Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from math import ceil
from typing import Any, Generic, List, Mapping, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from h5py import Group
from scipy.constants import pi, speed_of_light
from sparse import GCXS  # type: ignore

from import InterpolationMode

from .channel import Channel, ChannelRealization
from hermespy.core import (

__author__ = "Andre Noll Barreto"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Andre Noll Barreto", "Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs] class RadarTarget(ABC): """Abstract base class of radar targets. Radar targets represent reflectors of electromagnetic waves within :class:`RadarChannel` instances. """ __static: bool def __init__(self, static: bool = False) -> None: """ Args: static (bool, optional): Is the target visible during null hypothesis testing? Disabled by default. """ self.__static = static
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_cross_section( self, impinging_direction: Direction, emerging_direction: Direction ) -> float: """Query the target's radar cross section. The target radr cross section is denoted by the vector :math:`\\sigma_{\\ell}` within the respective equations. Args: impinging_direction (Direction): Direction from which a far-field source impinges onto the target model. emerging_direction (Direction): Direction in which the scatter wave leaves the target model. Returns: The assumed radar cross section in :math:`m^2`. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_velocity(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query the target's velocity. The target velocity is denoted by the vector :math:`\\mathbf{v}^{(\\ell)}` within the respective equations. Returns: A cartesian velocity vector in m/s. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_forwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: """Query the target's global forwards transformation. Returns: The forwards transformation matrix. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_backwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: """Query the target's global backwards transformation. Returns: The backwards transformation matrix. """ ... # pragma: no cover
@property def static(self) -> bool: """Is the target visible in the null hypothesis?""" return self.__static
[docs] class RadarCrossSectionModel(ABC): """Base class for spatial radar cross section models."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_cross_section( self, impinging_direction: Direction, emerging_direction: Direction ) -> float: """Query the model's cross section. Args: impinging_direction (Direction): Direction from which a far-field source impinges onto the cross section model. emerging_direction (Direction): Direction in which the scatter wave leaves the cross section model. Returns: The assumed cross section in :math:`m^2`. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] class FixedCrossSection(RadarCrossSectionModel): """Model of a fixed cross section. Can be interpreted as a spherical target floating in space. """ __cross_section: float def __init__(self, cross_section: float) -> None: """ Args: cross_section (float): The cross section in :math:`\\mathrm{m}^2`. """ self.cross_section = cross_section @property def cross_section(self) -> float: """The assumed cross section. Returns: The cross section in :math:`\\mathrm{m}^2`. Raises: ValueError: For cross sections smaller than zero. """ return self.__cross_section @cross_section.setter def cross_section(self, value: float) -> None: if value < 0.0: raise ValueError("Radar cross section must be greater or equal to zero") self.__cross_section = value
[docs] def get_cross_section(self, _: Direction, __: Direction) -> float: return self.__cross_section
[docs] class VirtualRadarTarget(Transformable, RadarTarget, Serializable): """Model of a spatial radar target only existing within a channe link.""" yaml_tag = "VirtualTarget" __velocity: np.ndarray __cross_section: RadarCrossSectionModel def __init__( self, cross_section: RadarCrossSectionModel, velocity: np.ndarray | None = None, pose: Transformation | None = None, static: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: cross_section (RadarCrossSectionModel): The assumed cross section model. velocity (np.ndarray, optional): The targets velocity. See :meth:`VirtualRadarTarget.velocity`. By default, a resting target is assumed. pose (Transformation | None, optional): The target's global pose. By default, the coordinate system origin is assumed. static (bool, optional): See :meth:`RadarTarget.static`. Disabled by default. """ # Initialize base classes Transformable.__init__(self, pose) RadarTarget.__init__(self, static=static) Serializable.__init__(self) # Initialize class attributes self.cross_section = cross_section self.velocity = np.zeros(3, dtype=float) if velocity is None else velocity @property def cross_section(self) -> RadarCrossSectionModel: """The represented radar cross section model.""" return self.__cross_section @cross_section.setter def cross_section(self, value: RadarCrossSectionModel) -> None: self.__cross_section = value
[docs] def get_cross_section( self, impinging_direction: Direction, emerging_direction: Direction ) -> float: return self.cross_section.get_cross_section(impinging_direction, emerging_direction)
@property def velocity(self) -> np.ndarray: """The assumed velocity vector. Returns: Cartesian numpy vector describing the target's velocity in m/s. """ return self.__velocity @velocity.setter def velocity(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self.__velocity = value
