of the probability of detection for a radar detector.
Represents a boolean indicator of whether a target was detected or not.
Generated by the :class:`DetectionProbabilityEvaluation<.DetectionProbabilityEvaluation>`'s :meth:`artifact()<DetectionProbabilityEvaluation.artifact>` method.
... # pragma: no cover
class DetectionProbabilityEvaluation(EvaluationTemplate[bool, ScatterVisualization]):
"""Evaluation of the probability of detection for a radar detector.
Represents a boolean indicator of whether a target was detected or not.
Generated by the :class:`DetectionProbEvaluator<.DetectionProbEvaluator>`'s :meth:`evaluate()<DetectionProbEvaluator.evaluate>` method.
def _prepare_visualization(
self, figure: plt.Figure | None, axes: VAT, **kwargs
) -> ScatterVisualization: # pragma: no cover
raise NotImplementedError("Detection probability evaluation does not support visualization")
def _update_visualization(
self, visualization: ScatterVisualization, **kwargs
) -> None: # pragma: no cover
# ToDo: Implement updating the single-item scatter plot
raise NotImplementedError("Detection probability evaluation does not support visualization")
def artifact(self) -> DetectionProbArtifact:
return DetectionProbArtifact(self.evaluation)
class DetectionProbEvaluator(Evaluator, Serializable):
"""Estimates the probability of detection for a given radar detector.
Assumes a successful detection if the :class:`Radar's<hermespy.radar.radar.Radar>` :meth:`reception<hermespy.radar.radar.Radar.reception>` contains a non-empty point cloud.
This is the case if the configured :class:`RadarDetector<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarDetector>` made a positive decision
for any bin within the processed :class:`RadarCube<hermespy.radar.cube.RadarCube>`.
A minimal example within the context of a :class:`Simulation<hermespy.simulation.simulation.Simulation>`
evaluating the probability of detection for a single radar target illuminated by an :class:`FMCW<hermespy.radar.fmcw.FMCW>` radar would be:
.. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/radar_evaluators_DetectionProbEvaluator.py
:language: python
:lines: 03-27
yaml_tag = "DetectionProbEvaluator"
__radar: Radar
def __init__(self, radar: Radar) -> None:
radar (Radar):
Radar detector to be evaluated.
# Initialize base class
# Initialize class attributes
self.__radar = radar
self.plot_scale = "log" # Plot logarithmically by default
def radar(self) -> Radar:
"""Radar detector to be evaluated."""
return self.__radar
def abbreviation(self) -> str:
return "PD"
def title(self) -> str:
return "Probability of Detection Evaluation"
def _scalar_cdf(scalar: float) -> float:
return uniform.cdf(scalar)
def generate_result(
self, grid: Sequence[GridDimension], artifacts: np.ndarray
) -> ScalarEvaluationResult:
return ScalarEvaluationResult.From_Artifacts(grid, artifacts, self)
def evaluate(self) -> DetectionProbabilityEvaluation:
# Retrieve transmitted and received bits
cloud = self.radar.reception.cloud
if cloud is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Detection evaluation requires a detector to be configured at the radar"
# Verify if a target is detected in any bin
detection = cloud.num_points > 0
return DetectionProbabilityEvaluation(detection)
class RocArtifact(Artifact):
"""Artifact of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) evaluation"""
__h0_value: float
__h1_value: float
def __init__(self, h0_value: float, h1_value: float) -> None:
h0_value (float):
Measured value for null-hypothesis (H0), i.e., noise only
h1_value (float):
Measured value for alternative hypothesis (H1)
self.__h0_value = h0_value
self.__h1_value = h1_value
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"({self.__h0_value:.4}, {self.__h1_value:.4})"
def h0_value(self) -> float:
return self.__h0_value
def h1_value(self) -> float:
return self.__h1_value
def to_scalar(self) -> None:
return None
class RocEvaluation(Evaluation[PlotVisualization]):
"""Evaluation of receiver operating characteristics (ROC)"""
__cube_h0: RadarCube
__cube_h1: RadarCube
def __init__(self, cube_h0: RadarCube, cube_h1: RadarCube) -> None:
cube_h0 (RadarCube): H0 hypothesis radar cube.
cube_h1 (RadarCube): H1 hypothesis radar cube.
