Source code for hermespy.simulation.scenario

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations
from time import time
from typing import Sequence, Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from h5py import Group
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D  # type: ignore
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection  # type: ignore

from import (
from hermespy.core import (
from .drop import SimulatedDrop
from .noise import NoiseLevel, NoiseModel
from .simulated_device import (

__author__ = "Jan Adler"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, Barkhausen Institut gGmbH"
__credits__ = ["Jan Adler"]
__license__ = "AGPLv3"
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Adler"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Prototype"

class ScenarioVisualization(Visualization):

    def __init__(
        figure: plt.Figure | None,
        axes: VAT,
        device_frames: list[Line3DCollection],
        device_frame_scale: float,
    ) -> None:

        # Initialize base class
        Visualization.__init__(self, figure, axes)

        # Store class attributes
        self.device_frames = device_frames
        self.device_frame_scale = device_frame_scale

class _ScenarioVisualizer(VisualizableAttribute[ScenarioVisualization]):
    """Visualize the scenario's spatial configuration."""

    __scenario: SimulationScenario

    def __init__(self, scenario: SimulationScenario) -> None:
        self.__scenario = scenario

    def title(self) -> str:
        return "Simulation Scenario"

    def create_figure(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.FigureBase, VAT]:
        return plt.subplots(
            *self._axes_dimensions(**kwargs), squeeze=False, subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"}

    def _prepare_visualization(
        self, figure: plt.Figure | None, axes: VAT, **kwargs
    ) -> ScenarioVisualization:

        _ax: Axes3D = axes[0, 0]

        # Plot the trajectories of all devices
        trajectories = [d.trajectory for d in self.__scenario.devices]
        max_time = max([t.max_timestamp for t in trajectories])

        t = np.linspace(0, max_time, 101, endpoint=True)
        color_cycle = self._get_color_cycle()
        x_limits = (0.0, 0.0)
        y_limits = (0.0, 0.0)
        z_limits = (0.0, 0.0)
        for d, trajectory in enumerate(trajectories):

            # Compile the trajectory samples to be visualized
            positions = np.array([trajectory.sample(time).pose.translation for time in t])

            # Update the limits of the plot
            min_points = np.min(positions, axis=0)
            max_points = np.max(positions, axis=0)
            x_limits = min(x_limits[0], min_points[0]), max(x_limits[1], max_points[0])
            y_limits = min(y_limits[0], min_points[1]), max(y_limits[1], max_points[1])
            z_limits = min(z_limits[0], min_points[2]), max(z_limits[1], max_points[2])

            linewidth = min(5, max(1.0, 0.5 * (max(max_points) - min(min_points))))
                positions[:, 0],
                positions[:, 1],
                positions[:, 2],
                label=f"Device {d}",

        # Set the appropriate limits for the plot
        minimal_limit = min(x_limits[0], y_limits[0], z_limits[0])
        maximal_limit = max(x_limits[1], y_limits[1], z_limits[1])
        _ax.set_xlim3d(minimal_limit, maximal_limit)
        _ax.set_ylim3d(minimal_limit, maximal_limit)
        _ax.set_zlim3d(minimal_limit, maximal_limit)
        device_frame_scale = 0.1 * (maximal_limit - minimal_limit)

        device_frames: list[Line3DCollection] = []
        for _ in self.__scenario.devices:

            # Draw wire coordinate frames
            frame_collection = Line3DCollection(
                        np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64),
                        np.array([device_frame_scale, 0, 0], dtype=np.float64),
                        np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64),
                        np.array([0, device_frame_scale, 0], dtype=np.float64),
                        np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64),
                        np.array([0, 0, device_frame_scale], dtype=np.float64),
                colors=["r", "g", "b"],

        _ax.set_xlabel("X [m]")
        _ax.set_ylabel("Y [m]")
        _ax.set_zlabel("Z [m]")
        for axis in [_ax.xaxis, _ax.yaxis, _ax.zaxis]:
            axis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))

        return ScenarioVisualization(figure, axes, device_frames, device_frame_scale)

    def _update_visualization(
        self, visualization: ScenarioVisualization, time: float = 0.0, **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        # Update the device frames according to the device poses at the given time
        s = visualization.device_frame_scale
        for device, frame in zip(self.__scenario.devices, visualization.device_frames):
            pose = device.trajectory.sample(time).pose
            line_vectors = pose @ np.array([[s, 0, 0], [0, s, 0], [0, 0, s], [1, 1, 1]])
                    [pose[:3, 3], line_vectors[:3, 0]],
                    [pose[:3, 3], line_vectors[:3, 1]],
                    [pose[:3, 3], line_vectors[:3, 2]],