[docs] def get_velocity(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.velocity
[docs] def get_forwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: return self.forwards_transformation
[docs] def get_backwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: return self.backwards_transformation
[docs] class PhysicalRadarTarget(RadarTarget, Serializable): """Model of a spatial radar target representing a moveable object. The radar target will always be modeled at its moveable global position. """ yaml_tag = "PhysicalTarget" __cross_section: RadarCrossSectionModel __moveable: Moveable def __init__( self, cross_section: RadarCrossSectionModel, moveable: Moveable, static: bool = False ) -> None: """ Args: cross_section (RadarCrossSectionModel): The assumed cross section model. moveable (Moveable): The moveable object this radar target represents. static (bool, optional): See :meth:`RadarTarget.static`. Disabled by default. """ # Initialize base classes RadarTarget.__init__(self, static=static) Serializable.__init__(self) # Initialize properties self.cross_section = cross_section self.__moveable = moveable @property def cross_section(self) -> RadarCrossSectionModel: """The represented radar cross section model.""" return self.__cross_section @cross_section.setter def cross_section(self, value: RadarCrossSectionModel) -> None: self.__cross_section = value @property def moveable(self) -> Moveable: """Moveble this radar model is attached to. Returns: Handle to the moveable object. """ return self.__moveable
[docs] def get_cross_section( self, impinging_direction: Direction, emerging_direction: Direction ) -> float: return self.cross_section.get_cross_section(impinging_direction, emerging_direction)
[docs] def get_velocity(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.moveable.velocity
[docs] def get_forwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: return self.moveable.forwards_transformation
[docs] def get_backwards_transformation(self) -> Transformation: return self.moveable.backwards_transformation
RCRT = TypeVar("RCRT", bound="RadarChannelRealization") """Type of radar channel realization."""
[docs] class RadarChannelRealization(ChannelRealization): """Realization of a radar channel. Generated by :meth:`RadarChannelBase.realize` and :meth:`RadarChannelBase.realize_interference`. """ @property @abstractmethod def _path_realizations(self) -> Sequence[RadarPathRealization]: """Sequence of realized radar propagation paths.""" ... # pragma: no cover def _propagate( self, signal: Signal, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, interpolation: InterpolationMode, ) -> Signal: delays = np.array( [ path_realization.propagation_delay(transmitter, receiver) for path_realization in self._path_realizations ] ) velocities = np.array( [ path_realization.relative_velocity(transmitter, receiver) for path_realization in self._path_realizations ] ) # Compute the expected sample overhead of the propagated sample resultin from propagtion delays if delays.size > 0: max_delay_in_samples = ceil( delays.max() * signal.sampling_rate + 2 * velocities.max() * signal.num_samples / (signal.sampling_rate * speed_of_light) ) else: max_delay_in_samples = 0 propagated_samples = np.zeros( (receiver.antennas.num_receive_antennas, signal.num_samples + max_delay_in_samples), dtype=np.complex_, ) # Compute the signal propagated along each respective path realization for path_realization, delay, velocity in zip(self._path_realizations, delays, velocities): path_realization.add_propagation( transmitter, receiver, signal, propagated_samples, delay, velocity ) # Apply the channel gain propagated_samples *= self.gain**0.5 return Signal(propagated_samples, signal.sampling_rate, signal.carrier_frequency)
[docs] def state( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, delay: float, sampling_rate: float, num_samples: int, max_num_taps: int, ) -> ChannelStateInformation: raw_state = np.zeros( ( receiver.antennas.num_receive_antennas, transmitter.antennas.num_transmit_antennas, num_samples, max_num_taps, ), dtype=np.complex_, ) for path_realization in self._path_realizations: path_realization.add_state(transmitter, receiver, delay, sampling_rate, raw_state) # Apply the channel gain raw_state *= self.gain**0.5 return ChannelStateInformation( ChannelStateFormat.IMPULSE_RESPONSE, GCXS.from_numpy(raw_state) )
[docs] @abstractmethod def null_hypothesis(self: RCRT) -> RCRT: """Generate a null hypothesis realization. from a given channel realization. Null hypothesis realizations will remove non-static propagation components from the channel model. This function is, for example, accessed to evaluate a radar link's receiver operating characteristics. Returns: The null hypothesis radar channel realization. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def ground_truth(self) -> np.ndarray: """Generate a ground truth realization from a given channel realization. Returns: The ground truth radar channel realization. A :math:`P\\times 3` matrix, where :math:`P` is the number of targets and each row contains the target's position in global coordinates. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] class RadarChannelBase(Generic[RCRT], Channel[RCRT]): """Base class of all radar channel implementations.""" __attenuate: bool # Should signals be attenuated during propagation modeling? def __init__(self, attenuate: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Args: attenuate (bool, optional): Radar channel attenuation flag, see also :meth:`RadarChannelBase.attenuate`. Enabled by default. """ # Initialize base class Channel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Initialize class attributes self.