3GPP Cluster Delay Line Models#

Within this module, HermesPy implements the 3GPP standard for cluster delay line models as defined in the Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz[1].

For a link between two devices \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) featuring \(N^{(\alpha)}\) and \(N^{(\beta)}\) antennas, respectively, the model assumes that the channel impulse response is composed of a sum of propagation paths between \(C\) clusters of scatterers perceived by both devices, with each cluster containing \(L\) individual scatterers, therefore resulting in \(C \cdot L\) propagation paths between each antenna pair and \(C \cdot L \cdot N^{(\alpha)} \cdot N^{(\beta)}\) propagation paths in total.

The impulse response of each propagation path within the cluster delay model

\[h^{(\alpha, \beta)}(t, \tau) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{1 + K}} h^{(\alpha, \beta)}_{\mathrm{NLOS}}(t, \tau) + \sqrt{\frac{K}{1 + K}} h^{(\alpha, \beta)}_{\mathrm{LOS}}(t, \tau)\]

is a sum of a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and a line-of-sight (LOS) component, balanced by the Ricean \(K\)-factor. Both the NLOS and LOS components

are functions of the two Antennas’ polarization characteristics \(\mathbf{F}^{(a)}(\theta, \phi)\) towards angle-of-arrival \(\theta_{\mathrm{ZOA}}, \phi_{\mathrm{AOA}}\) and angle-of-departure \(\theta_{\mathrm{ZOD}}, \phi_{\mathrm{AOD}}\). For a comprehensive description of all the parameters involved, please refer to the standard document.

The following standard parameterizations are currently provided by HermesPy:

These preset standard parameterizations distinguish between line-of-sight, no line-of-sight and, in some cases, outside-to-inside propagation conditions. For custom parameterizations, Custom Cluster Delay Line offers an extended interface to define each parameter of the cluster delay line model individually.

classDiagram class Channel { <<Abstract>> _realize() } Channel --o ChannelRealization ClusterDelayLineRealization --|> ChannelRealization ClusterDelayLineBase --|> Channel ClusterDelayLineBase --o ClusterDelayLineRealization IndoorFactoryBase --|> ClusterDelayLineBase UrbanMicroCellsNoLineOfSight --|> ClusterDelayLineBase ClusterDelayLine --|> ClusterDelayLineBase ClusterDelayLineIndoorFactory --|> IndoorFactoryBase ClusterDelayLineIndoorOffice --|> ClusterDelayLineBase ClusterDelayLineRuralMacrocells --|> ClusterDelayLineBase ClusterDelayLineStreetCanyon --|> ClusterDelayLineBase ClusterDelayLineUrbanMacrocells --|> ClusterDelayLineBase StreetCanyonNoLineOfSight --|> UrbanMicroCellsNoLineOfSight StreetCanyonOutsideToInside --> UrbanMicroCellsNoLineOfSight