Source code for hermespy.radar.radar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Generic, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from h5py import Group
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light

from hermespy.beamforming import ReceiveBeamformer
from hermespy.core import (
from .cube import RadarCube
from .detection import RadarDetector, RadarPointCloud

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler", "André Noll Barreto"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs] class RadarWaveform(object): """Base class for :class:`.Radar` waveform descriptions. When assigned to a :class:`.Radar`'s :meth:`waveform<Radar.waveform>` property, the waveform's :meth:`.ping` and :meth:`.estimate` methods are called as subroutines of the :class:`.Radar`'s :meth:`Radar.transmit` and :meth:`Radar.receive` routines, respectively. .. mermaid:: classDiagram class Radar { +waveform : RadarWaveform +transmit() : RadarTransmission +receive() : RadarReception } class RadarWaveform { <<Abstract>> +sampling_rate: float* +frame_duration: float* +max_range: float* +range_resolution: float* +range_bins: ndarray +max_relative_doppler: float* +relative_doppler_resolution: float* +energy: float* +power: float* +ping() : Signal* +estimate(Signal) : ndarray* } class FMCW { +sampling_rate: float +frame_duration: float +max_range: float +range_resolution: float +range_bins: ndarray +max_relative_doppler: float +relative_doppler_resolution: float +energy: float +power: float +ping() : Signal +estimate(Signal) : ndarray } Radar *-- RadarWaveform FMCW ..|> RadarWaveform Radar --> RadarWaveform: ping() Radar --> RadarWaveform: estimate() link RadarWaveform "#hermespy.radar.radar.RadarWaveform" link Radar "radar.radar.Radar.html" link FMCW "radar.fmcw.html" The currently available radar waveforms are: .. toctree:: radar.fmcw """
[docs] @abstractmethod def ping(self) -> Signal: """Generate a single radar frame. Returns: Single-stream signal model of a single radar frame. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def estimate(self, signal: Signal) -> np.ndarray: """Generate a range-doppler map from a single-stream radar frame. Args: signal (Signal): Single-stream signal model of a single propagated radar frame. Returns: Numpy matrix (2D array) of the range-doppler map, where the first dimension indicates discrete doppler frequency bins and the second dimension indicates discrete range bins. """ ... # pragma: no cover
@property @abstractmethod def sampling_rate(self) -> float: """The optional sampling rate required to process this waveform. Denoted by :math:`f_\\mathrm{s}` of unit :math:`\\left[ f_\\mathrm{s} \\right] = \\mathrm{Hz} = \\tfrac{1}{\\mathrm{s}}` in literature. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def frame_duration(self) -> float: """Duration of a single radar frame in seconds. Denoted by :math:`T_{\\mathrm{F}}` of unit :math:`\\left[ T_{\\mathrm{F}} \\right] = \\mathrm{s}` in literature. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def max_range(self) -> float: """The waveform's maximum detectable range in meters. Denoted by :math:`R_{\\mathrm{Max}}` of unit :math:`\\left[ R_{\\mathrm{Max}} \\right] = \\mathrm{m}` in literature. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def range_resolution(self) -> float: """Resolution of the radial range sensing in meters. Denoted by :math:`\Delta R` of unit :math:`\\left[ \Delta R \\right] = \\mathrm{m}` in literature. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property def range_bins(self) -> np.ndarray: """Discrete sample bins of the radial range sensing. Returns: A numpy vector (1D array) of discrete range bins in meters. """ return np.arange(int(self.max_range / self.range_resolution)) * self.range_resolution @property @abstractmethod def max_relative_doppler(self) -> float: """Maximum relative detectable radial doppler frequency shift in Hz. .. math:: \Delta f_\\mathrm{Max} = \\frac{v_\\mathrm{Max}}{\\lambda} Returns: Shift frequency delta in Hz. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def relative_doppler_resolution(self) -> float: """Relative resolution of the radial doppler frequency shift sensing in Hz. .. math:: \Delta f_\\mathrm{Res} = \\frac{v_\\mathrm{Res}}{\\lambda} Returns: Doppler resolution in Hz. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property def relative_doppler_bins(self) -> np.ndarray: """Realtive discrete sample bins of the radial doppler frequency shift sensing. Returns: A numpy vector (1D array) of discrete doppler frequency bins in Hz. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def energy(self) -> float: """Energy of the radar waveform. Returns: Radar energy in :math:`\\mathrm{Wh}`. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def power(self) -> float: """Power of the radar waveform. Returns: Radar power in :math:`\\mathrm{W}`. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] class RadarTransmission(Transmission): """Information generated by transmitting over a radar. Generated by calling a :class:`.Radar`'s :meth:`transmit()<.Radar.transmit>` method. """ def __init__(self, signal: Signal) -> None: """ Args: signal (Signal): Transmitted radar waveform. """ Transmission.__init__(self, signal)
[docs] class RadarReception(Reception): """Information generated by receiving over a radar. Generated by calling a :class:`.Radar`'s :meth:`receive()<.Radar.receive>` method. """ __cube: RadarCube # Processed raw radar data __cloud: RadarPointCloud | None # Detected radar point cloud def __init__( self, signal: Signal, cube: RadarCube, cloud: RadarPointCloud | None = None ) -> None: """ Args: signal (Signal): Received radar waveform. cube (RadarCube): Processed raw radar data. cloud (RadarPointCloud, optional): Radar point cloud. :obj:`None` if a point cloud was not generated. """ # Initialize base class Reception.__init__(self, signal) # Initialize class attributes self.__cube = cube self.__cloud = cloud @property def cube(self) -> RadarCube: """Cube of processed raw radar data.""" return self.__cube @property def cloud(self) -> RadarPointCloud | None: """Detected radar point cloud. :obj:`None` if a point cloud was not generated.""" return self.__cloud def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize base class Reception.to_HDF(self, group) # Serialize class attributes self.cube.to_HDF(self._create_group(group, "cube")) return @classmethod def from_HDF(cls: Type[RadarReception], group: Group) -> RadarReception: signal = Signal.from_HDF(group["signal"]) cube = RadarCube.from_HDF(group["cube"]) return RadarReception(signal, cube)
RTT = TypeVar("RTT", bound=RadarTransmission) """Type of radar transmission.""" RRT = TypeVar("RRT", bound=RadarReception) """Type of radar reception."""
[docs] class RadarBase(Generic[RTT, RRT], Transmitter[RTT], Receiver[RRT]): """Base class class for radar sensing signal processing pipelines.""" __receive_beamformer: ReceiveBeamformer | None __detector: RadarDetector | None def __init__( self, selected_transmit_ports: Sequence[int] | None = None, selected_receive_ports: Sequence[int] | None = None, carrier_frequency: float | None = None, seed: int | None = None, ) -> None: """ Args: selected_transmit_ports (Sequence[int] | None): Indices of antenna ports selected for transmission from the operated :class:`Device's<Device>` antenna array. If not specified, all available ports will be considered. selected_receive_ports (Sequence[int] | None): Indices of antenna ports selected for reception from the operated :class:`Device's<Device>` antenna array. If not specified, all available antenna ports will be considered. carrier_frequency (float, optional): Central frequency of the mixed signal in radio-frequency transmission band. If not specified, the operated device's default carrier frequency will be assumed during signal processing. seed (int, optional): Random seed used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator. """ # Initialize base classes Transmitter.__init__(self, seed, selected_transmit_ports, carrier_frequency) Receiver.__init__(self, seed, None, selected_receive_ports, carrier_frequency) # Initialize class attributes self.receive_beamformer = None self.detector = None @property def receive_beamformer(self) -> ReceiveBeamformer | None: """Beamforming applied during signal reception. The :class:`TransmitBeamformer<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.ReceiveBeamformer>`'s :meth:`receive<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.ReceiveBeamformer.receive>` method is called as a subroutine of :meth:`Receiver.receive()<hermespy.core.device.Receiver.receive>`. Configuration is required for if the assigned :class:`Device<hermespy.core.device.Device>` features multiple :meth:`antennas<hermespy.core.device.Device.antennas>`. """ return self.