__attenuate = attenuate @property def attenuate(self) -> bool: """Radar channel attenuation flag. If enabled, losses such as free-space propagation and radar cross sections will be considered. """ return self.__attenuate @attenuate.setter def attenuate(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__attenuate = value def _realize_target(self, target: RadarTarget) -> RadarTargetRealization: """Realize a single radar target's channel propagation path. Args: target (RadarTarget): The radar target to be realized. Returns: The realized propagation path. Raises: ValueError: If `carrier_frequency` is smaller or equal to zero. FloatingError: If transmitter or receiver are not specified. RuntimeError: If `target` and the channel's linked devices are located at identical global positions """ # Query target global coordiante system transformations target_backwards_transform = target.get_backwards_transformation() target_forwards_transform = target.get_forwards_transformation() # Make sure the transmitter / receiver positions don't collide with target locations # This implicitly violates the far-field assumption and leads to numeric instabilities if np.array_equal(target_forwards_transform.translation, self.alpha_device.global_position): raise RuntimeError( "Radar channel transmitter position colliding with an assumed target location" ) if np.array_equal(target_forwards_transform.translation, self.beta_device.global_position): raise RuntimeError( "Radar channel receiver position colliding with an assumed target location" ) # Compute the impinging and emerging far-field wave direction from the target in local target coordinates target_impinging_direction = target_backwards_transform.transform_direction( self.alpha_device.global_position, normalize=True ) target_emerging_direction = target_backwards_transform.transform_direction( self.beta_device.global_position, normalize=True ) # Query the radar cross section from the target's model given impinging and emerging directions cross_section = target.get_cross_section( target_impinging_direction, target_emerging_direction ) # Query reflection phase shift reflection_phase = self._rng.uniform(0, 2 * pi) # Return realized information wrapped in a target realization dataclass return RadarTargetRealization( target_forwards_transform.translation, target.get_velocity(), cross_section, reflection_phase, self.attenuate, target.static, )
[docs] def null_hypothesis(self, realization: RCRT | None = None) -> RCRT: """Generate a channel realization missing the target to be estimated. Returns: Null hypothesis channel realization. Raises: RuntimeError: If no `realization` was provided and the channel hasn't been propagated over yet. """ # Assume the last channel propagation realization if the realization has not been specified if realization is None: realization = self.realization if realization is None: raise RuntimeError("Channel has not been propagated over yet") return realization.null_hypothesis()
[docs] class RadarPathRealization(HDFSerializable): """Realization of a radar propagation path between transmitter and receiver""" __attenuate: bool __static: bool def __init__(self, attenuate: bool = True, static: bool = False) -> None: """ Args: attenuate (bool, optional): Should the propagated signal be attenuated during propagation modeling? Enabled by default. static (bool, optional): Is the path considered static? Static paths will remain during null hypothesis testing. Disabled by default. """ # Initialize class attributes self.__attenuate = attenuate self.__static = static @property def attenuate(self) -> bool: """Should a propagated signal be attenuated during propagation modeling?""" return self.__attenuate @attenuate.setter def attenuate(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__attenuate = value @property def static(self) -> bool: """Is the path considered static?""" return self.__static @static.setter def static(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__static = value
[docs] @abstractmethod def propagation_delay(self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device) -> float: """Propagation delay of the wave from transmitter over target to receiver. Denoted by :math:`\\tau_{\\ast}` within the respective equations. Args: transmitter (Device): Transmitting device. receiver (Device): Receiving device. Returns: Propagation delay in seconds. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def relative_velocity(self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device) -> float: """Relative velocity between transmitter and receiver. Denoted by :math:`v_{\\ast}` within the respective equations. Args: transmitter (Device): Transmitting device. receiver (Device): Receiving device. Returns: Relative velocity in m/s. