Source code for hermespy.simulation.isolation.isolation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from hermespy.core import Signal, FloatingError

    from ..simulated_device import SimulatedDevice  # pragma: no cover

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs] class Isolation(ABC): """Base class for antenna isolation modeling.""" __device: SimulatedDevice | None def __init__(self, device: SimulatedDevice | None = None) -> None: """ Args: device (SimulatedDevice, optional): Device the model is configured to. """ self.device = device @property def device(self) -> SimulatedDevice | None: """Device the model is configured to. Returns: Handle to the device. `None`, if the model is considered floating. """ return self.__device @device.setter def device(self, value: SimulatedDevice | None) -> None: self.__device = value @abstractmethod def _leak(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: """Compute leakage between RF transmit and receive chains. Args: signal (Signal): The signal transmitted over the respective antenna RF chains. Returns: The signal components leaking into receive chains. """ ... # pragma no cover def _assert_leaking_signal(self, signal: Signal | None) -> Signal: """Assert the validity of a leaking signal. Subroutine of :meth:`Isolation.leak`. Args: signal (Signal, None): The signal transmitted over the respective antenna RF chains. Raises: ValueError: If `signal` is invalid. Returns: The validated signal. """ if self.device is None: raise FloatingError("Error trying to simulate leakage of a floating model") if signal is None: raise ValueError("Leaking signal not specified") if self.device.antennas.num_transmit_antennas != signal.num_streams: raise ValueError( f"Number of signal streams ({signal.num_streams}) does not match the number of transmitting antennas ({self.device.antennas.num_transmit_antennas})" ) return signal
[docs] def leak(self, signal: Signal | None) -> Signal: """Compute leakage between RF transmit and receive chains. Args: signal (Signal, None): The signal transmitted over the respective antenna RF chains. Returns: The signal components leaking into receive chains. Raises: FloatingError: If the device is not specified. ValueError: If the number of signal streams does not match the number of transmitting antennas. ValueError: If `signal` is not specified but required. """ _signal = self._assert_leaking_signal(signal) leaking_signal = self._leak(_signal) return leaking_signal