__receive_beamformer @receive_beamformer.setter def receive_beamformer(self, value: ReceiveBeamformer | None) -> None: self.__receive_beamformer = value @property def detector(self) -> RadarDetector | None: """Detector routine configured to generate point clouds from radar cubes. If configured, during :meth:`_receive<Radar._receive>` / :meth:`receive<Receiver.receive>`, the detector's :meth:`detect<RadarDetector.detect>` method is called to generate a :class:`RadarPointCloud<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarPointCloud>`. If not configured, i.e. :obj:`None`, the generated :class:`.RadarReception`'s :attr:`cloud<>` property will be :obj:`None`. """ return self.__detector @detector.setter def detector(self, value: RadarDetector | None) -> None: self.__detector = value def _receive_beamform( self, signal: Signal, device: ReceiveState ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Apply digital beamforming to the received signal. Subroutine of :meth:`_receive<Radar._receive>`. Args: signal (Signal): Received radar waveform. device (DeviceState): State of the device the radar is assigned to. Returns: Tuple of the angles of interest and the beamformed samples. Raises: RuntimeError: If the device has more than one antenna, but no beamforming strategy is configured. RuntimeError: If the beamforming configuration does not result in a single output stream. """ if signal.num_streams > 1: if self.receive_beamformer is None: raise RuntimeError( "Receiving over a device with more than one RF port requires a beamforming configuration" ) num_receveive_output_streams = self.receive_beamformer.num_receive_output_streams( signal.num_streams ) if num_receveive_output_streams < 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Configured radar receive beamformer does not support {signal.num_streams} input streams" ) elif num_receveive_output_streams != 1: raise RuntimeError( "Only receive beamformers generating a single output stream are supported by radar operators" ) beamformed_samples = self.receive_beamformer.probe(signal, device)[:, 0, :] else: beamformed_samples = signal.getitem() # Build the radar cube by generating a beam-forming line over all angles of interest angles_of_interest = ( np.array([[0.0, 0.0]], dtype=float) if self.receive_beamformer is None else self.receive_beamformer.probe_focus_points[:, 0, :] ) return angles_of_interest, beamformed_samples
[docs] class Radar(RadarBase[RadarTransmission, RadarReception], Serializable): """Signal processing pipeline of a monostatic radar sensing its environment. The radar can be configured by assigning four composite objects to respective property attributes: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type * - :meth:`waveform<.waveform>` - :class:`RadarWaveform` * - :meth:`receive_beamformer<.receive_beamformer>` - :class:`ReceiveBeamformer<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.ReceiveBeamformer>` * - :meth:`detector<.detector>` - :class:`RadarDetector<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarDetector>` Of those, only a :class:`RadarWaveform` is mandatory. Beamformers, i.e. a :class:`TransmitBeamformer<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.TransmitBeamformer>` and a :class:`ReceiveBeamformer<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.ReceiveBeamformer>`, are only required when the radar is assigned to a :class:`Device<hermespy.core.device.Device>` configured to multiple :meth:`antennas<hermespy.core.device.Device.antennas>`. A :class:`RadarDetector<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarDetector>` is optional, if not configured the radar's generated :class:`RadarReception` will not contain a :class:`RadarPointCloud<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarPointCloud>`. When assigned to a :class:`Device<hermespy.core.device.Device>`, device transmission will trigger the radar to generate a :class:`RadarTransmission` by executing the following sequence of calls: .. mermaid:: sequenceDiagram participant Device participant Radar participant RadarWaveform participant TransmitBeamformer Device ->> Radar: _transmit() Radar ->> RadarWaveform: ping() RadarWaveform -->> Radar: Signal Radar ->> TransmitBeamformer: transmit(Signal) TransmitBeamformer -->> Radar: Signal Radar -->> Device: RadarTransmission Initially, the :meth:`ping<>` method of the :class:`RadarWaveform` is called to generate the model of a single-antenna radar frame. For :class:`Devices<hermespy.core.device.Device>` configured to multiple :meth:`antennas<hermespy.core.device.Device.antennas>`, the configured :class:`TransmitBeamformer<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.TransmitBeamformer>` is called to encode the signal for each antenna. The resulting multi-antenna frame, contained within the return :class:`RadarTransmission`, is cached at the assigned :class:`Device<hermespy.core.device.Device>`. When assigned to a :class:`Device<hermespy.core.device.Device>`, device reception will trigger the radar to generate a :class:`RadarReception` by executing the following sequence of calls: .. mermaid:: sequenceDiagram participant Device participant Radar participant ReceiveBeamformer participant RadarWaveform participant RadarDetector Device ->> Radar: _receive(Signal) Radar ->> ReceiveBeamformer: probe(Signal) ReceiveBeamformer -->> Radar: line_signals loop Radar ->> RadarWaveform: estimate(line_signal) RadarWaveform -->> Radar: line_estimate end Radar ->> RadarDetector: detect(line_estimates) RadarDetector -->> Radar: RadarPointCloud Radar -->> Device: RadarReception Initially, the :meth:`probe<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.ReceiveBeamformer.probe>` method of the :class:`ReceiveBeamformer<hermespy.beamforming.beamformer.ReceiveBeamformer>` is called to generate a sequence of line signals from each direction of interest. We refer to them as *line signals* as they are the result of an antenna arrays beamforing towards a single direction of interest, so the signal can be though of as having propagated along a single line pointing towards the direction of interest. This step is only executed for :class:`Devices<hermespy.core.device.Device>` configured to multiple :meth:`antennas<hermespy.core.device.Device.antennas>`. The sequence of line signals are then indiviually processed by the :meth:`estimate<RadarWaveform.estimate>` method of the :class:`RadarWaveform`, resulting in a line estimate representing a range-doppler map for each direction of interest. This sequence line estimates is combined to a single :class:`RadarCube<hermespy.radar.cube.RadarCube>`. If a :class:`RadarDetector<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarDetector>` is configured, the :meth:`detect<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarDetector.detect>` method is called to generate a :class:`RadarPointCloud<hermespy.radar.detection.RadarPointCloud>` from the :class:`RadarCube<hermespy.radar.cube.RadarCube>`. The resulting information is cached as a :class:`RadarReception` at the assigned :class:`Device<hermespy.core.device.Device>`. """ yaml_tag = "Radar" property_blacklist = {"slot"} __waveform: RadarWaveform | None def __init__( self, waveform: RadarWaveform | None = None, selected_transmit_ports: Sequence[int] | None = None, selected_receive_ports: Sequence[int] | None = None, carrier_frequency: float | None = None, seed: int | None = None, ) -> None: """ Args: waveform (RadarWaveform, optional): Description of the waveform to be transmitted and received by this radar. :py:obj:`None` if no waveform is configured. selected_transmit_ports (Sequence[int], otional): Indices of antenna ports selected for transmission from the operated :class:`Device's<Device>` antenna array. If not specified, all available ports will be considered. selected_receive_ports (Sequence[int], optional): Indices of antenna ports selected for reception from the operated :class:`Device's<Device>` antenna array. If not specified, all available antenna ports will be considered. carrier_frequency (float, optional): Central frequency of the mixed signal in radio-frequency transmission band. If not specified, the operated device's default carrier frequency will be assumed during signal processing. seed (int, optional): Random seed used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator. """ # Initialize base classes RadarBase.__init__( self, selected_transmit_ports, selected_receive_ports, carrier_frequency, seed ) # Initialize class attributes self.