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def propagation_response( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: """Multipath sensor array response matrix from transmitter to receiver. Includes polarization losses. Args: transmitter (Device): Transmitting device. receiver (Device): Receiving device. carrier_frequency (float): Carrier frequency of the propagated signal in Hz. Denoted by :math:`f_{\\mathrm{c}}^{(\\alpha)}` within the respective equations. Returns: Numpy matrix of antenna response weights. """ ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def add_propagation( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, signal: Signal, propagated_samples: np.ndarray, propagation_delay: float | None = None, relative_velocity: float | None = None, ) -> None: """Add propagation of a signal over this path realization to a given sample buffer. Args: transmitter (Device): Transmitting device. receiver (Device): Receiving device. signal (Signal): Signal to be propagated. propagated_samples (np.ndarray): Sample buffer to be written to. propagation_delay (float, optional): Propagation delay of the wave from transmitter over target to receiver. If not specified, the delay will be queried from :meth:`propagation_delay`. relative_velocity (float, optional): Relative velocity between transmitter and receiver. If not specified, the velocity will be queried from :meth:`relative_velocity`. """ # Query the required parameters propagation_delay = ( self.propagation_delay(transmitter, receiver) if propagation_delay is None else propagation_delay ) relative_velocity = ( self.relative_velocity(transmitter, receiver) if relative_velocity is None else relative_velocity ) propagation_response = self.propagation_response( transmitter, receiver, signal.carrier_frequency ) delay_sample_offset = int(propagation_delay * signal.sampling_rate) doppler_shift = relative_velocity * signal.carrier_frequency / speed_of_light # ToDo: Exact time of flight resampling # echo_timestamps = propagation_delay + 2 * relative_velocity * signal.timestamps / speed_of_light # echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift * echo_timestamps)) echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift * signal.timestamps)) propagated_samples[ :, delay_sample_offset : delay_sample_offset + signal.num_samples ] += np.einsum("ij,jk,k->ik", propagation_response, signal.samples, echo_weights)
[docs] def add_state( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, delay: float, sampling_rate: float, state: np.ndarray, ) -> None: """Add propagation of a signal over this path realization to a given channel state information sample buffer. Args: transmitter (Device): Transmitting device. receiver (Device): Receiving device. delay (float): Delay of the channel state information in seconds. sampling_rate (float): Sampling rate of the channel state information in Hz. state (np.ndarray): Sample buffer to be written to. """ # Query the required parameters propagation_delay = self.propagation_delay(transmitter, receiver) relative_velocity = self.relative_velocity(transmitter, receiver) propagation_response = self.propagation_response( transmitter, receiver, transmitter.carrier_frequency ) delay_sample_offset = int(propagation_delay * sampling_rate - delay) if delay_sample_offset < 0 or delay_sample_offset >= state.shape[3]: return doppler_shift = relative_velocity * transmitter.carrier_frequency / speed_of_light # echo_timestamps = delay + 2 * relative_velocity * np.arange(state.shape[2]) / speed_of_light # echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift * echo_timestamps)) echo_weights = np.exp(2j * pi * (doppler_shift / sampling_rate * np.arange(state.shape[2]))) state[:, :, :, delay_sample_offset] += np.einsum( "ij,k->ijk", propagation_response, echo_weights )
def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize the class attributes group.attrs["attenuate"] = self.attenuate group.attrs["static"] = self.static @classmethod def _parameters_from_HDF(cls: Type[RadarPathRealization], group: Group) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Deserialize the object's parameters from HDF5. Intended to be used as a subroutine of :meth:`From_HDF`. Returns: The object's parmeters as a keyword argument dictionary. """ return {"attenuate": group.attrs["attenuate"], "static": group.attrs["static"]}
[docs] class RadarTargetRealization(RadarPathRealization): """Realization of a radar propagation path resulting from a target scattering""" def __init__( self, position: np.ndarray, velocity: np.ndarray, cross_section: float, reflection_phase: float, attenuate: bool = True, static: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: position (np.ndarray): Global position of the path's target. velocity (np.ndarray): Global velocity of the path's target. cross_section (float): Radar cross section of the path's target in :math:`\\mathrm{m}^2`. reflection_phase (float): Reflection phase of the path's target in radians. attenuate (bool, optional): Should the propagated signal be attenuated during propagation modeling? Enabled by default. static (bool, optional): Is the path considered static? Static paths will remain during null hypothesis testing. Disabled by default. """ # Initialize the base class RadarPathRealization.__init__(self, attenuate, static) # Initialize class attributes self.__global_position = position self.__global_velocity = velocity self.__cross_section = cross_section self.__reflection_phase = reflection_phase @property def position(self) -> np.ndarray: """Global position of the path's target. Denoted by :math:`\\mathbf{p}^{(\\ell)}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__global_position @property def velocity(self) -> np.ndarray: """Global velocity of the path's target in m/s as a cartesian vector. Denoted by :math:`\\mathbf{v}^{(\\ell)}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__global_velocity @property def cross_section(self) -> float: """Radar cross section of the path's target in :math:`\\mathrm{m}^2`. Denoted by :math:`\\sigma_{\\ell}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__cross_section @property def reflection_phase(self) -> float: """Reflection phase of the path's target in radians. Represented by :math:`\\phi_{\\mathrm{Target}}^{(\\ell)}` within the respective equations. """ return self.__reflection_phase