[docs] class SimulationScenario(Scenario[SimulatedDevice, SimulatedDeviceState, SimulatedDrop]): """Description of a physical layer wireless communication scenario.""" yaml_tag = "SimulationScenario" __default_channel: Channel # Initial channel to be assumed for device links __channels: list[Channel] # Set of unique channel model instances __links: dict[frozenset[SimulatedDevice], Channel] __noise_level: NoiseLevel | None # Global noise level of the scenario __noise_model: NoiseModel | None # Global noise model of the scenario def __init__( self, default_channel: Channel | None = None, noise_level: NoiseLevel | None = None, noise_model: NoiseModel | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Args: default_channel (Channel, optional): Default channel model to be assumed for all device links. If not specified, the `default_channel` is set to an ideal distortionless channel model. noise_level (NoiseLevel, optional): Global noise level of the scenario assumed for all devices. If not specified, the noise configuration is device-specific. noise_model (NoiseModel, optional): Global noise model of the scenario assumed for all devices. If not specified, the noise configuration is device-specific. """ # Prepare channel matrices for device links self.__default_channel = default_channel if default_channel is not None else IdealChannel() self.__channels = [self.__default_channel] self.__links = dict() # Initialize base class Scenario.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Initialize class attributes self.noise_level = noise_level # type: ignore[operator] self.noise_model = noise_model # type: ignore[operator] self.__visualizer = _ScenarioVisualizer(self)
[docs] def new_device(self, *args, **kwargs) -> SimulatedDevice: """Add a new device to the simulation scenario. Returns: SimulatedDevice: Newly added simulated device. """ device = SimulatedDevice(*args, **kwargs) self.add_device(device) return device
[docs] def add_device(self, device: SimulatedDevice) -> None: # Add the device to the scenario Scenario.add_device(self, device) device.scenario = self
@property def channels(self) -> list[Channel]: """Unique channel model instances interconnecting devices within this scenario.""" return self.__channels
[docs] def channel(self, alpha_device: SimulatedDevice, beta_device: SimulatedDevice) -> Channel: """Access a specific channel between two devices. Args: alpha_device (SimulatedDevice): First device linked by the requested channel. beta_device (SimulatedDevice): Second device linked by the requested channel. Returns: Channel: Channel between `transmitter` and `receiver`. Raises: ValueError: Should `alpha_device` or `beta_device` not be registered with this scenario. """ if alpha_device not in self.devices: raise ValueError("Provided alpha device is not registered with this scenario") if beta_device not in self.devices: raise ValueError("Provided beta device is not registered with this scenario") return self.__links.get(frozenset((alpha_device, beta_device)), self.__default_channel)
[docs] def device_channels(self, device: SimulatedDevice, active_only: bool = False) -> set[Channel]: """Collect all channels to which a specific device is linked. Args: device (SimulatedDevice): The device in question. active_only (bool, optional): Consider only active channels. A channel is considered active if its gain is greater than zero. Disabled by default, so all channels are considered. Returns: A set of unique channel instances. Raises: ValueError: Should `device` is not registered within this scenario. """ if device not in self.devices: raise ValueError("Provided device is not registered with this scenario") device_channels: set[Channel] = set() link_entries = 0 for linked_devices, channel in self.__links.items(): if device in linked_devices: if not active_only or channel.gain > 0: device_channels.add(channel) link_entries += 1 # Append the default channel if required if link_entries < self.num_devices: device_channels.add(self.__default_channel) return device_channels
[docs] def set_channel( self, alpha_device: SimulatedDevice, beta_device: SimulatedDevice, channel: Channel ) -> None: """Specify a channel within the channel matrix. Args: alpha_device (SimulatedDevice): First device to be linked by `channel`. beta_device (SimulatedDevice): Second device to be linked by `channel`. channel (Channel): The channel instance to link `alpha_device` and `beta_device`. Raises: ValueError: If `alpha_device` or `beta_device` are not registered with this scenario. """ if alpha_device not in self.devices: raise ValueError("Alpha device is not registered with this scenario") if beta_device not in self.devices: raise ValueError("Beta device is not registered with this scenario") # Update the link link_key = frozenset((alpha_device, beta_device)) old_channel = self.__links.get(link_key, None) self.__links[frozenset((alpha_device, beta_device))] = channel # Remove the old channel from the set of device channels and unique channel instances # if it is not linked to any other device if old_channel is not None: if old_channel not in self.__links.values(): self.__channels.remove(old_channel) # Update the set of unique channel instances if channel not in self.__channels: self.__channels.append(channel) channel.scenario = self
