
The QUAsi Determinstic RadIo channel GenerAtor (QuaDRiGa) channel model is a Matlab based tool for generating radio channel impulse responses in multi-node networks of radio devices [1][2]. It is integrated into Hermes as a channel model plugin, with the generation of new channel realizations triggering an execution of Quadriga’s Matlab scripts via either the Matlab Python API or Octave. Please refer to the Installation hints for the required setup.

classDiagram class QuadrigaChannel { +realize() +propagate() } class QuadrigaChannelRealization { +propagate() } class QuadrigaInterface { <<Abstract>> +get_impulse_response() } QuadrigaChannel o-- QuadrigaChannelRealization : realize() QuadrigaChannel *-- QuadrigaInterface click QuadrigaChannel href "channel.quadriga.QuadrigaChannel.html" click QuadrigaChannelRealization href "channel.quadriga.QuadrigaChannelRealization.html" click QuadrigaInterface href "channel.quadriga.QuadrigaInterface.html"