[docs] def propagation_delay(self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device) -> float: emerging_vector = self.position - transmitter.global_position impinging_vector = receiver.global_position - self.position delay = ( np.linalg.norm(emerging_vector) + np.linalg.norm(impinging_vector) ) / speed_of_light return delay
[docs] def relative_velocity(self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device) -> float: target_position = self.position emerging_vector = target_position - transmitter.global_position impinging_vector = receiver.global_position - target_position # Model the doppler-shift from transmitter to receiver target_velocity = self.velocity relative_transmitter_velocity = Direction.From_Cartesian(emerging_vector, normalize=True), target_velocity - transmitter.velocity, ) relative_receiver_velocity = Direction.From_Cartesian(impinging_vector, normalize=True), receiver.velocity - target_velocity, ) return relative_transmitter_velocity + relative_receiver_velocity
[docs] def propagation_response( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: # Query the sensor array responses rx_response = receiver.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, self.position, "global" ).conj() tx_response = transmitter.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, self.position, "global" ) if self.attenuate: # Compute propagation distances tx_distance = np.linalg.norm(self.position - transmitter.global_position) rx_distance = np.linalg.norm(receiver.global_position - self.position) wavelength = speed_of_light / carrier_frequency amplitude_factor = ( wavelength * self.cross_section**0.5 / ((4 * pi) ** 1.5 * tx_distance * rx_distance) ) else: amplitude_factor = 1.0 # Compute the MIMO response return ( amplitude_factor * np.exp(1j * self.reflection_phase) * np.inner(rx_response, tx_response) )
def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize base class RadarPathRealization.to_HDF(self, group) # Serialize class attributes self._write_dataset(group, "position", self.position) self._write_dataset(group, "velocity", self.velocity) group.attrs["cross_section"] = self.cross_section group.attrs["reflection_phase"] = self.reflection_phase @classmethod def from_HDF(cls: Type[RadarTargetRealization], group: Group) -> RadarTargetRealization: # Deserialize base class parameters = RadarPathRealization._parameters_from_HDF(group) # Deserialize class attributes position = np.array(group["position"], dtype=np.float_) velocity = np.array(group["velocity"], dtype=np.float_) cross_section = group.attrs["cross_section"] reflection_phase = group.attrs["reflection_phase"] return RadarTargetRealization( position, velocity, cross_section, reflection_phase, **parameters )
[docs] class RadarInterferenceRealization(RadarPathRealization): """Realization of a line of sight interference propgation path between a radar transmitter and receiver"""
[docs] def propagation_delay(self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device) -> float: delay = ( np.linalg.norm(receiver.global_position - transmitter.global_position) / speed_of_light ) return delay
[docs] def relative_velocity(self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device) -> float: connection = Direction.From_Cartesian( receiver.global_position - transmitter.global_position, normalize=True ).view(np.ndarray) return - receiver.velocity, connection)
[docs] def propagation_response( self, transmitter: Device, receiver: Device, carrier_frequency: float ) -> np.ndarray: # Model the sensor arrays' spatial responses rx_response = receiver.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, transmitter.global_position, "global" ).conj() tx_response = transmitter.antennas.cartesian_array_response( carrier_frequency, receiver.global_position, "global" ) if self.attenuate: # Compute propagation distance distance = np.linalg.norm(receiver.global_position - transmitter.global_position) wavelength = speed_of_light / carrier_frequency amplitude_factor = wavelength / (4 * pi * distance) else: amplitude_factor = 1.0 # Compute the MIMO response return amplitude_factor * np.inner(rx_response, tx_response)
@classmethod def from_HDF( cls: Type[RadarInterferenceRealization], group: Group ) -> RadarInterferenceRealization: # Deserialize base class parameters = RadarPathRealization._parameters_from_HDF(group) return RadarInterferenceRealization(**parameters)
