
Isolation, sometimes referred to as transmit-receive leakage, spillage or spillover, refers the phenomenon of power from a frontendend’s transmit chain being picked up by the receive chain in duplex systems. This is a common problem in RF systems and can be a limiting factor for monostatic radar performance and full-duplex communications.


Note that both mutual coupling and isolation refer to the same physical effect, just from different perspectives, i.e. the transmitter perspective in case of mutual coupling and the receiver perspective in case of isolation. Therefore, the two simulation steps might be merged in future releases of HermesPy.

Within HermesPy, a number of isolation implementations are available, including

Isolation Model


Perfect Isolation

Perfect isolation between all transmit and receive chains.

Selective Leakage

Frequency-seletive isolation between transmit and receive chains.

Specific Isolation

Scalar isolation between specific transmit and receive chains.

Configuring a SimulatedDevice's isolation model is achived by setting the isolation property of an instance to the desired isolation model.

1# Create a new device
2simulation = Simulation()
3device = simulation.new_device()
5# Specify the device's isolation model
6device.isolation = Isolation()

Of course, the abstract Isolation class in this snippet has to be replaced by the desired isolation model implementation from the above table.