Mutual CouplingΒΆ

Mutual coupling refers to the effect of the electromagnetic field of one antenna / radio-frequency chain on another antenna / radio-frequency chain within the same front-end. This effect is due to the fact that the electromagnetic field of one antenna / radio-frequency chain is not confined to the volume of the antenna / radio-frequency chain itself, but extends to the volume of the other antenna / radio-frequency chain. This may lead to unexpected radiation patterns, impedance mismatches, and other undesired effects.


Note that both mutual coupling and isolation refer to the same physical effect, just from different perspectives, i.e. the transmitter perspective in case of mutual coupling and the receiver perspective in case of isolation. Therefore, the two simulation steps might be merged in future releases of HermesPy.

The currently implemented mutual coupling models are



Perfect Coupling

Perfect coupling, i.e. no mutual coupling at all. The default model.

Impedance Coupling

Mutual coupling is modeled by the impedance matrix of the front-end.

Configuring a SimulatedDevice's mutual coupling model is achived by setting the coupling property of an instance to the desired model.

1# Create a new device
2simulation = Simulation()
3device = simulation.new_device()
5# Configure a custom analog-digital conversion model
6device.coupling = Coupling()

Of course, the abstract Coupling class in this snippet has to be replaced by the desired coupling model implementation from the above table.