[docs] class SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization(RadarChannelRealization): """Realization of a single target radar channel. Generated by the :meth:`realize<SingleTargetRadarChannel.realize>` method of :class:`SingleTargetRadarChannel`. """ __target_realization: RadarTargetRealization | None def __init__( self, alpha_device: Device, beta_device: Device, gain: float, target_realization: RadarTargetRealization | None, interpolation_mode: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NEAREST, ) -> None: """ Args: alpha_device (Device): First device linked by the :class:`.SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization` instance that generated this realization. beta_device (Device): Second device linked by the :class:`.SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization` instance that generated this realization. gain (float): Linear power gain factor a signal experiences when being propagated over this realization. target_realization (RadarTargetRealization | None): Single target realization. `None` if no target should be present. interpolation_mode (InterpolationMode, optional): Interpolation behaviour of the channel realization's delay components with respect to the proagated signal's sampling rate. """ # Initialize the base class RadarChannelRealization.__init__(self, alpha_device, beta_device, gain, interpolation_mode) # Initialize class attributes self.__target_realization = target_realization @property def _path_realizations(self) -> Sequence[RadarPathRealization]: return [self.target_realization] if self.target_realization is not None else [] @property def target_realization(self) -> RadarTargetRealization | None: """Realized radar target. Returns: Handle to the realized target. :py:obj:`None` if no target was considered. """ return self.__target_realization
[docs] def null_hypothesis(self) -> SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization: return SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization( self.alpha_device, self.beta_device, self.gain, None, self.interpolation_mode )
[docs] def ground_truth(self) -> np.ndarray: return ( np.empty((0, 3), dtype=float) if self.target_realization is None else self.target_realization.position[None, :] )
[docs] def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize the base class RadarChannelRealization.to_HDF(self, group) # Serialize the target realization if self.target_realization is not None: target_group = group.create_group("target_realization") self.target_realization.to_HDF(target_group)
[docs] @classmethod def From_HDF( cls: Type[SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization], group: Group, alpha_device: Device, beta_device: Device, ) -> SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization: parameters = cls._parameters_from_HDF(group) parameters["target_realization"] = ( RadarTargetRealization.from_HDF(group["target_realization"]) if "target_realization" in group else None ) return SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization(alpha_device, beta_device, **parameters)
[docs] class MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization(RadarChannelRealization): """Realization of a spatial multi target radar channel. Generated by the :meth:`realize<MultiTargetRadarChannel.realize>` method of :class:`MultiTargetRadarChannel`. """ __interference_realization: RadarInterferenceRealization | None __target_realizations: Sequence[RadarTargetRealization] def __init__( self, alpha_device: Device, beta_device: Device, gain: float, interference_realization: RadarInterferenceRealization | None, target_realizations: Sequence[RadarTargetRealization], interpolation_mode: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NEAREST, ) -> None: """ Args: alpha_device (Device): First device linked by the :class:`.Channel` instance that generated this realization. beta_device (Device): Second device linked by the :class:`.Channel` instance that generated this realization. gain (float): Linear power gain factor a signal experiences when being propagated over this realization. interference_realizations (RadarInterferenceRealization | None): Realization of the line of sight interference. `None` if no interference should be considered. target_realizations (Sequence[RadarTargetRealization]): Sequence of radar target realizations considered within the radar channel. interpolation_mode (InterpolationMode, optional): Interpolation behaviour of the channel realization's delay components with respect to the proagated signal's sampling rate. """ # Initialize the base class RadarChannelRealization.__init__(self, alpha_device, beta_device, gain, interpolation_mode) # Initialize class attributes self.__interference_realization = interference_realization self.__target_realizations = target_realizations @property def _path_realizations(self) -> Sequence[RadarPathRealization]: path_realizations: List[RadarPathRealization] = list(self.target_realizations) if self.interference_realization is not None: path_realizations.append(self.interference_realization) return path_realizations @property def interference_realization(self) -> RadarInterferenceRealization | None: """Realization of the line of sight interference between both linked radars. Returns: The interference realization. `None` if no interference is considered. """ return self.__interference_realization @property def target_realizations(self) -> Sequence[RadarTargetRealization]: """Realized radar targets. Returns: Sequence of radar target realizations. """ return self.__target_realizations @property def num_targets(self) -> int: """Number of realized targets.""" return len(self.target_realizations)
[docs] def null_hypothesis(self) -> MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization: null_hypothesis_target_realizations = [] for target_realization in self.target_realizations: if target_realization.static: null_hypothesis_target_realizations.append(target_realization) null_hypothesis_interference = self.interference_realization if null_hypothesis_interference is not None and not null_hypothesis_interference.static: null_hypothesis_interference = None return MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization( self.alpha_device, self.beta_device, self.gain, null_hypothesis_interference, null_hypothesis_target_realizations, self.interpolation_mode, )
