Trigger Realization

Inheritance diagram of hermespy.simulation.simulated_device.TriggerRealization

TriggerRealizations are generated once per SimulatedDrop for each unique TriggerModel and contain information about the synchronized simulated devices’ assumed time offsets.

class TriggerRealization(num_offset_samples, sampling_rate)[source]

Bases: HDFSerializable

Realization of a trigger model.

A trigger realization will contain the offset between a drop start and the waveform frames contained within the drop.

  • num_offset_samples (int) – Number of discrete samples between drop start and frame start

  • sampling_rate (float) – Sampling rate at which the realization was generated in Hz.

  • ValueError – For num_offset_samples smaller than zero.

  • ValueError – For a sampling_rate smaller or equal to zero.


Compute the number of realized offset samples for a custom sampling rate.

The result is rounded to the nearest smaller integer.


sampling_rate (sampling_rate, float) – Sampling rate of intereset in Hz.

Return type:



The number of trigger offset samples.


ValueError – For a sampling_rate smaller or equal to zero.

property num_offset_samples: int

Number of discrete samples between drop start and frame start.

property sampling_rate: float

Sampling rate at which the realization was generated in Hz.

property trigger_delay: float

Time between drop start and frame start in seconds.