[docs] def realize_channels(self) -> Sequence[ChannelRealization]: """Realize all channel instances within the scenario. Returns: A sequence of channel realizations. """ return [channel.realize() for channel in self.channels]
@register(first_impact="receive_devices", title="Scenario Noise Level") # type: ignore[misc] @property def noise_level(self) -> NoiseLevel | None: """Global noise level of the scenario. If not set, i.e. `None`, the noise level is device-specific. """ return self.__noise_level @noise_level.setter def noise_level(self, value: NoiseLevel | None) -> None: self.__noise_level = value @register(first_impact="receive_devices", title="Noise Model") # type: ignore[misc] @property def noise_model(self) -> NoiseModel | None: """Global noise model of the scenario. If not set, i.e. `None`, the noise model is device-specific. """ return self.__noise_model @noise_model.setter def noise_model(self, value: NoiseModel | None) -> None: self.__noise_model = value if value is not None: self.__noise_model.random_mother = self
[docs] def realize_triggers( self, devices: Sequence[SimulatedDevice] | None = None ) -> Sequence[TriggerRealization]: """Realize the trigger models of all registered devices. Devices sharing trigger models will be triggered simulatenously. Args: devices (Sequence[SimulatedDevice], optional): The devices for which to realize the trigger models. If not specified, all registered devices are considered. Returns: A sequence of trigger model realizations. """ _devices = self.devices if devices is None else devices # Collect unique triggers triggers: list[TriggerModel] = [] unique_realizations: list[TriggerRealization] = [] device_realizations: list[TriggerRealization] = [] for device in _devices: device_realization: TriggerRealization if device.trigger_model not in triggers: device_realization = device.trigger_model.realize(self._rng) triggers.append(device.trigger_model) unique_realizations.append(device_realization) else: device_realization = unique_realizations[triggers.index(device.trigger_model)] device_realizations.append(device_realization) return device_realizations
[docs] def generate_outputs( self, transmissions: Sequence[Sequence[Transmission]], states: Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState | None] | None = None, trigger_realizations: Sequence[TriggerRealization] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[SimulatedDeviceOutput]: """Generate signals emitted by devices. Args: transmissions (Sequence[Sequence[Transmission]]): Results of all transmitting DSP algorithms. states (Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState | None], optional): States of the transmitting devices. If not specified, the current device states will be queried by calling :meth:`Device.state`. trigger_realizations (Sequence[TriggerRealization], optional): Realizations of the device's trigger models. Returns: List of device outputs. """ _states = [None] * self.num_devices if states is None else states if len(transmissions) != self.num_devices: raise ValueError( f"Number of device transmissions ({len(transmissions)}) does not match number of registered devices ({self.num_devices}" ) _trigger_realizations = ( self.realize_triggers() if trigger_realizations is None else trigger_realizations ) if len(_trigger_realizations) != self.num_devices: raise ValueError( f"Number of trigger realizations ({len(_trigger_realizations)}) does not match number of registered devices ({self.num_devices}" ) outputs = [ d.generate_output(t, s, True, tr) for d, t, s, tr in zip(self.devices, transmissions, _states, _trigger_realizations) ] return outputs
[docs] def transmit_devices( self, states: Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState | None] | None = None, notify: bool = True, trigger_realizations: Sequence[TriggerRealization] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[SimulatedDeviceTransmission]: """Generated information transmitted by all registered devices. Args: states (Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState | None], optional): States of the transmitting devices. If not specified, the current device states will be queried by calling :meth:`Device.state`. notify (bool, optional): Notify the transmit DSP layer's callbacks about the transmission results. Enabled by default. trigger_realizations (Sequence[TriggerRealization], optional): Realizations of the device's trigger models. If not spcified, new trigger realizations will be generated from all devices. Returns: List of generated information transmitted by each device. """ _states = [None] * self.num_devices if states is None else states # Realize triggers _trigger_realizations = ( self.realize_triggers() if trigger_realizations is None else trigger_realizations ) # Transmit devices transmissions: list[SimulatedDeviceTransmission] = [ d.transmit(s, notify, t) for d, s, t in zip(self.devices, _states, _trigger_realizations) ] return transmissions