# Initialize base class
# Initialize class attributes
self.__cube_h0 = cube_h0
self.__cube_h1 = cube_h1
def cube_h0(self) -> RadarCube:
"""H0 hypothesis radar cube."""
return self.__cube_h0
def cube_h1(self) -> RadarCube:
"""H1 hypothesis radar cube."""
return self.__cube_h1
def artifact(self) -> RocArtifact:
h0_value = self.__cube_h0.data.max()
h1_value = self.__cube_h1.data.max()
return RocArtifact(h0_value, h1_value)
def _prepare_visualization(
self, figure: plt.Figure | None, axes: VAT, **kwargs
) -> PlotVisualization:
lines = np.empty_like(axes, dtype=np.object_)
h0_lines = axes[0, 0].plot(
self.__cube_h0.range_bins, np.zeros_like(self.__cube_h0.range_bins)
h1_lines = axes[0, 0].plot(
self.__cube_h1.range_bins, np.zeros_like(self.__cube_h1.range_bins)
lines[0, 0] = h0_lines + h1_lines
return PlotVisualization(figure, axes, lines)
def _update_visualization(self, visualization: PlotVisualization, **kwargs) -> None:
_lines = visualization.lines[0, 0]
class RocEvaluationResult(EvaluationResult):
"""Final result of an receive operating characteristcs evaluation."""
__detection_probabilities: np.ndarray
__false_alarm_probabilities: np.ndarray
def __init__(
grid: Sequence[GridDimension],
evaluator: ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic,
detection_probabilities: np.ndarray,
false_alarm_probabilities: np.ndarray,
) -> None:
grid (Sequence[GridDimension]):
Grid dimensions of the evaluation result.
evaluator (ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic):
Evaluator that generated the evaluation result.
detection_probabilities (np.ndarray):
Detection probabilities for each grid point.
false_alarm_probabilities (np.ndarray):
False alarm probabilities for each grid point.
# Initialize base class
EvaluationResult.__init__(self, grid, evaluator)
# Initialize class attributes
self.__detection_probabilities = detection_probabilities
self.__false_alarm_probabilities = false_alarm_probabilities
def _prepare_visualization(
self, figure: plt.Figure | None, axes: VAT, **kwargs
) -> PlotVisualization:
ax: plt.Axes = axes.flat[0]
# Configure axes labels
ax.set_xlabel("False Alarm Probability")
ax.set_ylabel("Detection Probability")
# Configure axes limits
ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.1)
ax.set_ylim(0.0, 1.1)
line_list = []
section_magnitudes = tuple(s.num_sample_points for s in self.grid)
for section_indices in np.ndindex(section_magnitudes):
# Generate the graph line label
line_label = ""
for i, v in enumerate(section_indices):
line_label += f"{self.grid[i].title} = {self.grid[i].sample_points[v].title}, "
line_label = line_label[:-2]
line_list.extend(ax.plot([], [], label=line_label))
# Only plot the legend for an existing sweep grid.
if len(self.grid) > 0:
with Executable.style_context():
lines = np.empty_like(axes, dtype=np.object_)
lines[0, 0] = line_list
return PlotVisualization(figure, axes, lines)
def _update_visualization(self, visualization: PlotVisualization, **kwargs) -> None:
section_magnitudes = tuple(s.num_sample_points for s in self.grid)
for section_indices, line in zip(np.ndindex(section_magnitudes), visualization.lines[0, 0]):
# Select the graph line scalars
x_axis = self.__false_alarm_probabilities[section_indices]
y_axis = self.__detection_probabilities[section_indices]
# Update the respective line
line.set_data(x_axis, y_axis)
def to_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
return np.stack((self.__detection_probabilities, self.__false_alarm_probabilities), axis=-1)
class ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic(RadarEvaluator, Serializable):
"""Evaluate the receiver operating characteristics for a radar operator.
The receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve is a graphical plot that illustrates the performance of a detector
by visualizing the probability of false alarm versus the probability of detection for a given parameterization.
