
Inheritance diagram of hermespy.simulation.animation.Trajectory, hermespy.simulation.animation.StaticTrajectory, hermespy.simulation.animation.LinearTrajectory

Movements of devices and other objects within simulations may be described by Trajectories, which model the veloctiy, position and orientation of the object as a function of time. Generally, objects that may be animated within a simulation should inherit from the Moveable class, which exposes the trajectory property. The currently available trajectory types are:

Trajectory Types




A trajectory that does not change over time.


A trajectory that moves in a straight line at a constant velocity.

The following example demonstrates how to assign a linear trajectory to a device within a simulation and plot the scenario:

 1# Create a new simulation featuring two devices
 2simulation = Simulation()
 3device_alpha = simulation.new_device()
 4device_beta = simulation.new_device()
 6# Assign each device a linear trajectory
 7device_alpha.trajectory = LinearTrajectory(
 8    initial_pose=Transformation.From_Translation(np.array([0, 0, 20])),
 9    final_pose=Transformation.From_Translation(np.array([0, 100, 5])),
10    duration=60,
12device_beta.trajectory = LinearTrajectory(
13    initial_pose=Transformation.From_Translation(np.array([100, 100, 0])),
14    final_pose=Transformation.From_Translation(np.array([0, 0, 0])),
15    duration=60,
18# Visualize the trajectories
class Trajectory[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for motion trajectories of moveable objects within simulation scenarios.

abstract sample(timestamp)[source]

Sample the trajectory at a given point in time.


timestamp (float) – Time at which to sample the trajectory in seconds.

Return type:


Returns: A sample of the trajectory.

abstract property max_timestamp: float

Maximum timestamp of the trajectory in seconds.

For times greater than this value the represented object’s pose is assumed to be constant.

class StaticTrajectory(pose=None, velocity=None)[source]

Bases: Serializable, Trajectory

A helper class generating a static trajectory.


Sample the trajectory at a given point in time.


timestamp (float) – Time at which to sample the trajectory in seconds.

Return type:


Returns: A sample of the trajectory.

property max_timestamp: float

Maximum timestamp of the trajectory in seconds.

For times greater than this value the represented object’s pose is assumed to be constant.

property pose: Transformation

Static pose of the object.

property velocity: ndarray

Static velocity of the object.

class LinearTrajectory(initial_pose, final_pose, duration, start=0.0)[source]

Bases: Trajectory

A helper class generating a linear trajectory between two poses.


Sample the trajectory at a given point in time.


timestamp (float) – Time at which to sample the trajectory in seconds.

Return type:


Returns: A sample of the trajectory.

property max_timestamp: float

Maximum timestamp of the trajectory in seconds.

For times greater than this value the represented object’s pose is assumed to be constant.

class Moveable(trajectory)[source]

Bases: object

Base class of moveable objects within simulation scenarios.


trajectory (Trajectory, optional) – Trajectory this object is following. If not provided, the object is assumed to be static.

property max_trajectory_timestamp: float

Maximum timestamp of this object’s motion trajectory.

property trajectory: Trajectory

Motion trajectory this object is following.

class TrajectorySample(timestamp, pose, velocity)[source]

Bases: object

Dataclass for a single pose sample within a trajectory.

  • timestamp (float) – Time at which the trajectory was sampled in seconds.

  • pose (Timestamp) – Pose of the object at the given time.

  • velocity (np.ndarray) – Velocity of the object at the given time.

property pose: Transformation

Pose of the object at the given time.

property timestamp: float

Time at which the trajectory was sampled in seconds.

property velocity: ndarray

Velocity of the object at the given time.