[docs] def propagate( self, transmissions: Sequence[DeviceOutput], device_states: Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState] | None = None, channel_realizations: Sequence[ChannelRealization] | None = None, interpolation_mode: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NEAREST, ) -> Tuple[list[list[Signal]], Sequence[ChannelRealization]]: """Propagate device transmissions over the scenario's channel instances. Args: transmissions (Sequence[DeviceOutput]) Sequence of device transmissisons. device_states (Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState], optional): Sequence of device states at the time of signal propagation. If not specified, the device states are assumed to be at the initial state. channel_realizations (Sequence[ChannelRealization], optional): Sequence of channel realizations representing the scenario's channel random states. interpolation_mode (InterpolationMode, optional): Interpolation mode for the channel samples. Defaults to `InterpolationMode.NEAREST`. Returns: - Matrix of signal propagations between devices. - list of lists of unique channel realizations linking the devices. Raises: ValueError: If the length of `transmissions` does not match the number of registered devices. """ if len(transmissions) != self.num_devices: raise ValueError( f"Number of transmit signals ({len(transmissions)}) does not match " f"the number of registered devices ({self.num_devices})" ) # Initialize the propagated signals propagation_matrix = np.empty((self.num_devices, self.num_devices), dtype=np.object_) # Realize all channel instances _device_states = ( device_states if device_states is not None else [d.state(0.0) for d in self.devices] ) _channel_realizations = ( channel_realizations if channel_realizations is not None else self.realize_channels() ) # Propagate signals over all linking channels for device_alpha_idx, (alpha_device, alpha_state) in enumerate( zip(self.devices, _device_states) ): for device_beta_idx, (beta_device, beta_state) in enumerate( zip(self.devices[: 1 + device_alpha_idx], _device_states[: 1 + device_alpha_idx]) ): # Find the correct channel realization for the propagation between device alpha and device beta linking_channel =, beta_device) channel_realization = _channel_realizations[self.__channels.index(linking_channel)] # Sample the channel realization for a propagation from device alpha to device beta alpha_beta_sample: ChannelSample = channel_realization.sample( alpha_state, beta_state ) # Propagate signal emitted from device alpha to device beta over the linking channel propagation_matrix[device_beta_idx, device_alpha_idx] = alpha_beta_sample.propagate( transmissions[device_alpha_idx], interpolation_mode ) # Abort if we're on the self-interference diagonal to avoid redundant calculations if device_alpha_idx == device_beta_idx: continue # Sample the reciprocal channel realization for a propagation from device beta to device alpha beta_alpha_sample: ChannelSample = channel_realization.reciprocal_sample( alpha_beta_sample, beta_state, alpha_state ) # Propagate signal emitted from device beta to device alpha over the linking channel propagation_matrix[device_alpha_idx, device_beta_idx] = beta_alpha_sample.propagate( transmissions[device_beta_idx], interpolation_mode ) return propagation_matrix.tolist(), _channel_realizations
[docs] def process_inputs( self, impinging_signals: Sequence[DeviceInput] | Sequence[Signal] | Sequence[Sequence[Signal]], states: Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState | None] | None = None, trigger_realizations: Sequence[TriggerRealization] | None = None, leaking_signals: Sequence[Signal] | Sequence[Sequence[Signal]] | None = None, ) -> list[ProcessedSimulatedDeviceInput]: """Process input signals impinging onto the scenario's devices. Args: impinging_signals (Sequence[DeviceInput | Signal | Sequence[Signal]] | Sequence[Sequence[Signal]]): list of signals impinging onto the devices. states (Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState], optional): Sequence of simulated device states at the time of signal impingement. If not specified, the device states are assumed to be at the initial state. trigger_realizations (Sequence[TriggerRealization], optional): Sequence of trigger realizations. If not specified, ideal triggerings are assumed for all devices. leaking_signals (Sequence[Signal] | Sequence[Sequence[Signal]], optional): Signals leaking from transmit to receive chains within the individual devices. If not specified, no leakage is assumed. Returns: list of the processed device input information. Raises: ValueError: If the number of `impinging_signals` does not match the number of registered devices. """ _states = [d.state(0.0) for d in self.devices] if states is None else states if trigger_realizations is None: # ToDo: Currently trigger realizations are not shared when directly running process_inputs trigger_realizations = [ TriggerRealization(0, device.sampling_rate) for device in self.devices ] if len(impinging_signals) != self.num_devices: raise ValueError( f"Number of impinging signals ({len(impinging_signals)}) does not match the number if registered devices ({self.num_devices}) within this scenario" ) if len(trigger_realizations) != self.num_devices: raise ValueError( f"Number of trigger realizations ({len(trigger_realizations)}) does not match the number if registered devices ({self.num_devices}) within this scenario" ) _leaking_signals = [None] * self.num_devices if leaking_signals is None else leaking_signals if len(_leaking_signals) != self.num_devices: raise ValueError( f"Number of leaking signals ({len(_leaking_signals)}) does not match the number if registered devices ({self.num_devices}) within this scenario" ) # Call the process input method for each device processed_inputs = [d.process_input(i, s, t, self.noise_level, self.noise_model, l) for d, i, s, t, l in zip(self.devices, impinging_signals, _states, trigger_realizations, _leaking_signals)] # type: ignore return processed_inputs
[docs] def receive_devices( self, impinging_signals: Sequence[DeviceInput] | Sequence[Signal] | Sequence[Sequence[Signal]], states: Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState | None] | None = None, notify: bool = True, trigger_realizations: Sequence[TriggerRealization] | None = None, leaking_signals: Sequence[Signal] | Sequence[Sequence[Signal]] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[SimulatedDeviceReception]: """Receive over all simulated scenario devices. Internally calls :meth:`SimulationScenario.process_inputs` and :meth:`Scenario.receive_operators`. Args: impinging_signals (list[Union[DeviceInput, Signal, Iterable[Signal]]]): List of signals impinging onto the devices. states (Sequence[SimulatedDeviceState | None], optional): Sequence of simulated device states at the time of signal impingement. If not specified, the device states are assumed to be at the initial state. notify (bool, optional): Notify the receiving DSP layer's callbacks about the reception results. Enabled by default. trigger_realizations (Sequence[TriggerRealization], optional): Sequence of trigger realizations. If not specified, ideal triggerings are assumed for all devices. leaking_signals (Sequence[Signal] | Sequence[Sequence[Signal]], optional): Signals leaking from transmit to receive chains within the individual devices. If not specified, no leakage is assumed. Returns: list of the processed device input information. Raises: ValueError: If the number of `impinging_signals` does not match the number of registered devices. """ _states = [d.state(0.0) for d in self.devices] if states is None else states # Generate inputs processed_inputs = self.process_inputs( impinging_signals, _states, trigger_realizations, leaking_signals ) # Generate operator receptions operator_receptions = self.receive_operators( [i.operator_inputs for i in processed_inputs], _states, notify ) # Generate device receptions device_receptions = [SimulatedDeviceReception.From_ProcessedSimulatedDeviceInput(i, r) for i, r in zip(processed_inputs, operator_receptions)] # type: ignore return device_receptions
def _drop(self) -> SimulatedDrop: # Generate drop timestamp drop_timestamp = time() # Query all device states simulation_timestamp = 0.0 states = [d.state(simulation_timestamp) for d in self.devices] # Generate device transmissions device_transmissions = self.transmit_devices(states) # Simulate channel propagation channel_propagations, channel_realizations = self.propagate(device_transmissions, states) # Process receptions trigger_realizations = [t.trigger_realization for t in device_transmissions] leaking_signals = [t.leaking_signals for t in device_transmissions] device_receptions = self.receive_devices( channel_propagations, states, True, trigger_realizations, leaking_signals ) # Return finished drop return SimulatedDrop( drop_timestamp, device_transmissions, channel_realizations, device_receptions ) def _recall_drop(self, group: Group) -> SimulatedDrop: return SimulatedDrop.from_HDF(group, self.devices, self.channels) @property def visualize(self) -> _ScenarioVisualizer: return self.__visualizer