A minimal example within the context of a :class:`Simulation<hermespy.simulation.simulation.Simulation>`
evaluating the probability of detection for a single radar target illuminated by an :class:`FMCW<hermespy.radar.fmcw.FMCW>` radar would be:
.. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/radar_evaluators_ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic.py
:language: python
:lines: 03-23
yaml_tag = "ROC"
_title = "Receiver Operating Characteristics"
__num_thresholds: int
def __init__(self, radar: Radar, radar_channel: RadarChannelBase, num_thresholds=101) -> None:
radar (Radar):
Radar under test.
radar_channel (RadarChannelBase):
Radar channel containing a desired target.
num_thresholds (int, optional)
Number of different thresholds to be considered in ROC curve
# Initialize base class
RadarEvaluator.__init__(self, radar, radar, radar_channel)
# Initialize class attributes
self.__num_thresholds = num_thresholds
def __evaluation_from_receptions(
h0_reception: RadarReception, h1_reception: RadarReception
) -> RocEvaluation:
"""Subroutine to generate an evaluation given two hypothesis radar receptions.
h0_reception (RadarReception):
Reception missing the target of interest.
h1_reception (RadarReception):
Reception containing the target of interest.
Returns: An initialized :class:`RocEvaluation`.
# Retrieve radar cubes for both hypothesis
radar_cube_h0 = h0_reception.cube
radar_cube_h1 = h1_reception.cube
# Return resulting evaluation
return RocEvaluation(radar_cube_h0, radar_cube_h1)
def evaluate(self) -> RocEvaluation:
# Collect required information from the simulation
one_hypothesis_sample = self._channel_sample
device_output = self.transmitting_device.output
device_input = self.receiving_device.input
device_index = self.radar_channel.scenario.device_index(self.transmitting_device)
operator_index = self.receiving_device.receivers.operator_index(self.receiving_radar)
# Check if the channel has been realized yet
if one_hypothesis_sample is None:
raise RuntimeError("Channel has not been realized yet")
# Check if the devices have been realized yet
if device_output is None or device_input is None:
raise RuntimeError("Channel devices lack cached transmission / reception information")
# Generate the null hypothesis detection radar cube by re-running the radar detection routine
null_hypothesis_sample = one_hypothesis_sample.null_hypothesis()
# Propagate again over the radar channel
null_hypothesis_propagation = null_hypothesis_sample.propagate(device_output)
# Exchange the respective propagated signal
impinging_signals = list(device_input.impinging_signals).copy()
impinging_signals[device_index] = null_hypothesis_propagation
# Receive again
null_hypothesis_device_reception = self.receiving_device.process_from_realization(
null_hypothesis_radar_reception = self.receiving_radar.receive(
null_hypothesis_device_reception.operator_inputs[operator_index], False
# Generate evaluation
return self.__evaluation_from_receptions(
null_hypothesis_radar_reception, self.receiving_radar.reception
def abbreviation(self) -> str:
return "ROC" # pragma: no cover
def title(self) -> str:
return ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic._title # pragma: no cover
def generate_result(
self, grid: Sequence[GridDimension], artifacts: np.ndarray
) -> RocEvaluationResult:
"""Generate a new receiver operating characteristics evaluation result.
grid (Sequence[GridDimension]):
Grid dimensions of the evaluation result.
artifacts (numpy.ndarray):
Artifacts of the evaluation result.
Returns: The generated result.
# Prepare result containers
if len(grid) > 0:
dimensions = tuple(g.num_sample_points for g in grid)
dimensions = (1,)
artifacts = artifacts.reshape(dimensions)
detection_probabilities = np.empty((*dimensions, self.__num_thresholds), dtype=float)
false_alarm_probabilities = np.empty((*dimensions, self.__num_thresholds), dtype=float)
# Convert artifacts to raw data array
for grid_coordinates in np.ndindex(dimensions):
artifact_line = artifacts[grid_coordinates]
roc_data = np.array([[a.h0_value, a.h1_value] for a in artifact_line])
for t, threshold in enumerate(
np.linspace(roc_data.min(), roc_data.max(), self.__num_thresholds, endpoint=True)
threshold_coordinates = grid_coordinates + (t,)
detection_probabilities[threshold_coordinates] = np.mean(
roc_data[:, 1] >= threshold
false_alarm_probabilities[threshold_coordinates] = np.mean(
roc_data[:, 0] >= threshold
return RocEvaluationResult(grid, self, detection_probabilities, false_alarm_probabilities)
def from_scenarios(
h0_scenario: Scenario,
h1_scenario: Scenario,
h0_operator: Radar | None = None,
h1_operator: Radar | None = None,
) -> RocEvaluationResult:
"""Compute an ROC evaluation result from two scenarios.
h0_scenario (Scenario):
Scenario of the null hypothesis.
h1_scenario (Scenario):
Scenario of the alternative hypothesis.
h0_operator (Radar, optional):
Radar operator of the null hypothesis.