[docs] def ground_truth(self) -> np.ndarray: truth = np.empty((self.num_targets, 3), dtype=np.float_) for t, target in enumerate(self.target_realizations): truth[t, :] = target.position return truth
[docs] def to_HDF(self, group: Group) -> None: # Serialize the base class RadarChannelRealization.to_HDF(self, group) # Serialize the interference realization if self.interference_realization is not None: target_group = group.create_group("interference_realization") self.interference_realization.to_HDF(target_group) # Serialize target realizations group.attrs["num_target_realizations"] = self.num_targets for t, target_realization in enumerate(self.target_realizations): target_realization.to_HDF( HDFSerializable._create_group(group, f"target_realization{t:02d}") )
[docs] @classmethod def From_HDF( cls: Type[MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization], group: Group, alpha_device: Device, beta_device: Device, ) -> MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization: # Deserialize base class parameters parameters = RadarChannelRealization._parameters_from_HDF(group) parameters["interference_realization"] = ( RadarInterferenceRealization.from_HDF(group["interference_realization"]) if "interference_realization" in group else None ) # Deserialize target realizations num_target_realizations = group.attrs.get("num_target_realizations", 0) target_realizations = [ RadarTargetRealization.from_HDF(group[f"target_realization{t:02d}"]) for t in range(num_target_realizations) ] return MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization( alpha_device, beta_device, target_realizations=target_realizations, **parameters )
[docs] class SingleTargetRadarChannel(RadarChannelBase[SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization], Serializable): """Model of a radar channel featuring a single reflecting target. The following minimal example outlines how to configure the channel model within the context of a :doc:`simulation.simulation.Simulation`: .. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/ :language: python :linenos: :lines: 11-30 """ yaml_tag = "RadarChannel" __target: VirtualRadarTarget __target_range: float | Tuple[float, float] __radar_cross_section: float __target_azimuth: float __target_zenith: float __target_exists: bool __target_velocity: float | np.ndarray def __init__( self, target_range: float | Tuple[float, float], radar_cross_section: float, target_azimuth: float = 0.0, target_zenith: float = 0.0, target_exists: bool = True, velocity: float | np.ndarray = 0, attenuate: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Args: target_range (float | Tuple[float, float]): Absolute distance of target and radar sensor in meters. Either a specific distance or a range of minimal and maximal target distance. radar_cross_section (float): Radar cross section (RCS) of the assumed single-point reflector in m**2 target_azimuth (float, optional): Target location azimuth angle in radians, considering spherical coordinates. Zero by default. target_zenith (float, optional): Target location zenith angle in radians, considering spherical coordinates. Zero by default. target_exists (bool, optional): True if a target exists, False if there is only noise/clutter (default 0 True) velocity (float | np.ndarray , optional): Velocity as a 3D vector (or as a float), in m/s (default = 0) attenuate (bool, optional): If True, then signal will be attenuated depending on the range, RCS and losses. If False, then received power is equal to transmit power. Raises: ValueError: If radar_cross_section < 0. If carrier_frequency <= 0. If more than one antenna is considered. """ # Initialize base class RadarChannelBase.__init__(self, attenuate=attenuate, **kwargs) # Initialize class properties self.__cross_section = FixedCrossSection(radar_cross_section) self.__target = VirtualRadarTarget(self.__cross_section) self.target_range = target_range self.radar_cross_section = radar_cross_section self.target_azimuth = target_azimuth self.target_zenith = target_zenith self.target_exists = target_exists self.target_velocity = velocity @property def target_range(self) -> float | Tuple[float, float]: """Absolute distance of target and radar sensor. Returns: Target range in meters. Raises: ValueError: If the range is smaller than zero. """ return self.__target_range @target_range.setter def target_range(self, value: float | Tuple[float, float]) -> None: if isinstance(value, (float, int)): if value < 0.0: raise ValueError("Target range must be greater or equal to zero") elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): if len(value) != 2: raise ValueError("Target range span must be a tuple of two") if value[1] < value[0]: raise ValueError("Target range span second value must be greater than first value") if value[0] < 0.0: raise ValueError("Target range span minimum must be greater or equal to zero") else: raise ValueError("Unknown targer range format") self.__target_range = value @property def target_velocity(self) -> float | np.ndarray: """Perceived target velocity. Returns: Velocity in m/s. """ return self.__target_velocity @target_velocity.setter def target_velocity(self, value: float | np.ndarray) -> None: self.__target_velocity = value @property def radar_cross_section(self) -> float: """Access configured radar cross section. Returns: float: radar cross section [m**2] """ return self.