Duplex JCAS Operator

Inheritance diagram of hermespy.jcas.jcas.DuplexJCASOperator, hermespy.jcas.jcas.JCASTransmission, hermespy.jcas.jcas.JCASReception
class DuplexJCASOperator(device=None, waveform=None, selected_transmit_ports=None, selected_receive_ports=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Generic[CWT], RadarBase[JCASTransmission, JCASReception], TransmittingModemBase[CWT], ReceivingModemBase[CWT]

Base class for duplex joint communication and sensing operators.

Duplex joint communication and sensing operators transmit a modulated waveform while simultaneously deriving a radar cube from the received backscattered power.

  • device (Device, optional) – Device this operator operating. Operator is considered floating by default.

  • waveform (CWT, optional) – Communication waveform emitted by this operator.

  • selected_transmit_ports (Sequence[int], optional) – Selected transmit ports of the device.

  • selected_receive_ports (Sequence[int], optional) – Selected receive ports of the device.

property frame_duration: float

Duration of a single sample frame in seconds.

Denoted as \(T_{\mathrm{F}}\) of unit \(\left[ T_{\mathrm{F}} \right] = \mathrm{s}\) in literature.

property receiving_device: Device | None

Receiving device operated by the modem.

None if the device is unspecified.

property sampling_rate: float

The operator’s preferred sampling rate in Hz.

Denoted as \(f_{\mathrm{S}}\) of unit \(\left[ f_{\mathrm{S}} \right] = \mathrm{Hz} = \tfrac{1}{\mathrm{s}}\) in literature.

property transmitting_device: Device | None

Tranmsitting device operated by the modem.

None if the device is unspecified.

class JCASTransmission(transmission)[source]

Bases: CommunicationTransmission, RadarTransmission

Information generated by transmitting over a joint communication and sensing operator.

class JCASReception(communication, radar)[source]

Bases: CommunicationReception, RadarReception

Information generated by receiving over a joint communication and sensing operator.
