Processed Input

Inheritance diagram of hermespy.simulation.simulated_device.ProcessedSimulatedDeviceInput
class ProcessedSimulatedDeviceInput(impinging_signals, leaking_signal, baseband_signal, operator_separation, operator_inputs, noise_realization, trigger_realization)[source]

Bases: SimulatedDeviceReceiveRealization, ProcessedDeviceInput

Information generated by receiving over a simulated device.

  • impinging_signals (Sequence[Sequence[Signal] | Signal]) – Numpy vector containing lists of signals impinging onto the device.

  • leaking_signal (Signal) – Signal leaking from transmit to receive chains.

  • baseband_signal (Signal) – Baseband signal model from which the operator inputs are generated.

  • operator_separation (bool) – Is the operator separation flag enabled?

  • operator_inputs (Sequence[Signal]) – Information cached by the device operators.

  • noise_realization (NoiseRealization) – Realization of the device’s noise model.

  • trigger_realization (TriggerRealization) – Trigger realization modeling the time delay between a drop start and frame start.


ValueError – If operator_separation is enabled and impinging_signals contains sublists longer than one.

property baseband_signal: Signal

Signal model from which operator inputs are generated.

property leaking_signal: Signal | None

Signal leaking from transmit to receive chains.


Model if the leaking signal. None if no leakage was considered.

property operator_separation: bool

Operator separation flag.

Returns: Boolean flag.

property trigger_realization: TriggerRealization

Trigger realization modeling the time delay between a drop start and frame start.