Source code for hermespy.simulation.noise.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

from hermespy.core import RandomNode, RandomRealization, Serializable, Signal

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs] class NoiseRealization(RandomRealization): """Realization of a noise model""" __power: float def __init__(self, noise: NoiseModel, power: float) -> None: """ Args: noise (Noise): Noise model to be realized. power (float): Power indicator of the noise model. """ # Validate attributes if power < 0: raise ValueError("Noise power of a noise realization must be non-negative.") # Initialize base class RandomRealization.__init__(self, noise) # Initialize attributes self.__power = power @property def power(self) -> float: """Power of the noise realization. Returns: Power in Watt. """ return self.__power
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_to(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: """ Args: signal (Signal): The signal to which the noise should be added. Returns: Signal model with added noise. """ ... # pragma: no cover
NRT = TypeVar("NRT", bound=NoiseRealization) """Type of noise realization"""
[docs] class NoiseModel(RandomNode, Generic[NRT]): """Noise modeling base class.""" def __init__(self, seed: int | None = None) -> None: """ Args: seed (int, optional): Random seed for initializating the pseud-random number generator. """ RandomNode.__init__(self, seed=seed)
[docs] @abstractmethod def realize(self, power: float) -> NRT: """Realize the noise model. Args: power (float, optional): Power of the added noise in Watt. Returns: Noise model realization. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def add_noise(self, signal: Signal, power: float) -> Signal: """Add noise to a signal model. Args: signal (Signal): The signal to which the noise should be added. power (float): Power of the added noise in Watt. Returns: Signal model with added noise. """ realization = self.realize(power) return realization.add_to(signal)
[docs] class AWGNRealization(NoiseRealization): """Realization of additive white Gaussian noise"""
[docs] def add_to(self, signal: Signal) -> Signal: # Create random number generator rng = self.generator() noise_samples = (0.5 * self.power) ** 0.5 * ( rng.standard_normal(signal.shape) + 1j * rng.standard_normal(signal.shape) ) noisy_signal = signal.copy() for block in noisy_signal: block += noise_samples noisy_signal.noise_power = self.power return noisy_signal
[docs] class AWGN(Serializable, NoiseModel[AWGNRealization]): """Additive White Gaussian Noise.""" yaml_tag = "AWGN" property_blacklist = {"random_mother"} def __init__(self, seed: int | None = None) -> None: """ Args: seed (int, optional): Random seed for initializating the pseud-random number generator. """ NoiseModel.__init__(self, seed=seed)
[docs] def realize(self, power: float) -> AWGNRealization: return AWGNRealization(self, power)