If not provided, the first radar operator of the null hypothesis scenario will be used.
h1_operator (Radar, optional):
Radar operator of the alternative hypothesis.
If not provided, the first radar operator of the alternative hypothesis scenario will be used.
Returns: The ROC evaluation result.
# Assert that both scenarios are in replay mode
if h0_scenario.mode != ScenarioMode.REPLAY:
raise ValueError("Null hypothesis scenario is not in replay mode")
if h1_scenario.mode != ScenarioMode.REPLAY:
raise ValueError("One hypothesis scenario is not in replay mode")
# Assert that both scenarios have at least a single drop recorded
if h0_scenario.num_drops < 1:
raise ValueError("Null hypothesis scenario has no recorded drops")
if h1_scenario.num_drops < 1:
raise ValueError("One hypothesis scenario has no recorded drops")
# Select operators if none were provided
if h0_operator:
if h0_operator not in h0_scenario.operators:
raise ValueError(
"Null hypthesis radar not an operator within the null hypothesis scenario"
if h0_scenario.num_operators < 1:
raise ValueError("Null hypothesis radar has no registered operators")
inferred_h0_operator = None
for operator in h0_scenario.operators:
if isinstance(operator, Radar):
inferred_h0_operator = operator
if inferred_h0_operator is None:
raise ValueError("Could not infer radar operator from list of operators")
h0_operator = inferred_h0_operator
if h1_operator:
if h1_operator not in h1_scenario.operators:
raise ValueError(
"One hypthesis radar not an operator within the null hypothesis scenario"
if h1_scenario.num_operators < 1:
raise ValueError("One hypothesis radar has no registered operators")
inferred_h1_operator = None
for operator in h1_scenario.operators:
if isinstance(operator, Radar):
inferred_h1_operator = operator
if inferred_h1_operator is None:
raise ValueError("Could not infer radar operator from list of operators")
h1_operator = inferred_h1_operator
# The overall number of considered drops is bounded by the H1 hypothesis
num_drops = h1_scenario.num_drops
artifacts = np.empty(1, dtype=object)
artifacts[0] = []
# Collect artifacts
for _ in range(num_drops):
_ = h0_scenario.drop()
_ = h1_scenario.drop()
evaluation = self.__evaluation_from_receptions(
h0_operator.reception, h1_operator.reception
# Generate results
grid: Sequence[GridDimension] = []
result = self.generate_result(grid, artifacts)
return result
def From_Scenarios(
cls: Type[ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic],
h0_scenario: Scenario,
h1_scenario: Scenario,
h0_operator: Radar | None = None,
h1_operator: Radar | None = None,
) -> RocEvaluationResult:
"""Compute an ROC evaluation result from two scenarios.
h0_scenario (Scenario):
Scenario of the null hypothesis.
h1_scenario (Scenario):
Scenario of the alternative hypothesis.
h0_operator (Radar, optional):
Radar operator of the null hypothesis.
If not provided, the first radar operator of the null hypothesis scenario will be used.
h1_operator (Radar, optional):
Radar operator of the alternative hypothesis.
If not provided, the first radar operator of the alternative hypothesis scenario will be used.
Returns: The ROC evaluation result.
# Generate a mock evaluator
# ToDo: Resolve this workaround to avoid the need for a mock evaluator
channel = Mock()
channel.alpha_device = Mock()
channel.beta_device = channel.alpha_device
radar = Mock()
radar.device = channel.alpha_device
evaluator = ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic(radar, channel)
return evaluator.from_scenarios(h0_scenario, h1_scenario, h0_operator, h1_operator)
def From_HDF(
cls: Type[ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic],
file: Union[str, File],
) -> RocEvaluationResult:
"""Compute an ROC evaluation result from a savefile.
file (Union[str, File]):
Savefile containing the measurements.
Either as file system location or h5py `File` handle.
h0_campaign (str, optional):
Campaign identifier of the h0 hypothesis measurements.
By default, `h0_measurements` is assumed.
h1_campaign (str, optional):
Campaign identifier of the h1 hypothesis measurements.
By default, `h1_measurements` is assumed.
