Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from h5py import Group
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light

from hermespy.core import AntennaMode, ChannelStateInformation, ChannelStateFormat, Device, Signal
from import amplitude_path_loss
from .channel import Channel, ChannelRealization, InterpolationMode

    from hermespy.simulation import SimulatedDevice  # pragma: no cover

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

DCRT = TypeVar("DCRT", bound="DelayChannelRealization")
"""Type of delay channel realization"""

[docs] class DelayChannelRealization(ChannelRealization): """Realization of a delay channel model. Generated from :class:`DelayChannel's<DelayChannelBase>` :meth:`realize<DelayChannelBase.realize>` routine. """ __delay: float __model_propagation_loss: bool def __init__( self, alpha_device: Device, beta_device: Device, gain: float, delay: float, model_propagation_loss: bool, interpolation_mode: InterpolationMode, ) -> None: """ Args: alpha_device (Device): First device linked by the :class:`.DelayChannel` instance that generated this realization. beta_device (Device): Second device linked by the :class:`.DelayChannel` instance that generated this realization. gain (float): Linear power gain factor a signal experiences when being propagated over this realization. delay (float): Propagation delay in seconds. model_propagation_loss (bool): Should free space propagation loss be modeled? """ # Initialize base class ChannelRealization.__init__(self, alpha_device, beta_device, gain, interpolation_mode) # Initialize class attributes self.__delay = delay self.__model_propagation_loss = model_propagation_loss @property def delay(self) -> float: """Propagation delay in seconds.""" return self.__delay @property def model_propagation_loss(self) -> bool: """Should free-space propagation losses be modeled?""" return self.__model_propagation_loss @abstractmethod def _spatial_response( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the realization's spatial response for a specific propagation direction. Args: transmitter (Device): Device transmitting into the realized channel. receiver (Device): Device receiving from the realized channel. carrier_frequency (float): Central frequency of the propagation in :math:`\\mathrm{Hz}`. Returns: Spatial channel response as a numpy matrix (two-dimensional vector). """ ... # pragma: no cover def __path_gain(self, carrier_frequency: float) -> float: """Compute the realization's linear path gain factor. carrier_frequency (float): Central frequency of the propagation in :math:`\\mathrm{Hz}`. Returns: Linear path gain scaling the amplitude of a propagated signal. """ gain_factor = 1.0 if self.model_propagation_loss: if carrier_frequency == 0.0: raise RuntimeError( "Transmitting device's carrier frequency may not be zero, disable propagation path loss modeling" ) gain_factor *= amplitude_path_loss(carrier_frequency, self.delay * speed_of_light) return gain_factor def _propagate( self, signal: Signal, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, interpolation: InterpolationMode, ) -> Signal: delay_samples = int(self.delay * signal.sampling_rate) spatial_response = self._spatial_response(transmitter, receiver, signal.carrier_frequency) gain_factor = self.__path_gain(signal.carrier_frequency) propagated_samples = np.append( np.zeros((receiver.antennas.num_receive_antennas, delay_samples), np.complex_), gain_factor * spatial_response @ signal.samples, ) propagated_signal = Signal( propagated_samples, signal.sampling_rate, signal.carrier_frequency ) return propagated_signal
[docs] def state( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, delay_offset: float, sampling_rate: float, num_samples: int, max_num_taps: int, ) -> ChannelStateInformation: delay_samples = int(self.delay * sampling_rate) spatial_response = self._spatial_response( transmitter, receiver, transmitter.carrier_frequency ) gain_factor = self.__path_gain(transmitter.carrier_frequency) * self.gain**0.5 cir = np.zeros( ( receiver.antennas.num_receive_antennas, transmitter.antennas.num_transmit_antennas, num_samples, min(1 + delay_samples, max_num_taps), ), dtype=np.complex_, ) if delay_samples < max_num_taps: cir[:, :, :, delay_samples] = gain_factor * spatial_response[:, :, np.newaxis] state = ChannelStateInformation(ChannelStateFormat.IMPULSE_RESPONSE, cir) return state
[docs] def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize base class ChannelRealization.to_HDF(self, group) # Serialize attributes group.attrs["delay"] = self.delay group.attrs["model_propagation_loss"] = self.model_propagation_loss group.attrs["interpolation_mode"] = self.interpolation_mode.value