__radar_cross_section @radar_cross_section.setter def radar_cross_section(self, value: float) -> None: """Modify the configured number of the radar cross section Args: value (float): The new RCS. Raises: ValueError: If `value` is less than zero. """ if value < 0: raise ValueError("Radar cross section be greater than or equal to zero") self.__radar_cross_section = value @property def target_azimuth(self) -> float: """Target position azimuth in spherical coordiantes. Returns: Azimuth angle in radians. """ return self.__target_azimuth @target_azimuth.setter def target_azimuth(self, value: float) -> None: self.__target_azimuth = value @property def target_zenith(self) -> float: """Target position zenith in spherical coordiantes. Returns: Zenith angle in radians. """ return self.__target_zenith @target_zenith.setter def target_zenith(self, value: float) -> None: self.__target_zenith = value @property def target_exists(self) -> bool: """Does an illuminated target exist?""" return self.__target_exists @target_exists.setter def target_exists(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__target_exists = value def _realize(self) -> SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization: # Realize targets target_range = self.target_range if isinstance(self.target_range, (np.int_, np.float_, int, float)) else self._rng.uniform(*self.target_range) # type: ignore # Update the internal target model, kinda hacky unit_direction = Direction.From_Spherical(self.target_azimuth, self.target_zenith).view( np.ndarray ) self.__target.position = unit_direction * target_range self.__target.velocity = unit_direction * self.target_velocity self.__cross_section.cross_section = self.radar_cross_section target_realization = self._realize_target(self.__target) if self.target_exists else None # Realize channel channel_realization = SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization( self.alpha_device, self.beta_device, self.gain, target_realization, self.interpolation_mode, ) return channel_realization
[docs] def recall_realization(self, group: Group) -> SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization: return SingleTargetRadarChannelRealization.From_HDF( group, self.alpha_device, self.beta_device )
[docs] class MultiTargetRadarChannel(RadarChannelBase[MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization], Serializable): """Model of a spatial radar channel featuring multiple reflecting targets. The following minimal example outlines how to configure the channel model within the context of a :doc:`simulation.simulation.Simulation`: .. literalinclude:: ../scripts/examples/ :language: python :linenos: :lines: 11-43 """ yaml_tag = "SpatialRadarChannel" interfernce: bool """Consider interference between linked devices. Only applies in the bistatic case, where transmitter and receiver are two dedicated device instances. """ __targets: Set[RadarTarget] def __init__(self, attenuate: bool = True, interference: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Args: attenuate (bool, optional): Should the propagated signal be attenuated during propagation modeling? Enabled by default. interference (bool, optional): Should the channel model consider interference between the linked devices? Enabled by default. """ # Initialize base classes RadarChannelBase.__init__(self, attenuate, *args, **kwargs) Serializable.__init__(self) # Initialize attributes self.interference = interference self.__targets = set() @property def targets(self) -> Set[RadarTarget]: """Set of targets considered within the radar channel.""" return self.__targets
[docs] def add_target(self, target: RadarTarget) -> None: """Add a new target to the radar channel. Args: target (RadarTarget): Target to be added. """ if target not in self.targets: self.__targets.add(target)
[docs] def make_target( self, moveable: Moveable, cross_section: RadarCrossSectionModel, *args, **kwargs ) -> PhysicalRadarTarget: """Declare a moveable to be a target within the radar channel. Args: moveable (Moveable): Moveable to be declared as a target. cross_section (RadarCrossSectionModel): Radar cross section model of the target. *args: Additional positional arguments passed to the target's constructor. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the target's constructor. Returns: PhysicalRadarTarget: The newly created target. """ target = PhysicalRadarTarget(cross_section, moveable, *args, **kwargs) self.add_target(target) return target
def _realize_interference(self) -> RadarInterferenceRealization | None: """Realize the channel model's line of sight interference. Returns: The realized propagation path. `None` if :attr:`.interference` is disabled or the channel models a monostatic radar. """ return ( RadarInterferenceRealization(self.attenuate, True) if self.alpha_device is not self.beta_device else None ) def _realize(self) -> MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization: if self.alpha_device is None or self.beta_device is None: raise FloatingError("Radar channel's linked devices not specified") # Realize radar channel parameters interference_realization = self._realize_interference() target_realizations = [self._realize_target(target) for target in self.targets] # Realize channel channel_realization = MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization( self.alpha_device, self.beta_device, self.gain, interference_realization, target_realizations, self.interpolation_mode, ) return channel_realization
[docs] def recall_realization(self, group: Group) -> MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization: return MultiTargetRadarChannelRealization.From_HDF( group, self.alpha_device, self.beta_device )