Hermes Command Line Interface

Within this module the primary entry point to the HermesPy simulation routine is defined as command line interface (CLI). In order to conveniently launch HermesPy from any command line, make sure that the virtual Python environment you installed HermesPy in is activated by executing

conda activate <envname>

within a terminal. Usually activated environments are indicated by a (<envname>) in front of your terminal command line. Afterwards, HermesPy can be launched by executing the command

hermes <configuration> -o <output_dir>

The configuration should point to a configuration file describing the simulation scenario. Refer to the repository for examples. The available argument options are

CLI Argument Options


Path to a .yml file containing a simulation scenario description

-h, –help

Display the CLI help

-o <directory>

Specify the result output directory

-s <style>

Specify the style of the result plots.


Run the CLI in test mode. No artifacts will be saved to results folders.

If no output directory was specified, a new folder results is being created within the current working directory.


HermesPy Command Line Interface.

Default entry point to execute hermespy .yml files via terminals.


args ([List[str], optional) – Command line arguments. By default, the system argument vector will be interpreted.

Return type:
