Source code for hermespy.precoding.precoding

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Precoding Configuration

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import Optional, overload, List, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, Generic
from fractions import Fraction

from ruamel.yaml import SafeRepresenter, SafeConstructor, Node

from hermespy.core.factory import Serializable

    from hermespy.modem.modem import BaseModem  # pragma: no cover

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs] class Precoder(ABC): """Abstract base class for signal processing algorithms operating on complex data symbols streams. A symbol precoder represents one coding step of a full symbol precoding configuration. It features the `encoding` and `decoding` routines, meant to encode and decode multidimensional symbol streams during transmission and reception, respectively. """ yaml_tag: str __precoding: Optional[Precoding] def __init__(self) -> None: self.__precoding = None @property def precoding(self) -> Precoding | None: """Access the precoding configuration this precoder is attached to. Returns: Handle to the precoding. `None` if the precoder is considered floating. Raises: RuntimeError: If this precoder is currently floating. """ return self.__precoding @precoding.setter def precoding(self, precoding: Precoding) -> None: """Modify the precoding configuration this precoder is attached to. Args: precoding (Precoding): Handle to the precoding configuration. """ self.__precoding = precoding @property @abstractmethod def num_input_streams(self) -> int: """Required number of input symbol streams for encoding / number of resulting output streams after decoding. Returns: int: The number of symbol streams. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def num_output_streams(self) -> int: """Required number of input symbol streams for decoding / number of resulting output streams after encoding. Returns: int: The number of symbol streams. """ ... # pragma: no cover @property def required_num_output_streams(self) -> int: """Number of output streams required by the precoding configuration. Returns: int: Required number of output streams. Raises: RuntimeError: If precoder is not attached to a precoding configuration. """ if self.precoding is None: raise RuntimeError("Error trying to access requirements of a floating precoder") return self.precoding.required_outputs(self) @property def required_num_input_streams(self) -> int: """Number of input streams required by the precoding configuration. Returns: int: Required number of input streams. Raises: RuntimeError: If precoder is not attached to a precoding configuration. """ if self.precoding is None: raise RuntimeError("Error trying to access requirements of a floating precoder") return self.precoding.required_inputs(self) @property def rate(self) -> Fraction: """Rate between input symbol slots and output symbol slots. For example, a rate of one indicates that no symbols are getting added or removed during precoding. Return: Fraction: The precoding rate. """ return Fraction(1, 1)
PrecoderType = TypeVar("PrecoderType", bound=Precoder) """Type of precoder."""
[docs] class Precoding(Sequence, Serializable, Generic[PrecoderType]): """Channel Precoding configuration for wireless transmission of modulated data symbols. Symbol precoding may occur as an intermediate step between bit-mapping and base-band symbol modulations. In order to account for the possibility of multiple antenna data-streams, waveform generators may access the `Precoding` configuration to encode one-dimensional symbol streams into multi-dimensional symbol streams during transmission and subsequently decode during reception. Attributes: __modem (Optional[Modem]): Communication modem (transmitter or receiver) this precoding configuration is attached to. __precoders (List[Precoder]): List of individual precoding steps. The full precoding results from a sequential execution of each precoding step. """ __modem: Optional[BaseModem] __precoders: List[PrecoderType] def __init__(self, modem: BaseModem = None) -> None: """Symbol Precoding object initialization. Args: modem (Modem, Optional): The modem this `Precoding` configuration is attached to. """ self.modem = modem self.__precoders = []
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls: Type[Precoding], representer: SafeRepresenter, node: Precoding) -> Node: """Serialize a `Precoding` configuration to YAML. Args: representer (SafeRepresenter): A handle to a representer used to generate valid YAML code. The representer gets passed down the serialization tree to each node. node (Precoding): The `Precoding` instance to be serialized. Returns: Node: The serialized YAML node. None if the object state is default. """ return representer.represent_sequence(cls.yaml_tag, node.__precoders)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls: Type[Precoding], constructor: SafeConstructor, node: Node) -> Precoding: """Recall a new `Precoding` instance from YAML. Args: constructor (SafeConstructor): A handle to the constructor extracting the YAML information. node (Node): YAML node representing the `Precoding` serialization. Returns: Precoding: Newly created `Precoding` instance. """ state: List[Precoder] = constructor.construct_sequence(node, deep=True) precoding = cls() precoding.__precoders = state for precoder in state: precoder.precoding = precoding return precoding
@property def modem(self) -> Optional[BaseModem]: """Access the modem this Precoding configuration is attached to. Returns: Handle to the modem object. """ return self.__modem @modem.setter def modem(self, modem: BaseModem) -> None: """Modify the modem this Precoding configuration is attached to. Args: modem (Modem): Handle to the modem object. """ # if modem is not None and self.__modem is not modem: # raise RuntimeError("Re-attaching a precoder is not permitted") self.__modem = modem
[docs] def required_outputs(self, precoder: PrecoderType) -> int: """Query the number output streams of a given precoder within a transmitter. Args: precoder (Precoder): Handle to the precoder in question. Returns: int: Number of streams Raises: ValueError: If the precoder is not registered with this configuration. """ if precoder not in self.__precoders: raise ValueError("Precoder not found in Precoding configuration") precoder_index = self.__precoders.index(precoder) if precoder_index >= len(self.__precoders) - 1: if self.modem.transmitting_device is not None: return self.modem.num_transmit_ports else: return self.modem.num_receive_ports return self.__precoders[precoder_index + 1].num_input_streams
[docs] def required_inputs(self, precoder: PrecoderType) -> int: """Query the number input streams of a given precoder within a receiver. Args: precoder (Precoder): Handle to the precoder in question. Returns: int: Number of streams Raises: ValueError: If the precoder is not registered with this configuration. """ if precoder not in self.__precoders: raise ValueError("Precoder not found in Precoding configuration") precoder_index = self.__precoders.index(precoder) if precoder_index <= 0: return 1 return self.__precoders[precoder_index - 1].num_output_streams
@property def rate(self) -> Fraction: """Rate between input symbol slots and output symbol slots. For example, a rate of one indicates that no symbols are getting added or removed during precoding. Return: Fraction: The precoding rate. """ r = Fraction(1, 1) for symbol_precoder in self.__precoders: r *= symbol_precoder.rate return r @property def num_input_streams(self) -> int: """Number of input streams required to perform the precoding. Returns: The number of inputs. """ if len(self.__precoders) < 1: return 1 return self.__precoders[0].num_input_streams @property def num_output_streams(self) -> int: """Number of output streams resulting from the precoding. Returns: Number of outputs """ if len(self.__precoders) < 1: return 1 return self.__precoders[-1].num_output_streams @overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> PrecoderType: ... # pragma: no cover @overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> List[PrecoderType]: ... # pragma: no cover def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> PrecoderType | List[PrecoderType]: """Access a precoder at a given index. Args: index (int | slice): Precoder index. Raises: ValueError: If the given index is out of bounds. """ return self.__precoders[index] def __setitem__(self, index: int, precoder: PrecoderType) -> None: """Register a precoder within the configuration chain. This function automatically register the `Precoding` instance to the `Precoder`. Args: index (int): Position at which to register the precoder. Set to -1 to insert at the beginning of the chain. precoder (Precoder): The precoder object to be added. """ if index < 0: self.__precoders.insert(0, precoder) elif index == len(self.__precoders): self.__precoders.append(precoder) else: self.__precoders[index] = precoder precoder.precoding = self def __len__(self): """Length of the precoding is the number of precoding steps.""" return len(self.__precoders)
[docs] def pop_precoder(self, index: int) -> Precoder: """Remove a precoder from the processing chain. Args: index (int): Index of the precoder to be removed. Returns: Handle to the removed precoder. """ return self.__precoders.pop(index)