@classmethod def _parameters_from_HDF(cls: type[ChannelRealization], group: Group) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Deserialize base class parameters parameters = ChannelRealization._parameters_from_HDF(group) # Deserialize attributes parameters["delay"] = float(group.attrs["delay"]) parameters["model_propagation_loss"] = bool(group.attrs["model_propagation_loss"]) parameters["interpolation_mode"] = InterpolationMode(group.attrs["interpolation_mode"]) return parameters
[docs] class SpatialDelayChannelRealization(DelayChannelRealization): """Realization of a spatial delay channel. Generated from :class:`SpatialDelayChannel's<SpatialDelayChannel>` :meth:`realize<SpatialDelayChannel.realize>` routine. """ def _spatial_response( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: transmit_response = transmitter.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, receiver.global_position, "global", AntennaMode.TX ) receive_response = receiver.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, transmitter.global_position, "global", AntennaMode.RX ) return receive_response @ transmit_response.T
[docs] @classmethod def From_HDF( cls: Type[SpatialDelayChannelRealization], group: Group, alpha_device: Device, beta_device: Device, ) -> SpatialDelayChannelRealization: return cls(alpha_device, beta_device, **DelayChannelRealization._parameters_from_HDF(group))
[docs] class RandomDelayChannelRealization(DelayChannelRealization): """Realization of a random delay channel. Generated from :class:`RandomDelayChannel's<RandomDelayChannel>` :meth:`realize<RandomDelayChannel.realize>` routine. """ def _spatial_response( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: return np.eye( receiver.antennas.num_receive_antennas, transmitter.antennas.num_transmit_antennas, dtype=np.complex_, )
[docs] @classmethod def From_HDF( cls: Type[RandomDelayChannelRealization], group: Group, alpha_device: Device, beta_device: Device, ) -> RandomDelayChannelRealization: return cls(alpha_device, beta_device, **DelayChannelRealization._parameters_from_HDF(group))
[docs] class DelayChannelBase(Generic[DCRT], Channel[DCRT]): """Base of delay channel models.""" __model_propagation_loss: bool def __init__( self, alpha_device: SimulatedDevice | None = None, beta_device: SimulatedDevice | None = None, gain: float = 1.0, model_propagation_loss: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Args: alpha_device (SimulatedDevice, optional): First device linked by the :class:`.DelayChannelBase` instance that generated this realization. beta_device (SimulatedDevice, optional): Second device linked by the :class:`.DelayChannelBase` instance that generated this realization. gain (float, optional): Linear power gain factor a signal experiences when being propagated over this realization. :math:`1.0` by default. model_propagation_loss (bool, optional): Should free space propagation loss be modeled? Enabled by default. **kawrgs: :class:`Channel` base class initialization arguments. """ # Initialize base class Channel.__init__(self, alpha_device, beta_device, gain, **kwargs) # Initialize class attributes self.__model_propagation_loss = model_propagation_loss @abstractmethod def _realize_delay(self) -> float: """Generate a delay realization. Returns: The delay in seconds. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property def model_propagation_loss(self) -> bool: """Should free space propagation loss be modeled? Returns: Enabled flag. """ return self.__model_propagation_loss @model_propagation_loss.setter def model_propagation_loss(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__model_propagation_loss = value @abstractmethod def _init_realization(self, *args, **kwargs) -> DCRT: ... # pragma: no cover def _realize(self) -> DCRT: delay = self._realize_delay() return self._init_realization( self.alpha_device, self.beta_device, self.gain, delay=delay, model_propagation_loss=self.model_propagation_loss, interpolation_mode=self.interpolation_mode, )
[docs] class SpatialDelayChannel(DelayChannelBase[SpatialDelayChannelRealization]): """Delay channel based on spatial relations between the linked devices. The spatial delay channel requires both linked devices to specify their assumed positions. Its impulse response between two devices :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta` featuring :math:`N^{(\\alpha)}` and :math:`N^{(\\beta)}` antennas, respectively, is given by .. math:: \\mathbf{H}(t,\\tau) = \\frac{1}{4\\pi f_\\mathrm{c}^{(\\alpha)}\\overline{\\tau}} \\mathbf{A}^{(\\alpha,\\beta)} \\delta(\\tau - \\overline{\\tau})\\ \\text{.