__waveform = None self.waveform = waveform @property def sampling_rate(self) -> float: return 0.0 if self.waveform is None else self.waveform.sampling_rate @property def frame_duration(self) -> float: if self.waveform is None: return 0.0 return self.waveform.frame_duration @property def power(self) -> float: if self.waveform is None: return 0.0 return self.waveform.power @property def waveform(self) -> RadarWaveform | None: """Description of the waveform to be transmitted and received by this radar. :obj:`None` if no waveform is configured. During :meth:`transmit<Radar.transmit>` / :meth:`_transmit<Radar._transmit>`, the :class:`.RadarWaveform`'s :meth:`ping()<>` method is called to generate a signal to be transmitted by the radar. During :meth:`receive<Radar.receive>` / :meth:`_receive<Radar._receive>`, the :class:`.RadarWaveform`'s :meth:`estimate()<.RadarWaveform.estimate>` method is called multiple times to generate range-doppler line estimates for each direction of interest. """ return self.__waveform @waveform.setter def waveform(self, value: RadarWaveform | None) -> None: self.__waveform = value @property def max_range(self) -> float: """The radar's maximum detectable range in meters. Denoted by :math:`R_{\\mathrm{Max}}` of unit :math:`\\left[ R_{\\mathrm{Max}} \\right] = \\mathrm{m}` in literature. Convenience property that resolves to the configured :class:`.RadarWaveform`'s :meth:`max_range<.RadarWaveform.max_range>` property. Returns :math:`R_{\\mathrm{Max}} = 0` if no waveform is configured. """ return 0.0 if self.waveform is None else self.waveform.max_range
[docs] def velocity_resolution(self, carrier_frequency: float) -> float: """The radar's velocity resolution in meters per second. Denoted by :math:`\\Delta v` of unit :math:`\\left[ \\Delta v \\right] = \\frac{\\mathrm{m}}{\\mathrm{s}}` in literature. Computed as .. math:: \\Delta v = \\frac{c_0}{f_{\\mathrm{c}}} \\Delta f_{\\mathrm{Res}} querying the configured :class:`.RadarWaveform`'s :meth:`relative_doppler_resolution<.RadarWaveform.relative_doppler_resolution>` property :math:`\\Delta f_{\\mathrm{Res}}`. """ if self.waveform is None: raise FloatingError("Cannot compute velocity resolution without a waveform") if carrier_frequency == 0.0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute velocity resolution in base-band carrier frequency") return 0.5 * self.waveform.relative_doppler_resolution * speed_of_light / carrier_frequency
def _transmit(self, device: TransmitState, duration: float) -> RadarTransmission: if not self.__waveform: raise RuntimeError("Radar waveform not specified") # Generate the radar waveform signal = # Radar only supports a single output stream if device.num_digital_transmit_ports > 1: raise RuntimeError( "Radars only provide a single output stream. Configure a transmit beamformer at the assigned device." ) # Prepare transmission signal.carrier_frequency = device.carrier_frequency transmission = RadarTransmission(signal) return transmission def _receive(self, signal: Signal, device: ReceiveState) -> RadarReception: if not self.waveform: raise RuntimeError("Radar waveform not specified") # Resample signal properly signal = signal.resample(self.__waveform.sampling_rate) # If the device has more than one antenna, a beamforming strategy is required angles_of_interest, beamformed_samples = self._receive_beamform(signal, device) range_bins = self.waveform.range_bins doppler_bins = self.waveform.relative_doppler_bins cube_data = np.empty( (len(angles_of_interest), len(doppler_bins), len(range_bins)), dtype=float ) for angle_idx, line in enumerate(beamformed_samples): # Process the single angular line by the waveform generator line_signal = signal.from_ndarray(line) line_estimate = self.waveform.estimate(line_signal) cube_data[angle_idx, ::] = line_estimate # Create radar cube object cube = RadarCube( cube_data, angles_of_interest, doppler_bins, range_bins, device.carrier_frequency ) # Infer the point cloud, if a detector has been configured cloud = None if self.detector is None else self.detector.detect(cube) reception = RadarReception(signal, cube, cloud) return reception def _recall_transmission(self, group: Group) -> RadarTransmission: return RadarTransmission.from_HDF(group) def _recall_reception(self, group: Group) -> RadarReception: return RadarReception.from_HDF(group)