Returns: The ROC evaluation result.
# Load scenarios with the respective campaigns from the specified savefile
h0_scenario = ReplayScenario.Replay(file, h0_campaign)
h1_scenario = ReplayScenario.Replay(file, h1_campaign)
# Resort to the from scenarios routine for computing the evaluation result
result = cls.From_Scenarios(h0_scenario=h0_scenario, h1_scenario=h1_scenario)
# Close the scenarios properly
return result
class RootMeanSquareArtifact(Artifact):
"""Artifact of a root mean square evaluation"""
__num_errors: int
__cummulation: float
def __init__(self, num_errors: int, cummulation: float) -> None:
num_errors (int):
Number of errros.
cummulation (float):
Sum of squared errors distances.
self.__num_errors = num_errors
self.__cummulation = cummulation
def to_scalar(self) -> float:
return np.sqrt(self.cummulation / self.num_errors)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.to_scalar():4.0f}"
def num_errors(self) -> int:
"""Number of cummulated errors"""
return self.__num_errors
def cummulation(self) -> float:
"""Cummulated squared error"""
return self.__cummulation
class RootMeanSquareEvaluation(Evaluation[ScatterVisualization]):
"""Result of a single root mean squre evaluation."""
__pcl: RadarPointCloud
__ground_truth: np.ndarray
def __init__(self, pcl: RadarPointCloud, ground_truth: np.ndarray) -> None:
self.__pcl = pcl
self.__ground_truth = ground_truth
def artifact(self) -> RootMeanSquareArtifact:
num_errors = self.__pcl.num_points * self.__ground_truth.shape[0]
cummulative_square_error = 0.0
for point, truth in product(self.__pcl.points, self.__ground_truth):
cummulative_square_error += float(np.linalg.norm(point.position - truth)) ** 2
return RootMeanSquareArtifact(num_errors, cummulative_square_error)
def _prepare_visualization(
self, figure: plt.Figure | None, axes: VAT, **kwargs
) -> ScatterVisualization:
return self.__pcl._prepare_visualization(figure, axes, **kwargs)
def _update_visualization(self, visualization: ScatterVisualization, **kwargs) -> None:
self.__pcl._update_visualization(visualization, **kwargs)
class RootMeanSquareErrorResult(ScalarEvaluationResult):
"""Result of a root mean square error evaluation."""
... # pragma: no cover
class RootMeanSquareError(RadarEvaluator):
"""Root mean square error of estimated points to ground truth.
Root mean square error (RMSE) is a widely used metric for evaluating the performance of a radar detector.
It estimates the average distance between the estimated and the ground truth position of a target.
A minimal example within the context of a :class:`Simulation<hermespy.simulation.simulation.Simulation>`
evaluating the probability of detection for a single radar target illuminated by an :class:`FMCW<hermespy.radar.fmcw.FMCW>` radar would be:
.. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/radar_evaluators_RootMeanSquareError.py
:language: python
:lines: 03-29
def evaluate(self) -> Evaluation:
reception = self.receiving_radar.reception
if reception is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Root mean square evaluation requires its radar to have received a reception"
point_cloud = reception.cloud
if point_cloud is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Root mean square evaluation requires a detector to be configured at the radar"
if self._channel_sample is None:
raise RuntimeError("Root mean square evaluation requires a sampled radar channel")
# Consolide the ground truth
ground_truth = np.array(
[p.ground_truth[0] for p in self._channel_sample.paths if p.ground_truth is not None]
return RootMeanSquareEvaluation(point_cloud, ground_truth)
def title(self) -> str:
return "Root Mean Square Error"
def abbreviation(self) -> str:
return "RMSE"
def generate_result(
self, grid: Sequence[GridDimension], artifacts: np.ndarray
) -> RootMeanSquareErrorResult:
rmse_scalar_results = np.empty(artifacts.shape, dtype=float)
for coordinates, section_artifacts in np.ndenumerate(artifacts):
cummulative_errors = 0.0
error_count = 0
artifact: RootMeanSquareArtifact
for artifact in section_artifacts:
cummulative_errors += artifact.cummulation
error_count += artifact.num_errors
rmse = np.sqrt(cummulative_errors / error_count)
rmse_scalar_results[coordinates] = rmse
return RootMeanSquareErrorResult(grid, rmse_scalar_results, self)