} The assumed propagation delay between the two devices is given by .. math:: \\overline{\\tau} = \\frac{\\|\\mathbf{p}^{(\\alpha)} - \\mathbf{p}^{(\\beta)}\\|_2}{c_0} and depends on the distance between the two devices located at positions :math:`\\mathbf{p}^{(\\alpha)}` and :math:`\\mathbf{p}^{(\\beta)}`. The sensor array response :math:`\\mathbf{A}^{(\\alpha,\\beta)}` depends on the device's relative orientation towards each other. The following minimal example outlines how to configure the channel model within the context of a :doc:`simulation.simulation.Simulation`: .. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/ :language: python :linenos: :lines: 11-38 """ yaml_tag: str = "SpatialDelay" def _realize_delay(self) -> float: if self.alpha_device is None or self.beta_device is None: raise RuntimeError( "The spatial delay channel requires the linked devices positions to be specified" ) distance = float( np.linalg.norm(self.alpha_device.global_position - self.beta_device.global_position) ) delay = distance / speed_of_light return delay def _init_realization(self, *args, **kwargs) -> SpatialDelayChannelRealization: return SpatialDelayChannelRealization(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def recall_realization(self, group: Group) -> SpatialDelayChannelRealization: return SpatialDelayChannelRealization.From_HDF(group, self.alpha_device, self.beta_device)
[docs] class RandomDelayChannel(DelayChannelBase[RandomDelayChannelRealization]): """Delay channel assuming a uniformly distributed random propagation between the linked devices. Its impulse response between two devices :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta` featuring :math:`N^{(\\alpha)}` and :math:`N^{(\\beta)}` antennas, respectively, is given by .. math:: \\mathbf{H}(t,\\tau) = \\frac{1}{4\\pi f_\\mathrm{c}^{(\\alpha)}\\overline{\\tau}} \\mathbf{A}^{(\\alpha,\\beta)} \\delta(\\tau - \\overline{\\tau})\\ \\text{.} The assumed propagation delay is drawn from the uniform distribution .. math:: \\overline{\\tau} \\sim \\mathcal{U}(\\tau_{\\mathrm{Min}}, \\tau_{\\mathrm{Max}}) and lies in the interval between :math:`\\tau_\\mathrm{Min}` and :math:`\\tau_\\mathrm{Max}`. The sensor array response :math:`\\mathbf{A}^{(\\alpha,\\beta)}` is always assumed to be the identity matrix. The following minimal example outlines how to configure the channel model within the context of a :doc:`simulation.simulation.Simulation`: .. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/ :language: python :linenos: :lines: 11-38 """ yaml_tag: str = "RandomDelay" __delay: float | Tuple[float, float] def __init__(self, delay: float | Tuple[float, float], *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Args: delay (float | Tuple[float, float]): Assumed propagation delay in seconds. If a scalar floating point, the delay is assumed to be constant. If a tuple of two floats, the tuple values indicate the mininum and maxium values of a uniform distribution, respectively. *args: :class:`.Channel` base class initialization parameters. **kwargs: :class:`.Channel` base class initialization parameters. """ self.delay = delay DelayChannelBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @property def delay(self) -> float | Tuple[float, float]: """Assumed propagation delay in seconds. If set to a scalar floating point, the delay is assumed to be constant. If set to a tuple of two floats, the tuple values indicate the mininum and maxium values of a uniform distribution, respectively. Raises: ValueError: If the delay is set to a negative value. ValueError: If the delay is set to a tuple of two values where the first value is greater than the second value. """ return self.__delay @delay.setter def delay(self, value: float | Tuple[float, float]) -> None: if isinstance(value, float): if value < 0.0: raise ValueError(f"Delay must be greater or equal to zero (not {value})") elif isinstance(value, tuple): if len(value) != 2: raise ValueError("Delay limit tuple must contain two entries") if any(v < 0.0 for v in value): raise ValueError( f"Delay must be greater or equal to zero (not {value[0]} and {value[1]})" ) if value[0] > value[1]: raise ValueError("First tuple entry must be smaller or equal to second tuple entry") else: raise ValueError("Unsupported value type") self.__delay = value def _realize_delay(self) -> float: if isinstance(self.delay, float): return self.delay if isinstance(self.delay, tuple): return self._rng.uniform(self.delay[0], self.delay[1]) raise RuntimeError("Unsupported type of delay") def _init_realization(self, *args, **kwargs) -> RandomDelayChannelRealization: return RandomDelayChannelRealization(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def recall_realization(self, group: Group) -> RandomDelayChannelRealization: return RandomDelayChannelRealization.From_HDF(group, self.alpha_device, self.beta_device)