Physical Device Dummy

class PhysicalDeviceDummy(max_receive_delay=0.0, antennas=None, noise_power=None, receive_transmission=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimulatedDevice, PhysicalDevice, Serializable

Physical device dummy for testing and demonstration.

The physical device dummy always receives back its most recent transmission.

  • scenario (Scenario, optional) – Scenario this device is attached to. By default, the device is considered floating.

  • antennas (SimulatedAntennaArray, optional) – Antenna array model of the device. By default, a single ideal istropic antenna is assumed.

  • rf_chain (RfChain, optional) – Model of the device’s radio frequency amplification chain. If not specified, a chain with ideal hardware models will be assumed.

  • isolation (Isolation, optional) – Model of the device’s transmit-receive isolations. By default, perfect isolation is assumed.

  • coupling (Coupling, optional) – Model of the device’s antenna array mutual coupling. By default, ideal coupling behaviour is assumed.

  • trigger_model (TriggerModel, optional) – The assumed trigger model. By default, a StaticTrigger is assumed.

  • sampling_rate (float, optional) – Sampling rate at which this device operates. By default, the sampling rate of the first operator is assumed.

  • carrier_frequency (float, optional) – Center frequency of the mixed signal in rf-band in Hz. Zero by default.

  • snr (float, optional) – Signal-to-noise ratio of the device. By default, the device is assumed to be noiseless.

  • snr_type (SNRType, optional) – Type of the signal-to-noise ratio. By default, the signal-to-noise ratio is specified in terms of the power of the noise to the expected power of the received signal.

  • pose (Transformation | Trajectory, optional) – Position and orientation of the device in time and space. If a Transformation is provided, the device is assumed to be static. If not specified, the device is assumed to be at the origin with zero velocity.

  • velocity (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial velocity of the moveable in local coordinates. By default, the moveable is assumed to be resting. Only considered if pose is a Transformation, otherwise the velocity is assumed from the Trajectory.

  • power (float, optional) – Power of the device. Assumed to be 1.0 by default.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed of the device’s pseudo-random number generator.

process_input(impinging_signals=None, cache=True, trigger_realization=None, noise_level=None, noise_model=None, leaking_signal=None)[source]

Process input signals at this device.

  • impinging_signals (DeviceInput | Signal | Sequence[Signal] | SimulatedDeviceOutput) – List of signal models arriving at the device. May also be a two-dimensional numpy object array where the first dimension indicates the link and the second dimension contains the transmitted signal as the first element and the link channel as the second element.

  • cache (bool, optional) – Cache the resulting device reception and operator inputs. Enabled by default.

  • trigger_realization (TriggerRealization, optional) – Trigger realization modeling the time delay between a drop start and frame start. Perfect triggering is assumed by default.

  • noise_level (NoiseLevel, optional) – Level of the simulated hardware noise. If not specified, the device’s configured noise level will be assumed.

  • noise_model (NoiseModel, optional) – Model of the simulated hardware noise. If not specified, the device’s configured noise model will be assumed.

  • leaking_signal (Signal, optional) – Signal leaking from transmit to receive chains.

Return type:


Returns: The processed device input.

receive(impinging_signals=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Receive information at this device.

  • impinging_signals (DeviceInput | Signal | Sequence[Signal] | SimulatedDeviceOutput) – List of signal models arriving at the device. May also be a two-dimensional numpy object array where the first dimension indicates the link and the second dimension contains the transmitted signal as the first element and the link channel as the second element.

  • cache (bool, optional) – Cache the resulting device reception and operator inputs. Enabled by default.

  • trigger_realization (TriggerRealization, optional) – Trigger realization modeling the time delay between a drop start and frame start. Perfect triggering is assumed by default.

Return type:


Returns: The processed device input.

transmit(cache=True, trigger_realization=None)[source]

Transmit over this device.

  • cache (bool, optional) – Cache the transmitted information. Enabled by default.

  • trigger_realization (TriggerRealization, optional) – Trigger realization modeling the time delay between a drop start and frame start. Perfect triggering is assumed by default.

Return type:


Returns: Information transmitted by this device.


Trigger the device.

Return type:


trigger_direct(signal, calibrate=True)[source]

Trigger a direct transmission and reception.

Bypasses the operator abstraction layer and directly transmits the given signal.

  • signal (Signal) – The signal to be transmitted.

  • calibrate (bool, optional) – If enabled, the signal will be calibrated using the device’s leakage calibration. Enabled by default.

Return type:


Returns: The received signal.


ValueError – If the signal’s carrier frequency or sampling rate does not match the device’s.

property max_sampling_rate: float

Maximal device sampling rate.

Returns: The samplin rate in Hz.

property receive_transmission: bool

Whether the device receives back its own transmission.